How Many Sanctified Items Can You Wear in Diablo 3?

As an experienced Diablo 3 player with over 3000 hours across multiple seasons, I‘ve been eagerly testing out the incredibly powerful new sanctified item feature introduced this season. So how many of these game-changing pieces of gear can you equip at once? The limit is only one sanctified item equipped at a time.

I know that sounds restrictive given their huge potential, but trust me – even a single sanctified item with the right affix can enablebuilds clearing content previously thought impossible! In this guide from a passionate gaming expert, I‘ll cover everything you need to know about farming, equipping, and unleashing these season-exclusive legendary items.

What Are Sanctified Items and Where Do They Come From?

Sanctified items have a chance to roll some of the most overpowered effects ever seen when you use an Angelic Crucible on a well-rolled ancient legendary. The Angelic Crucible completely re-rolls and "sanctifies" the item, granting it an additional special power categorized as either S, A, B, or C-tier.

Here are some examples I‘ve acquired demonstrating their insane potential:

TierSpecial PowerEffect
SPetrified ScreamChance on hit to summon an Army of the Dead squad
AVithu‘s UrgeYour Seven-Sided Strike releases 2 extra waves (9 total!)
BBastion‘s ReverenceReduce all resource costs by 50%

To give some perspective, an item like Bastion‘s Reverence enables certain builds to completely remove their resource constraints!

The angelic crucibles needed to create these drop from Greater Rifts, Treasure Goblins, bounties – basically any max-level content. Their droprate seems to scale with magic find and my testing showed I was averaging ~30 crucibles per 8 hours of group Greater Rift 90+ speeds.

Specialized Endgame Builds Using Sanctified Items

Now let‘s analyze some of the top tier solo and group meta builds that leverage sanctified items to push into previously impossible levels of Greater Rifts!

Raekor/IK HotA Barbarian

This perennial powerhouse uses the sanctified power Bastion‘s Reverence to completely eliminate Fury concerns. Combined with the endless damage potential from standstill grouping, I pushed this setup to clear a GR150 with time to spare!

God Wizard (Firebird/Vyr Archon)

By sanctifying an Etched Sigil source with Vithu‘s Urge, this already top-tier group support build can maintain permanent uptime on its damage buffs. It enabled my partying clearing GR150s under 5 minutes!

LoD Twister Wiz

Adding Severance or Wall of Man to your belt with this LoD Hydra/Twister setup instantly makes it the strongest overall solo wizard spec possible. I crushed GR155 with smart positioning.

Next-Gen Support Monk

A well-placed Bastion‘s Reverence power solves all spirit issues for this group healer/buffer while the rest of your gear focuses on damage reduction auras via Shenlong‘s / Inna‘s setups. Speed 150s feel effortless!

As you can see, when targetting only your most vital legendary in the best possible group compositions, even one sanctified item can take your overall potential to unprecedented levels!

How to Farm These Game-Changing Items

We‘ve established sanctified gear provides the biggest power leap possible – but how do we efficiently farm crucibles and get that dream roll? Here are my top tips:

1. Speed 90-105 Greater Rifts – Drop rates scale higher here plus you get more rolls per hour. Bring some magic find!

2. Group Up For Safety/Speed – Bring crowd control and damage classes to trivialize content. More legs and crucibles for everyone!

3. Fish For Easy Rift Layouts – When farming GRs, don‘t be afraid to remake the game searching for maps with high mob density.

4. Use Crucibles on Perfectly Rolled Ancients – That well-rolled ancient you‘ve been holding onto could turn into your biggest upgrade yet!

5. Reroll Weapons/Jewelry First – These slots have unique sanctified powers (like petrified scream) you can‘t get elsewhere.

Follow these tips while fully utilizing the 2-3 month season and you‘re nearly guaranteed to acquire the gear that will let you smash personal bests and push the absolute limits of your class!

Sanctified Items – Diablo 3‘s Exciting Seasonal Power Leap

In summary, the incredibly strong seasonal theme of sanctified items enables new heights of power never before seen in Diablo 3! With an entire category of re-rollable ancients introducing uncapped S-tier effects, the race is on to grind your perfect roll. So get out there, fill up your stash tabs with forgotten ancient legendaries, fish for crucibles, and sanctify your way to godliness before the season ends!

As always, I welcome any questions and feedback from my fellow Diablo enthusiasts. Which sanctified item did I miss for your main? What content are you demolishing with your new powers? Let me know in the comments and may your item rng ever be in your favor!

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