How Many Maps Are in Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War Zombies?

As a passionate zombie mode fanatic who has poured countless hours into every Treyarch zombies experience since World at War, I can definitively say there are 3 round-based zombie maps in Black Ops Cold War – the heart and soul of any Call of Duty zombies experience.

The Round-Based Maps: Epic Arenas Against the Dark Aether

Here are quick overviews of the central gameplay elements, features, quests and narrative background behind each map:

Die Maschine

Set in a crumbling Nazi research facility and secret underground lab, Die Maschine has everything that makes classic Treyarch zombies so replayable:

  • Pack-a-Punch machine
  • Crafting table for building equipment
  • Teleporters for fast travel
  • Legendary Wonder Weapon quest (CRBR-S)
  • Main Easter Egg quest
  • Dark Aether story setup with returning Primis crew

Die Maschine is the perfect blend of simple survival map balanced with deep quests into the new Dark Aether story.

Firebase Z

The flaming jungles and installations of Vietnam host this medium-sized map focused on surviving the undead outbreak threatening a key Requiem base.

  • New enemies like the Mimics keep you on your toes
  • Objective-based Dragon Relic/R Ronald Raygun quests
  • Easter Egg continues Dark Aether/Omega Group narrative
  • Packed with secrets like the lethal Frenzied Guard armor

Firebase Z cranks up the difficulty while advancing the ties to Black Ops lore.

Mauer der Toten

The dark streets, subway tunnels and buildings of war-torn Berlin sets the stage for Mauer der Toten’s intense survival combat.

  • Menacing new boss zombie – The Tormentor
  • Innovative new Wonder Weapon – the Chrysalax
  • Most complex Easter Egg quest yet into the Dark Aether story
  • Packed with challenging objectives like capturing Tempests

Mauer der Toten is the culmination of the round-based Cold War Zombies experience.

Cold War Zombies DLC That Could Have Been

While no new round-based maps have been confirmed past Mauer der Toten, many in the community including myself speculated on possible DLC plans that we’ll now sadly never see come to light in Cold War…

An Arctic naval map dealing with the aftermath of the Forsaken’s destruction teased at the end of Mauer der Toten’s Easter Egg seems like an obvious choice. Or possibly a Pines return from Blackout finally getting a long-requested zombies adaptation.

My personal most hoped for map would have been a return to a fan-favorite like Call of the Dead or Mob of the Dead with updated Cold War mechanics and quests advancing the Dark Aether story. But alas, it appears those dreams are dashed.

Outbreak: Massive Zombie Warfare Across Multiplayer Maps

While not a distinct round-based experience, Outbreak does let players experience terrifying undead combat across seven huge region playspaces encompassing classic 6v6 maps:

Outbreak Regions

  • Alpine
  • Golova
  • Ruka
  • Sanatorium
  • Duga
  • Zoo
  • Armada

Gameplay is objective-based, sending teams across the sprawling maps to activate devices, transport DEMStroyer cores, defeat fearsome Orda bosses and more while fending off the limitless zombie swarms.

It scratches a different itch than round-based maps but is a fresh take on zombie co-op fun.

Map Comparison Table

Here’s a quick-glance visual data table looking at some key details across the round-based experiences:

MapNew EnemiesWonder WeaponsEaster Egg
Die MaschineMegaton (boss)CRBR-SYes
Firebase ZMimicsRAI-K 84Yes
Mauer der TotenTormentor (boss)ChrysalaxYes

While every zombies fanatic has their own preferences, having playing each to round 100+, here is how I would rank the experiences from a gameplay perspective:

  1. Mauer der Toten – Most ambitious, complex and rewarding Easter Egg quest with fun intimidating boss.
  2. Firebase Z – Creative objectives and enemies with a solid Wonder Weapon reward.
  3. Die Maschine – Classic survival balanced with a stellar intro to Dark Aether.

Regardless of personal rankings though, all three deliver memorable chapters into the ever-evolving Treyarch Zombies saga complete with badass Wonder Weapons, complex quests and menacing new enemies from beyond dimensions.

So for those keeping tally – 3 fully-realized round-based maps with 7 additional Outbreak region playspaces totals to 10 total zombie experiences across Black Ops Cold War…and counting?

While official new content might have dried up, I still hold out hope for some surprise DLC maps or even the long-rumored Zombies Chronicles 2! Until then, I will be continuing my endless fight against the zombie horde on these classic maps both day and dead of night!

As always my undead-hunting friends, thanks for joining me in this latest deep dive analysis – don‘t forget to destroy that like & subscribe button! Stay deadly out there slayers.

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