How Many Trainers to Beat the Toughest Tier 5 Raids in 2024

As an avid Pokémon Go raider since launch, I‘ve defeated hundreds of legendary Tier 5 bosses. But every new release seems to ratchet up the difficulty, demanding more specialized counters and greater numbers to win. Based on the last few brutal batches, I advise 4-5 level 40 players as the sweet spot for tackling today‘s toughest Tier 5s.

Sure, you might luck out with a weather-boosted trio. But why leave things to chance when each hard-earned raid pass gets you only one shot? As community leaders plan upcoming raid trains, it helps to set proper expectations on team sizes for smooth sailing.

Not All Teams Are Created Equal

Simply counting heads can lead to trouble if your squad rolls up with subpar counters. Taking down a beefy tank like Registeel is vastly different than a glass cannon like Normal Forme Deoxys. Let‘s break down what comprises an effective raiding team.

  • Levels 30+ With Solid Counters: This baseline gets you in the game with a chance depending on boss movesets. But you‘ll need more bodies.
  • Levels 35+ With Great Counters: Now we‘re cooking! Multiple teams of proper counters make you a strong asset.
  • Levels 40-50 With Optimal Counters: If at least half your crew meets this gold standard, even shorthanded raids can prevail.

But first, what are "good" and "great" counters? And what separates the truly optimal Pokemon and movesets? Let me explain…

Not All Counters Are Created Equal

Newer players often ask me: "What are the best counters for the current Tier 5 boss?" As veterans know, there‘s no one-size-fits-all answer; every raid demands its own tailored roster.

Before each wave, I run battle simulations to determine the top performers against upcoming movesets and weather conditions. Different counter combinations excel depending on shields usage, dodging skill, re-lobby costs, and other variables.

As an example, let‘s examine the notorious Regirock lineup and why it walled so many unprepared teams:

Raid Boss MovesetTop CounterDPS / TDO
Lock-On + Stone EdgeMega Aerodactyl18.633 / 575
Lock-On + Focus BlastMega Houndoom19.553 / 437
Lock-On + Zap CannonMega Manectric19.515 / 411

As you can see, the same species wielding different charge moves suddenly shifts the top counter due to type advantages and resistances. This volatility keeps raiders on their toes!

Now let‘s compare Mega Gengar, always a fan favorite counter pick…

MovesetCounterDPS / TDO
Stone EdgeMega Gengar17.326 / 340
Focus BlastMega Gengar18.248 / 324

Despite its massive attack stat, Gengar‘s glassy bulk sees it trail the top options due to much lower overall damage output. Running the numbers shows how vital resistances become against devastating charge moves like Stone Edge.

Let‘s explore more case studies of challenging Tier 5s…

Duos and Trios – Primed To Succeed

While quartets should safely conquer today‘s Tier 5s, I enjoy the thrill of undermanning with just 2-3 optimal raiders. Toppling a legendary with a slim squad requires diligent prep – so let‘s break down duo and trio composition strategies.

For Duos: Level 50 or perfect IV counters are basically mandatory here…

  • Weather Boost essential
  • Mega Evolutions with maxed movesets
  • Shadow variants with Community Moves

I invested sweat and dust to duo Palkia with a best buddy perfect Mega Gengar paired with a level 51 15-15-15 shadow Salamence packing Draco Meteor. Our modeled damage output beat the timer by 8 seconds thanks to foggy weather reducing Fairy-type damage!

For Trios: Near maxed legendaries and megas still advised:

  • High IVs, best move legacy moves
  • Weather helps but not required
  • At least one Mega Evolution

Facing windy Cobalion, we triumphed using my level 50 15-13-15 Mega Gengar plus two level 40+ 15-attack Reshiram packing Overheat. No need to re-lobby, finishing with 35 seconds left!

While veterans can seek out these undermanning challenges, newer raiders shouldn‘t fret – there‘s no shame calling for backup. Now let‘s examine what team sizes groups should aim for…

Quintets To The Rescue!

Based on the brutally bulky Tier 5s unleashed lately – we‘re looking at you Regirock – I advise groups over 20 players aim for at least 4-5 properly leveled, invested counters per person. Even then it may come down to the wire!

To demonstrate, I‘ve compiled counter rankings against a notorious recent Raid Hour regular – the beefy lava tortoise Heatran:

Top Counters By MovesetCountersMega Boost
Fire Spin + Iron Head
  • Rhyperior
  • Rampardos
Fire Spin + Solar Beam
  • Garchomp
  • Excadrill

As expected, Rock-types rule the roost against any Heatran moveset. What‘s unexpected are rotations forcing raiders to switch from the Rhydon family against Grass moves over to Garchomp and company. This mix of offenses keeps the pressure on!

The odds of catching Heatran dramatically climb with at least a full lobby – 5 quirky trainers named BidoofDaddy69420 – packing an arsenal of proper counters as illustrated above. So rally your buddies over level 30 sporting Rampardos packs and meteor mashing Garchomps before your next tier 5 tango!

Rally Your Village To Vanquish!

I hope these insights help trainers build ever more potent anti-Tier 5 squads! Trying to solo legendary raids remains an extreme challenge – so don‘t hesitate to enlist assistance. Ultra friends bring the best attack boosts of course.

Yet even brand new travelers are welcome at all raids – with guidance, every player strengthens the herd! Reach out on local chat channels or apps like Discord. With remote raiding removing distance barriers, high-level helpers happily beam in from around the globe.

Soon you‘ll be shredding terrifying titans at breakneck speed. Then…what next? Once your crew conquers the pinnacle, set your sights on new horizons – duos, trios, shortmanning! I wish you epic raids and good fortune snagging those elusive perfect IVs or shinies. As always, catch ya on the battlefield!

  • BD

BD eagerly awaits what titanic terrors Niantic has brewing in their labs for 2023…

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