How Many Smash Characters Can You Unlock Without DLC?

As a Super Smash Bros. fanatic who has unlocked every base game character, I can definitively say there are 74 fighters able to be unlocked in Smash Bros. Ultimate without any paid DLC.

This includes:

  • 66 unique fighters like Mario and Pikachu
  • 7 echo fighter variants such as Daisy and Dark Pit
  • Pokémon Trainer, counting as 1 fighter with 3 switchable Pokémon

I‘ll cover exactly how to unlock all 74, from the fastest methods to specific conditions for tricky unlocks from my 160+ hours of playtime.

Starting With Only the Original 8

Unlike previous Smash games letting you start with 25+ fighters, Ultimate throws it back to the N64 days – you only get the original roster of 8 from 1999‘s Super Smash Bros:

  • Mario
  • Donkey Kong
  • Link
  • Samus
  • Yoshi
  • Kirby
  • Fox
  • Pikachu

It‘s a shocking change making you work for the full list of 74. But the unlocking journey is fun and rewarding in its own right!

Methods for Unlocking Fighters

1. World of Light Adventure Mode

The solo story mode has you exploring a huge map, defeating spirits to rescue fallen fighters. Each new area unlocks more fighters to use on the map and in versus modes.

It can take 20-30 hours to unlock the full roster this way – so it‘s more for players who want to experience the epic story.

2. Versus Matches to Trigger Challengers

The fastest way is grinding short 1 stock versus matches. Every 10 minutes or so you‘ll trigger a "New Challenger Approaching!" fight:

  • Defeat the challenger to unlock them permanently
  • Lose and they‘ll appear later when you reload Smash

With quick wins on low CPU difficulty, you can feasibly unlock everyone in under 3 hours.

3. Meeting Unlock Conditions

Some fighters have unique rules to unlock them through Solo modes:

NessClear Classic Mode with 3 fighters
SonicClear Classic Mode
ToadSpend 30+ hours in Versus battles

It still comes down to grinding Versus/Classic but this speeds certain unlocks.

Prioritizing Your Unlocks

I personally unlocked in waves, getting key favorites like Marth and Mega Man first before obscure ones like Rob and Game & Watch.

Here are the unlocks I‘d recommend starting off for most enjoyable order:

  1. Marth / Lucina – Fan fave fighters and super strong
  2. Sonic – Iconic rival character from a classic series
  3. Simon / Richter Belmont – Epic echo duo with badass whip attacks
  4. King K. Rool – reprising popular Donkey Kong villain role
  5. Mega Man – Another cameo icon! Ranged style very unique

Zero Suit Samus was one of the very last I unlocked. Her technical kick-combo style isn‘t for everyone. Likewise Mr. Game & Watch with his quirky old-school moves.

But committing will reward you with the satisying full select screen!

Final Tips for Unlocking Fighters

Here are some top shortcuts I used to accelerate unlocks:

  • Low stock Versus on low CPU difficulty – fastest way to rack challengers
  • Restart Smash instead of Continuing after defeats to fight challengers quicker
  • Occasionally play Classic Mode when booting up to mix up unlock conditions
  • Use tickets collected in World of Light to summon challengers later

Stick to those guidelines while preparing some snacks and music – you‘ll have the full 74 unlocked in under 3 hours!

Let me know if you have any other Smash unlocking questions! I‘m happy to offer more specialized tips.

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