How Many Pages is 100,000 Words?

As an avid gamer and content creator, I’ve always wondered what exactly goes into writing those epic 400+ page gaming novels. After doing some digging, I uncovered fascinating stats on gaming novel length, writing timeframes, publishing odds, and earning potential for new authors.

If you’ve ever dreamed of publishing the next great RPG or sci-fi gaming novel, here’s everything you need to know about crafting a 100K word book:

The Standard Gaming Novel Length

First, what actually counts as a complete novel? Here are typical word counts across gaming fiction genres:

Fiction GenreAverage Word Count
Young Adult Fantasy50,000 – 79,999 words
Sword & Sorcery Fantasy80,000 – 114,999 words
Science Fiction90,000 – 149,999 words
Epic FantasyOver 150,000 words

As you can see, fantasy and sci-fi novels tend to run longer, with many bestselling series going over 100K words. For example, Brandon Sanderson‘s mega-popular Stormlight Archive books are around 400K words each!

Only About 2% of Aspiring Authors Publish Their Novels

Here’s a sobering stat: Out of 100 aspiring authors that set out to write a book, only around 2 will get traditionally published. The rest may self-publish or never complete their manuscripts.

To beat the odds as a gaming fiction writer, you need commitment, top-tier writing skills, and luck securing the right literary agent.

How Long Does It Take to Write 100K Words?

From personal experience, writing an entire novel is a massive time commitment.

Based on writing 500 words per day – about 1-2 hours for most – completing a 100,000 word gaming novel will take around 6 months if you remain consistent.

However, with planning, revisions, finding beta readers, hiring editors, etc. the whole process realistically takes 9-12 months.

Writing vs. Editing – Where Does the Time Go?

Check out this rough time estimate for tackling a 100K novel:

  • Drafting – 50% (3-6 months)
  • First edit pass – 20% (1-3 months)
  • Beta reader feedback – 5% (1 month)
  • Second edits – 15% (1-2 months)
  • Final proofread – 10% (1 month)

As you can see, editing makes up a huge chunk! Many new authors don’t realize just how crucial the revision process is to crafting a publishable book.

Self-Publishing vs. Traditionally Publishing Gaming Books

Once you‘ve got your polished 100K word manuscript locked and loaded, it‘s decision time. You essentially have two routes to getting published:

Self-PublishingTraditional Publishing
  • Faster process
  • Higher royalty rate
  • Less visibility/marketing
  • Extensive agent process
  • Advance & marketing support
  • Low royalty percentage

Both paths have pros and cons for gaming novelists. Self-publishing means less hassle getting published quickly, but also less credibility. The good news is you keep way more royalties per book sold.

However, I’d argue traditional publishing still offers the most prestige and marketing reach for new gaming authors, albeit with lower earnings per book. But if snagging an advance from one of the “Big Five” publishers motivates you, it’s likely worth the extra effort of pitching to agents.

Realistic Earnings Potential for a First-Time Gaming Novelist

Let’s crunch the numbers on potential income for new traditionally published gaming novelists:

  • Average Advance: $5,000-$15,000
  • Royalty Rate: 8-15% of list price
  • List Price: Typically $15-$25 for paperback
  • Copies Sold: 500-5,000 is considered good for debut

Crunching this, if your 100K word cyberpunk novel scored a $10K advance and sold 2,000 copies at $20 list price with a 10% royalty, you’d earn around $18,000 total.

Of course, bestselling authors make way more. But for most first-timers, $15-25K total earnings is realistic. Just don’t expect to quit your day job yet!

Key Takeaways: Writing & Publishing a 100K Word Gaming Novel

If creating the definitive epic sci-fi gaming series is your dream, here are the key insights to guide your journey:

  • Shoot for 100K+ words to meet genre conventions
  • Give yourself at least 9 months for writing & extensive editing
  • Understand the publishing odds are very low
  • Expect modest earnings until you build readership
  • Commit to finishing your manuscript no matter what!

It’s a long, tough road filled with levels more frustrating than Battletoads. But passing that final chapter boss and holding your published novel can be the most rewarding gaming achievement ever!

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