How Many Ninja Monkeys Do You Need For a Max Paragon?

As a passionate BTD6 gamer and content creator, I am constantly experimenting to push the limits of what the Ascended Shadow paragon can achieve. After countless hours of play, I‘ve compiled comprehensive research on exactly how many Ninja monkeys you need to unlock its full devastating power for both single player and co-op.

Maxing Out Single Player Paragon

Reaching Degree 76 is currently the maximum possible paragon level in solo play before totem assistance, requiring an immense 16.2 million collective pops from all sacrificed Ninja towers.

This typically involves sacrificing:

  • All 3 Tier 5 Ninja monkey upgrades (Grandmaster Ninja, Master Bomber, Grand Saboteur)
  • 1-2 Level 20 Grandmaster Ninjas
  • 6-8 assorted Tier 4 Ninjas like Bloonjitsu and Ninja Discipline

I‘ve found placing Ninjas so their range overlaps maximizes pop numbers. Focus them on straight lines of track to feed as many bloons into their rapid throwing stars as possible!

Once you amass around 18 million pops and have totems to spare, spending 30-35 totems can push to the absolute max degree obtainable solo, Degree 79.

In summary:

Sacrifice 3 Tier 5 Ninjas + Level 20 Grandmaster Ninjas + High Degree T4 Ninjas

Collect ~16-18 million pops

Use 30-35 totems to hit Degree 79 cap

Reaching Degree 100 in Co-op Mode

Unleashing the Ninja paragon‘s complete power requires the coordination of 4 players in co-op, each sacrificing all their Ninja towers to fuel the Degree 100 ascendance!

Each player should provide:

  • All 3 T5 Ninja upgrades
  • As many pops/degrees as possible from ALL teir Ninja monkeys
  • Level 20 Grandmaster Ninjas are especially effective
  • 45-50 TOTEM uses to supplement degree progression

Working cooperatively, you can amass over 60 million collective pops! This raw degree pushing fuels the tremendous power needed to dominate late game rounds.

Make sure to coordinate tower placements to avoid wasting precious Ninja space. Call out totem usages to sync degree push timings. Stay frosty my friends, and the bads will melt before your eyes from the might of 4x Ascended Shadow fury!

The journey requires immense dedication, but harnessing the complete force of this paragon in co-op play is an unparalleled rush!

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