The Incredible Hulk‘s Limitless Strength

As a hardcore gamer and loyal Marvel fan, I can definitively state that there‘s no hard limit to how many pounds the Green Goliath can lift. Like the Hulk‘s signature purple pants, his true power levels seemingly know no bounds!

When calm, experts peg his lifting capacity at well over 100 tons. Not bad by superhero standards! But the central fact about the Hulk is that he has a "power stat" no other hero can match: Rage-Fuelled Strength Gain.

The madder Bruce Banner‘s big green alter-ego gets in battle, the more his already-insane base strength increases exponentially. We‘re talking a ridiculous Strength-Over-Time (SOT) stat buff that makes Hulk‘s lifting capacity scale ever-upwards into untold quadrillions of pounds and beyond depending on his Fury meter!

Let‘s geek out over some signature strength feats from Big Green, compare his power level versus rival cranium-crackers from the Marvel canon, and scientifically speculate on his theoretical lifting maximums at max Hulk-Out levels…

Hulk Strength Feats – A Staggering Display

Fan-favourite feats that demonstrate Hulk‘s peerless pound-hoisting power in the comics over the years include:

  • Holding up a 150 billion ton mountain on his back (and barely feeling the strain)
  • Stopping the orbital forward momentum of a planet with his legs
  • Creating continent-cracking shockwaves simply by taking massive footsteps
  • Generating enough pent-up force to shatter an asteroid twice as large as Earth

Based on these signature displays and others, we can conservatively peg his base strength level at Class 100, or a Century – able to lift 100+ tons as an utter lowball baseline with minimal effort.

But again, that unlimited Rage Gain means if you make him mad enough (a easy feat!), Planet Hulk‘s lifting capacity can scale up to functionally infinite strengths as required by the needs of the storyline!

Vs other Marvel Strongmen

How does Green Genes compare versus other heavy hitters like Thor, Hercules and the Juggernaut? Quite simply, no other Marvel melee mauler comes close to Hulk‘s endless expanding power stat.

A few quick comparisons:

HeroMax LiftHulk Advantage
Thor3,500 lbs∞️
Hercules100+ tons∞️
Juggernaut100+ tons∞️
ApocalypseStronger than Hulk…for a minute!∞️

Hulk Math is the Best Kind of Math!

As a hardcore gamer, seeing Hulk effectively start every big boss fight as the underpowered underdog, only to scale in strength so massively that he out-muscles anyone foolish enough to have poked the Green Guy, is epic wish fulfilment!

Who hasn‘t wanted to angrily yell their way to ever-more outrageous power levels until no enemy can even scratch your paint job? The Hulk lets me live out that righteous underdog-to-juggernaut struggle – and lift crazy imaginary weights in the process!

But what is his maximum possible lifting limit then…?

Peak ‘Roid Rage Hulk – Quadrillions of Pounds!

Based on my own speculation fueled by decades as a devoted Marvel media consumer, if the Hulk achieved 100% Fury Meter activation, his enhanced muscle mass could plausibly elevate his Strength statistic to bench press entire planets and more.

Some back-of-the-comic calculations:

  • Earth itself weighs 13,170,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 pounds
  • The Sun is 333,060 times Earth‘s mass, so 4.38588178×10^30 pounds!
  • So let‘s peg Peak Point Hulk‘s Max Lift at a truly astronomical 10 quadrillion pounds – or 10,000,000,000,000,000 pounds

Dip your toes in some delicious fan-fic and imagine the Hulk getting so angry that no enemy or obstacle can even register as a mild threat to him essentially grabbing entire worlds by the pants and hip-tossing them across the cosmos!

In summary – Base Hulk starts out somewhere north of 100 tons for a warm-up. But make Hulk mad enough (easy!), and I speculatively estimate his capped Strength potential reaches into the quadrillions of pounds based on some very shaky fan calculations!

Hulk – the ultimate gamer power fantasy made iconic Marvel legend! So watch yourself puny Earthlings – you wouldn‘t like him when he‘s angry! And his upper lift limit? That‘s a trick question – the madder Hulk gets, the stronger Hulk becomes! To infinity and beyond!

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