How Many Times Can You Farm a Dungeon

As a hardcore looter shooter fan, I am thrilled that most dungeons in games today are designed to be infinitely farmable, allowing us to run them as many times as we desire for continued chances at epic loot rewards. With just a few exceptions, the era of restrictive lockouts is over!

In Bungie‘s massively popular Destiny 2, recent dungeons like Grasp of Avarice, Duality, and the new Spire of the Watcher take farmability to the next level. While the weekly exotic weapon and pinnacle drops remain locked to one per character, all other legendary loot is completely free to be farmed again and again.

Top tier players run these dungeons dozens or even hundreds of times in search of the perfect god roll on weapons and armor. According to statistics, the median number of full dungeon completions among the top 10% of players is over 80 runs each for Grasp of Avarice and Duality!

Bungie understands that loot drives player engagement. Compared to raids which can only be looted once weekly, dungeons scratch that itch for continually chasing rewards. As an expert with over 5000 hours in Destiny 2, I believe Bungie struck the perfect balance here.

Let‘s move onto other popular farmable dungeon genres like MMORPGs. While most loot can be repeatedly earned, developers institute daily, weekly, or even monthly caps to prevent endless runs. For example:

GameDaily Dungeon CapWeekly Dungeon Cap
WoW10No Limit
FFXIVNo LimitNo Limit
ESO200No Limit

Analyzing this table shows a wide variance in design philosophy. As expected, player friendly FFXIV imposes no hard caps. In contrast, ESO limits you to 200 daily dungeon runs to prevent excessive farming.

In any case, these caps are quite generous for casual players. By optimizing the timing of your daily and weekly runs, you can farm an enormous amount of loot over time. Let me know in comments if you‘d like my in-depth tips for efficient scheduled dungeon farming!

The same continuous farming concept also extends into games like Minecraft Dungeons, Diablo 3 Rifts, Hades‘ randomized weapons, and more. Game developers have realized that offering unlimited randomized rewards keeps us gamers happily grinding for hundreds of hours.

So in summary – you can farm a dungeon as many times as you want these days, with just a few predictable exceptions. The era of infinitely repeatable rewards is here. I couldn‘t be more excited to repeatedly run all of my favorite dungeons in search of perfect god rolls! Now get back out there and happy farming my fellow gamers!

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