How Many Pokemon Can Fit in a Box in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet?

As an avid Pokemon player since the days of Red and Blue, I‘ve caught ‘em all more times than I can count. So when a new Pokemon adventure arrives, I gleefully dive in to start collecting those 400 available pocket monsters that Game Freak places before me. But actually catching ‘em all requires having enough box space to store each one, which today I‘ll fully break down for Pokemon Scarlet/Violet!

Each box allows TRAINERS to slot in up to 30 Pokemon. With the welcomed expansions over the years, modern versions now enable you to unlock up to 32 BOXES total in-game. For Scarlet/Violet, that equates to a max capacity of 960 Pokemon possible. However, with extra content and titles inevitably coming that introduce more catchable species, even that may not seem like enough these days!

Pokemon Box Capacities

Before we tackle specifically expanding limits in Scarlet/Violet, first let‘s understand the box system and baseline capacities across recent main series Pokemon titles:

Game VersionBox CountPer BoxTotal Capacity

As we can observe, the per box capacity leapt from 20 up to 30 back in Gen 4, which has remained consistent henceforth. However, we can also note a discrepancy with Scarlet/Violet only allowing 32 boxes, reduced from 33 in Sun/Moon. Given there are 400+ Pokemon to catch, limiting us to 960 total storage does seem questionable…

Expanding Box Capacity

Unlocking those last 24 boxes fortunately doesn‘t require any convoluted processes. Instead, it happens organically as you simply catch more Pokemon! Each time you fill an existing box, this will automatically upgrade and grant you the next box, all the way until hitting the 32 box maximum in Scarlet/Violet:

  • Boxes 1-8: Available at start
  • Box 9: Unlock after filling Box 8
  • Box 10: Unlock after filling Box 9
  • And so on…
  • Box 32: Unlock after filling Box 31

With the new Paldea region seeming ripe for DLC expansions though, restricting players to 960 storage may begin feeling limiting before long. Here‘s hoping Game Freak decides to raise the ceiling again soon!

Strategies for Pokemon Storage

However, even at 960 maximum capacity, you may find yourself still needing to selectively choose which Pokemon get to call those boxes home. Here are my personal strategies and recommendations for curating your Scarlet/Violet box inhabitants:


  • Release weaker spares once bred 5-6 IV competitive variants
  • Tag battle-ready Pokemon to make filtering easier

Shinies & Variants

  • Favor keeping over standard versions of same species
  • Consolidate Gigantamax forms into Home (if duplicate)


  • Keep teams from completing memorable battles
  • Release extra unnamed captures from outbreak farming

Balancing these factors allows me to keep my boxes filled with only my most treasured Pokemon!

Supplemental Storage Options

For even more space beyond the Scarlet/Violet limitations, players can leverage the Pokemon Home cloud service. Its much more vast, but external, storage can become handy by transferring:


  • Duplicate Legendaries & Mythicals
  • Extra Shinies
  • Legacy moves/forms


  • Can‘t easily battle/breed from Home
  • Costs $ to transfer certain Pokemon back

I typically rely on Home only as extended backup storage, avoiding transferring my active battle/breeding Pokemon. This supplementary capacity lets me collect above and beyond the 960 while keeping my core teams in the native game engine.

Pokemon Card Storage Alternatives

Having amassed 25,000+ Pokemon cards myself, I‘ve struggled with storage over the years. Bulging binders become difficult to flip through. Shoe boxes split and spill their contents. But these durable 5-row card boxes comfortably house even my ample collections while keeping them neatly sorted!

Constructed from solid plastics instead of flimsier cardboard, they withstand years of everyday usage without failure. Clear lids grant you quick previews of contents too. And at 5,000 card capacity, consolidating my cards into just 6 boxes saves tremendously on space compared to smaller alternatives.

For fellow traders looking to contain their swelling card piles, I couldn‘t recommend these high-capacity beauties enough!

Wrap Up

And there we have it – the full breakdown on expanding and filling your Pokemon storage limits in Scarlet/Violet! While the 960 ceiling seems sufficient for now, I suspect many players will be clamoring for upgrades once those inevitable DLC lands start getting uncovered in 2024.

But in the meantime, hopefully these tips help all you upcoming Paldea masters plan your box strategies. Share below your own struggles and solutions too for mastering these storage constraints! Now let‘s get back out there and catch ‘em all once again!

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