How Many Songs Are There In Beat Saber? An Insane Number And Still Growing

As of February 2023, there are over 100,000 songs across official and unofficial channels that you can slash and dance to in Beat Saber.

That‘s right – you read correctly. Let me break it down for you…

Official Beat Saber Base Game & DLC Songs: 200+

First, focusing just on the officially licensed tracks from Beat Games themselves:

There are currently over 200 songs spread across the base game and paid DLC music packs.

Here‘s a breakdown of where those tracks come from:

Source# of Songs
Base Game10
Paid DLC Packs190+

As you can see, the base $20 Beat Saber game itself only includes 10 songs to start out.

But the real meat comes from the paid music packs released periodically as DLC.

There are currently 39 different DLC packs spanning genres from Imagine Dragons to Lady Gaga to BTS.

Some of my personal favorites:

  • Imagine Dragons: 12 epic songs
  • Panic at the Disco: 10 songs perfect for wild slashing
  • Lizzo: 9 club-ready tracks with plenty of sass
Year# of New DLC Packs
201916 packs
202012 packs
20218 packs
20222 packs
20231 pack so far (Lizzo)

As you can see from the table above, the packs were cranking out fast and furious over 2019-2021, starting to slowdown in 2022.

But 2023 is off to a solid start with the 9 song Lizzo pack in February.

Based on history, I expect we‘ll see at 4-6 more official packs rolled out through 2023.

Could we be getting a Taylor Swift or Drake collab this year? One can dream!

All said, the 200+ official songs give you a ton of great hit tracks to slash and dance to. It would take over 11 hours to play all those songs back-to-back!

But…that‘s not even 1% of what Beat Saber has to offer.

On to the real party:

Custom Songs – 100,000 And Beyond

Where Beat Saber turns into an endless musical wonderland is custom songs powered by its passionate modding community.

There are over 100,000 custom song beatmaps available, vastly dwarfing the official soundtrack.

You read that correctly:

Song Source# of Tracks
Official Songs200+
Custom Songs100,000+

And new custom songs are getting cranked out daily by the diesel modders and mappers that love this game.

It‘s an endless fountain of musical mayhem!

Let‘s put this into perspective:

If you played Beat Saber for 2 hours every single day nonstop, it would take you over 15 years to get through the entire custom song library. Insane!

Of course with so many custom maps out there, the quality ranges quite a bit.

But the ratings system on BeatSaver helps the true gems rise to the top. And let me tell you – some of these fan-made songs are arguably better than the official tracks!

Now as a final reality check…

On other popular rhythm VR games, here‘s how Beat Saber stacks up musically:

GameOfficial SongsCustom Songs
Beat Saber200+100,000+
Synth Riders702,000
Pistol Whip303,500

As you can see, nothing comes remotely close to the endless musical marathon that Beat Saber offers between official soundtracks and practically infinite custom songs.

It‘s this combination of variety, quality, and quantity that in my mind makes Beat Saber the undisputed champ of rhythm VR experiences.

And with new packs still coming out plus 5-10k new customs songs each month, this music library just keeps getting better with age.

So get those wrists stretched because you‘ve got some slashing to do! Just don‘t forget to take breaks 😉

Let me know in the comments if you have a favorite custom song pack I should check out! And as always, thanks for reading SaberFans.

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