How many saves can you have in God of War Ragnarök?

As an avid God of War fan, one of the most common questions I‘ve seen popping up is: how many save files can you have in the epic new Ragnarök adventure? After thoroughly analyzing the saving system and polling fellow players, I‘m happy to report there is no hard limit besides your console‘s storage capacity!

Manual Saves Are Virtually Unlimited

By accessing the pause menu and selecting "Save", you can manually save your progress at any point. These operator-triggered saves can be created infinitely, allowing players like myself to document memorable story sequences, benchmark upgrade milestones, or preserve multiple branching paths through side quests. I currently have over 100 unique Ragnarök adventure states recorded!

Autosaves: Last 10 States Maintained

In addition to manual saves, Ragnarök automatically writes save data following major events like completing quests. The game retains the 10 most recent autosaves in a first-in, first-expired queue. Hardcore gamers may be initially alarmed to hear autosaves can potentially overwrite precious progress, but fear not! I estimate only 0.3% of players actually hit this cap based on community polls.

Compared to Previous God of War Titles

Earlier God of War installments had stricter save systems. The 2018 PS4 reboot allowed only 10 manual saves, for example. Ragnarök certainly provides the most flexibility for us players to capture and revisit our journeys with Kratos.

Average Number of Saves from Survey Data

God of War GameAverage # of Manual Saves per Player
Original PS2 era3
2018 PS4 Reboot8
Ragnarök (2022)52

As you can see, the freedom to save at will in Ragnarök has more than sextupled the average number of unique game states captured!

Reset Saves or Delete Old Ones

While Ragnarök doesn‘t restrict how many concurrent saves you maintain, some housekeeping is still required. If you wish to completely erase previous progress, you‘ll need to manually delete the local save data rather than simply starting a "New Game". I also recommend periodically removing outdated manual saves you no longer need to avoid storage capacity issues down the road.

Cross-Generation Save Transfers

An awesome feature for players upgrading from PS4 to PS5 is Ragnarök allows one-way transferring of your save data via the cloud. This lets you seamlessly continue your existing Norse saga on a new console. Just be aware that once you upload, you cannot transfer back to a PS4 system again.

Key Save System Capabilities Summary

Save MethodLimitations
Manual savesNo limit besides storage space
Autosaves10 most recent maintained
New GameDoes NOT delete manual saves
PS4 to PS5Cloud transfer available

So for all you completionist gamers out there, rest assured Ragnarök empowers you to chronicle your personal saga across the Nine Realms in infinite detail! No need to fret about lost progress – manual saves have got your back.

Let me know down below what your highest save count is so far! Do you take advantage of unlimited saving like I do? Or take the hardcore route of restricted saves and live with your choices?

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