How Many Preps Do You Have To Do For Cayo Perico?

As an avid GTA Online gamer and content creator, I get asked constantly: how many prep missions do you really need to do to unlock the Cayo Perico heist finale? With over 1200 hours sailing the high seas in search of drug lord El Rubio’s hidden treasures, I’ve perfected an optimized 4-prep routine that maximizes profits while minimizing headaches. Let’s dive deep into the essential intel for dominating Cayo!

There are a total of 4 mandatory prep missions standing between you and glory:

1. Approach Vehicle

This prep tasks you with acquiring an underwater infiltration vehicle to access the compound undetected.

I typically source the Kosatka approach from the docks to avoid air defenses. With elite hacking and tunnel entry, you can fill bags quicker than the drainage tunnel and access more loot spawns.

Approach VehicleTimeTake
Kosatka9:30 min$1.9 million
Stealth Annihilator10:00 min$1.8 million

As the stats show, Kosatka delivers superior efficiency and earnings.

2. Equipment

The equipment prep supplies tools for silently neutralizing guards. Minimum loadout is bolt cutters and grappling gear.

For stealth runs, I recommend the suppressor loadout – guards don’t hear silenced headshots from a distance. The elite hacking prep is also useful for quick compound entry to maximize time inside.

3. Weapons

While loud shootouts certainly have their charms, smart heisters need silenced weapons for infiltration missions.

The Agency Suppressor loadout provides versatile silenced options to cover all ranges. For even more stealth firepower, equip slap paddles and night vision. These tools help quietly clear rooms one guard at a time.

4. Optional Disruption Missions

Adding disruptions before the finale weakens El Rubio’s defenses. The most effective combos are air support and armor – disabling choppers and heavy troops.

However, I typically skip disruptions altogether. The elite hacker prep grants plenty of time inside to grab loot. And without disrupting the tequila party, El Rubio’s guards stay drunk! Just avoid patrolling cones of vision and you‘re golden.

Sparing disruption cuts total prep time down to 65 minutes, priming us to grind replay finales every 2 hours in real-time. Now let’s optimize that finale score!

Prepping efficiently is vital, but maximizing that finale haul is where legends are made.

The Kosatka submarine’s fast travel has prep missions on lock, but upgrading to a Sparrow helicopter is a game-changer…

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