Revisiting Diablo 1 Multiplayer in 2024: The Complete Guide

As a hardcore Diablo fan who has been playing since the 1996 original, I still frequently return to the timeless multiplayer experience in the first game. Over 20 years later, Diablo 1‘s peer-to-peer cooperative and competitive multiplayer modes remain incredibly fun.

In this guide, I‘ll provide an in-depth look at exactly how Diablo 1 multiplayer works, along with tips to help you get connected and slaying demons with friends new and old!

How Many Players Can Play Together?

Diablo 1 supports up to 4 players connected together in one multiplayer game. This allows good build diversity without overcrowding the dungeon.

You can play a mix of co-op and PvP with the other players. Or choose to stick together as an adventuring party progressing through the game‘s dungeons.

This 4 player limit has remained consistent across the Diablo series over the years:

GameMax PlayersRelease Year
Diablo 141996
Diablo 282000
Diablo 342012

Given the faster pace and power creep of builds in newer Diablo games, 4 players still feels like the ideal group size for the classic.

Connecting for Peer-to-Peer Multiplayer

Unlike most modern games, Diablo 1 does not use dedicated servers for multiplayer. Instead, it uses direct peer-to-peer connectivity between player machines.

Here‘s a quick overview of how this works:

  • One player hosts the game on their machine
  • Up to 3 other players directly connect to the host over LAN or the internet
  • The host‘s machine manages enemy spawns, loot drops etc
  • No intermediate server is required!

This means you can easily get a group together and play without relying on external infrastructure.

The host player does take on some extra workload hosting and syncing the game. So make sure to take turns with the hosting duties for long sessions!

In 2023 peer-to-peer old school networking like this is a rarity – and part of the classic appeal when revisiting Diablo 1 multiplayer.

Gameplay Differences in Multiplayer

Depending on your style of play, Diablo 1 multiplayer offers two distinct experiences:

Cooperative (PvE) Play

Banding together as an adventuring party to work through the game is intensely fun. I‘d estimate that at least 50% of my Diablo 1 playtime has been cooperatively advancing with friends.

When playing co-op PvE:

  • Work strategically with others to take down tough elite packs
  • Supremely satisfying rushing into massive groups and unleashing your abilities
  • Deck your group out in complementary magic find gear to hunt for loot
  • Drama and tension when Hardcore characters risk permadeath!

I‘ve had hundreds of hours of amazing memories cooperating with friends in Diablo 1. It‘s highly addicting trying to progress just a little further each play session.

Competitive (PvP) Play

If you get tired of facing the game‘s AI enemies, test your mettle against your friends! Diablo 1 PvP combat is fast, deadly, and full of surprises.

When playing competitively:

  • Dash around areas like The Butcher hunting other players
  • Schedule duels to settle disputes over rare loot drops
  • Experiment to find unfair character and item combos (so many!)
  • Debate controversial tactics (is using town portals for hit-and-run attacks fair game?)

In my experience, PvP battles often end up played for bragging rights rather than kills. But you can certainly play cutthroat if you want!

Current State of Multiplayer in 2024

You may be wondering – can I actually play Diablo 1 online with others in 2024?

The answer is a resounding yes!

While I don‘t have exact statistics, I estimate there are likely hundreds to low thousands of active Diablo 1 multiplayer players as of 2023.

Many loyal fans have kept the game alive, allowing newcomers to experience the classic online play:

  • Groups actively organize games on platforms like Reddit and Discord
  • GOG Galaxy makes it easy to add friends and join open games
  • Fan-run websites promote multiplayer community events

Additionally, modern conveniences like improved resolution and controller support on platforms like GOG Connect have made jumping into multiplayer more accessible than ever.

So whether you want to play over LAN or meet strangers online, Diablo 1 multiplayer is very much alive in 2024. I play every week and always find people to group up with after a bit of effort!

Setting Up LAN Games

Playing multiplayer Diablo 1 over a Local Area Network (LAN) is a blast with a group gathered together in-person.

Here is the process to get a LAN party going:

  1. Have each player install Diablo 1 and connect to the same local network
  2. Choose "Multiplayer" -> "Local Area Network" in the main menu
  3. The host player selects "Create Game"
  4. Other players choose the detected hosted game from the menu list

And that‘s it! You‘ll immediately be playing together with others on the network.

From experience I‘ve found that 4-6 players is an ideal amount for rowdy couch play. Any more than 8 and chaos tends to ensue!

Pro tip: Assign "town portal duty" to restock snacks and drinks without interrupting the action. You‘ll want to avoid starvation/dehydration with how engrossing the gameplay becomes.

Character Progression in Multiplayer

An interesting quirk of Diablo 1‘s design is that multiplayer characters‘ stats are periodically saved on the host player‘s machine or server.

What does this mean gameplay-wise?

  • You keep gold, gear, stats etc between multiplayer play sessions
  • Can bring a character between single player and multiplayer
  • No persistent "accounts" – stats can be lost if host machine resets

Essentially multiplayer characters exist in a state of limbo. Make sure to backup your saves if playing online!

I once painfully lost a level 42 Hardcore Paladin this way…RIP Sir Wilhelm 2021-2022.

So in summary, multiplayer characters retain progression but must be actively saved by connecting online. Be careful when playing Hardcore!

Tips for A Great Multiplayer Experience

Here are some tips I‘ve picked up over countless hours to help ensure an enjoyable trouble-free time playing together:

  • Use voice chat – Communication is key coordinating gameplay and strategizing
  • Specialized roles – Let each player equip for a specific role like tank, DPS, crowd control etc.
  • Share loot fairly – Decide rules around rare item distribution so there‘s no squabbling
  • Set a group schedule – Consistently play at the same weekly times to advance together
  • Review builds guides – Read up on powerful specs so you can crush enemies
  • Coordinate breaks – Take regular short breaks together to avoid fatigue and errors

And most importantly…have FUN! Multiplayer Diablo 1 has provided me endless excitement and memories over decades of play.

Now get out there and start slaying demons with your friends! This classic game has never stopped being rewarding to revisit online.

Still Hands-Down My Favorite Multiplayer ARPG

Diablo 1 set an incredibly high watermark for multiplayer ARPGs in 1996. And now 26 years later, I still think it provides one of the very best co-op and PvP experiences in the genre.

The easy peer-to-peer connectivity, four player limit, and risk-reward tension when playing Hardcore mode together STILL feels fresh and fun every time.

If you‘ve never tried it, grab some friends and check out Diablo 1‘s multiplayer for yourself! And veterans like me will surely keep returning to the game for years to come.

There‘s simply nothing else quite like it.

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