How Many Planets are There in Jedi: Fallen Order?

In total, there are 7 planets across the Jedi: Fallen Order universe, but out of those, only 5 planets can be fully explored in gameplay by hero Cal Kestis. As an expert Jedi: Fallen Order player myself, I‘ve traversed every corner of each lush landscape in this galactic Star Wars action-adventure, from windswept cliffs to intricate ancient temples. After hundreds of hours mastering the secrets of Fallen Order‘s diverse planets, here is my breakdown and analysis of these iconic locations that serve as the backdrop to Cal‘s quest.

The 5 fully explorable planets available for players of Jedi: Fallen Order are:

1. Bogano – Lush Jungle Planet Teeming with Ancient Vaults

[table] |Statistic|Information|
|Locations Explored|Ancient Vaults, Ruined Workshop, Hermit‘s Abode
|Unlock|Early in main story (required planet)
|Notable Characters |Eno Cordova (archaeologist), Taron Malicos (ex-Jedi)

Seen briefly at the very start of the game, Bogano‘s vibrant jungles hide Jedi secrets steeped in history. As the first complete planet Cal visits, it offers a fascinating intro to Fallen Order‘s expansive worlds with sprawling, multi-tiered landscapes housing remnant technology from the Zeffo civilization.

From colossal, crumbling structures covered in vegetation to deep, dark vaults pulsing with energy, Bogano encapsulates the sense of scope and discovery that makes reexploration so rewarding in Fallen Order. Ancient sites hold intricate puzzles to solve with Cal‘s growing repertoire of skills. Bogano also provides insight via holograms into Eno Cordova‘s quest that sparks Cal‘s journey. Its Force-attuned sights, such as the Astrium weapon, hint at greater mysteries yet to uncover about Zeffo relics across the galaxy.

2. Zeffo – Rocky, Vastly Vertical Planet Under Imperial Occupation

[table] |Statistic|Information
|Locations Explored|The Windswept Ruins, Ice Caves , Imperial Dig Site
|Unlock|Main story progression (required)
|Notable Characters|Commander Trilla Suduri (Second Sister Inquisitor)

Arriving later after Cal escapes capture by the Empire, Zeffo‘s initial mountainous cliffs and lonely vistas soon open up into a substantial, multi-tiered complex of tombs. Like Bogano, this planet houses numerous monumental Zeffo structures with intricate puzzles and platforming challenges to overcome thanks to BD-1‘s expanding array of tech powers.

A key distinction is Zeffo‘s occupation by Imperial forces seeking their own cryptic artifacts. Elaborate, cleverly charted vertical sections hide upgrade components in the many optional nooks of the brooding, isolated environment. One can spend hours piecing together Zeffo‘s buried history, descending deeper through dark, forbidding dig sites where danger lurks around many corners in the form of ruthless Purge Troopers hunting Cal.

3. Kashyyyk – Iconic Wookiee Homeworld Brimming with Flora and Fauna

[table] |Statistic|Information
|Locations Explored | Shadowlands Forest Floor, Origin Tree, Imperial Refinery
|Unlock|Midway through main story (required)
|Notable Characters|Saw Gerrera (insurgent), Tarfful (Wookiee chieftan)

The unmistakeable vegetation of Kashyyyk populates landscapes so dense with gargantuan trees that the horizon is obscured. These living towers stretch down into intricate forest beds and scum-filled lakes concealing vicious wildlife. Exploration reveals a network of bulbous seed structures high in the canopy ripe for Jedi traversal. Native architecture carved into mountain faces shows the skill of its Wookiee inhabitants.

Kashyyyk captures Fallen Order‘s vibrant visual prowess through biomes teeming with flora/fauna along with sprawling Imperial technology scraping the planet‘s surface. Saw Gerrera‘s rebel forces add another conflict dynamic as you navigate skirmishes across brachia bridges. Deadly creatures like undead Nydaks and colossal Wyyyschokks easily rank among the game‘s most lethal bosses. Combined with memorable story moments related to the legendary Tarfful, Kashyyyk cements its legacy as one of Star Wars‘ definitive planets.

4. Dathomir – Harrowing Planet Strong with the Dark Side

[table] |Statistic|Information
|Locations Explored|Misty Swamps, Zabrak Camp, Nightbrother Village Ruins
|Unlock|Midway through main story (optional)
|Notable Characters|Merrin (Nightsister), Malicos (Dark Jedi)

Shrouded in blood-red mists that never abate, Dathomir embodies a distinctly ominous ambience as what may be Fallen Order‘s darkest planet. Stepping onto its surface immediately cues the sense you‘re unwelcome. Draining terrains like bubbling swampland and decaying gravesites encroach from all sides, patrolled by zombified Nightsisters wielding powerful magicks.

Later vast plains of waist-high grass host towering undead wielding deadly plasma bows that summon my relentless assaults. Venturing into the ruins of once-proud Nightbrother villages reveals the deception of Taron Malicos, representing Fallen Order at its brutal hardest with unrelenting battles. Yet for those who endure, you may find an unlikely ally in Dathomir‘s own Merrin and complete the somber tragedy of the Nightsisters.

5. Ilum – Treacherous Ice Caverns Protecting Jedi Secrets

[table] |Statistic|Information|
|Locations Explored|Crystal Caves, Tomb of Miktrull, Jedi Temple Ruins
|Unlock|Towards end of main story (required)
|Notable Characters|Trilla Suduri (Second Sister Inquisitor)

Harsh, volatile ice storms bombard whatever segment of skin is exposed on Ilum, able to freeze Cal solid nearly instantly. Beyond piercing winds await pitching caverns and treacherous climbable walls lining depths that spiral into darkness. Glowing kyber crystals illuminate frozen caves as Cal seeks an important rite of passage to construct his lightsaber.

Ilum‘s minimalist environmental design allows combat and platforming to take center stage. Deadly avalanches can delete your progress in seconds. Hulking AT-AT walkers patrol exterior ridges, easily capable of one-shotting Cal with a snipers‘ precision. Ilum also hosts Cal‘s most emotionally charged duel with Trilla, the consequences of which permanently alter the path forward. For Star Wars lore fans, Ilum represents the definitive planet to visit for constructing the iconic Jedi weapon.

Jedi: Fallen Order‘s 5 fully explorable planets each deliver sprawling, varied environments packing verticality, labyrinthine ancient ruins, secret nooks hidden away from critical paths, and optional milestones for dedicated players seeking 100% completion over multiple successive playthroughs. Zeffo alone took me 15 hours across 2 total runs to thoroughly comb and understand its intricately interwoven network of chambers – and I consider it time very well spent.

Each planet adds richness and world-building that grounds Cal‘s plight to revive the Jedi Order while emphasizing the game‘s outstanding Metroidvania-inspired level designs. Every area unveils history and background lore behind conflicts new and old. I‘m hopeful these planets also represent foundations for Respawn to build upon in the recently announced Jedi: Survivor sequel. Jedi: Fallen Order‘s vivid, lived-in planets provide the perfect sandbox for tales yet to be told!

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