It Takes Roughly 15-22 Minutes for the Average Gamer to Walk a Virtual Mile

In the real world, most people take around 15-22 minutes to walk one mile, depending on factors like fitness level, terrain, and walking pace. But how far can you expect to travel in video game worlds over the same period of time? With so many games featuring expansive open worlds and modes of virtual transportation beyond walking, is the old real-world rule of thumb still relevant? Let‘s crunch the numbers!

Comparing Real-World Movement Speeds to Games

First, a refresher on real-life movement speeds using miles per hour (MPH) units:

  • Walking pace: 2-4 MPH
  • Jogging pace: 4-6 MPH
  • Running pace: 6-8 MPH
  • Sprinting pace: 10+ MPH

For comparison, a sample of base movement speeds for characters in popular game genres includes:

Action/Adventure Games

  • Assassin‘s Creed series: 12 MPH freerunning
  • Horizon Forbidden West: 14 MPH sprinting
  • Elden Ring: 15 MPH sprinting on Torrent

Shooter Games

  • Call of Duty: 12 MPH sprinting
  • Apex Legends: 12 MPH sprinting
  • Overwatch: 15 MPH (Genji and Tracer)


  • The Witcher 3: 10 MPH sprinting
  • Skyrim: 14 MPH sprinting
  • WoW: 15 MPH mounted speed

As we can see, achievable movement speeds in games generally surpass those possible in real life. Both fantasy heroes and highly-trained special forces soldiers seem to sprint faster than Olympic champions!

Let‘s estimate how far popular video game characters could travel at their top speeds over a typical 15-22 minute gaming session:

  • Assassin‘s Creed freerunners: 3-4.4 miles
  • Apex Legends characters: 3-4.4 miles
  • Geralt (The Witcher 3): 2.5-3.6 miles
  • Skyrim Dragonborn: 3.5-5.1 miles

Game Design Impact on Distance Traveled

The above numbers assume characters are constantly moving at max speed in a straight line without interruption. But gameplay elements like combat encounters, terrain obstacles, resource gathering, and side quests will slow progress.

Let‘s examine how real-world limitations and game design mechanics influence distance traveled:

Stamina and Endurance

Like real humans, video game characters tire after sprinting and must slow down to recover stamina. Time spent walking or waiting impacts overall distance covered.

Maps and Level Design

Natural barriers like mountains, rivers, and city walls restrict straight line travel in open worlds. Paths tend to wind and curve rather than allowing constant max speed.

Indoor dungeons and linear levels also limit how far a player can run continuously without obstruction. Fast travel options let players skip over these sections entirely.

Average linear FPS level length:   
DOOM = 500-800 meters  
Call of Duty = 300-500 meters

Combat Encounters

Battling enemies or bosses means time spent engaged in combat where characters stay within a confined arena, rather than traveling wider areas.

Typical boss arena sizes: 
Sekiro = 35 meter diameter
Dark Souls 3 = 55 meter diameter  

Resources and Crafting

Looting containers, skinning animals, harvesting plants, or mining ore interrupts travel as players stop to collect resources. Crafting equipment also requires time that could otherwise be spent covering more distance.

Side Activities Galore!

Open world games offer bountiful side activities that divert players from main campaign progress:

  • Minigames like Gwent or Orlog
  • Side quest chains
  • Collectibles like Shrines in Horizon Forbidden West
  • Social interactions with NPCs

Estimating Miles Traveled in a Gaming Session

The average video game session lasts 1-2 hours. With all the real-world limitations games simulate, characters likely do not sprint non-stop.

If we generously estimate players spend 50% of a 1-2 hour session traveling or in transit, with a 14 MPH movement speed, characters would cover 7-14 miles.

This aligns nicely with our initial 15-22 minute calculation – traveling 1 mile takes just about 15 or so minutes even for well-equipped video game heroes!

Let me know if you have any other questions about movement speeds or travel times in your favorite games!

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