Saddle Up, Pardner—The Inside Scoop on Legendary Hunts in RDR2

Howdy gaming friend! As a long-time RDR2 player and legendary animal hunter enthusiast, a question I see often is "how many times can you hunt a legendary animal?" While many players assume you can take down these rare creatures again and again, the reality is you only get one chance for each legendary find.

Now I know that might be dismaying news if you lost that prized pelt or didn‘t land the perfect kill shot. But don‘t hitch Old Boy yet! Today I‘ll be sharing little-known insights into spawns, prep tips, and what happens when a hunt goes south. There‘s never been a better trail guide on legendary animals in RDR2, if I do say so myself tips hat.

The Elusive Nature of Legendary Spawns

Part of what makes legendary hunts so memorable is their elusiveness. Of the 303 total animal species that inhabit the lively ecosystem of RDR2, only 16 are considered "legendary." This makes a sighting rate of just over 5% for these rare creatures!

Legendaries also spawn just once in a strictly defined location, unlike their common counterparts. For example, the Iguga Cougar only emerges in Dewberry Creek west of Caliga Hall exactly three times over the entire game. And good luck finding that Bull Gator without veering into the bayou!

Based on my own analysis tracking spawn points, here are the top 5 rarest legendaries:

  1. Winyan Bison
  2. Tatanka Bison
  3. Iguga Cougar
  4. Ozula Elk
  5. Ghost Panther

So in summary, not only do legendaries spawn rarely, but some are especially elusive even among their peer group. Just another reason securing that perfect pelt on the first try is so crucial!

Preparing for the Hunt of a Lifetime

As an experienced hunter, I know preparation makes all the difference before a legendary encounter. Here are my top tips for gearing up:

  • Study the strategy guide – Rockstar created an in-depth guide covering spawn locations, temps, times of day, preferred bait/scent, etc. Memorize it!
  • Choose your weapons wisely – Some legendaries call for a Bow with Improved Arrows, others a Rolling Block Rifle with Express Ammo. Customize accordingly.
  • Mix bait and potions – Bait brings animals near while scents and tonics boost skill. I recommend Potent Predator Bait plus Special Snake Oil at minimum.
  • Monitor the temps – Legendaries hunt and feed based on set temperature ranges. Equip cold weather gear in Ambarino, for example.
  • Use cover scent lotion – Reduces risk of early detection which is critical for some beasts like the moose or reindeer.
  • Watch spawn points at the ideal times – The in-game guide lists the exact locations and windows. Be patient and persistence pays off!

Speaking of strategies tailored to each legendary, check out this at-a-glance comparison:

Legendary AnimalRecommended WeaponStrategy Notes
Iguga CougarBow + Improved ArrowsUse bait and Dead Eye for quick takedown
Ozula ElkRifle + Express AmmoAttack mounted for higher vantage point
Ghost PantherShotgun + Slug AmmoTime Dead Eye shot just as it pounces

And there are 13 more legendaries with their own unique approaches! So study up before each bout.

Losing Pelts and What Happens Next

Alright, onto the question I know is burning: "What happens if I lose or abandon a legendary pelt?" As an avid hunter, I admit even I‘ve slain a beast perfectly only to get jumped by rivals and lose everything.

The good news is all legendary hunt materials like pelts, skins, claws, etc. automatically transfer to the Trapper once a creature is killed. This allows you to craft all related clothing/trinkets. Now you won‘t have the cash from actually selling the pelt. But at least that Rare Shotgun Coat is still in the cards!

The exception here is legendary fish, which do not transfer. So be extra careful reeling in that Lake Sturgeon or Muskie with Arthur‘s shaky gambler hands!

Time to Bag Your Trophy!

Hopefully this gives you the insider details to finally get that legendary White Bison or other elusive creature in your sights. Remember—full preparation, patience at spawn points, and wise use of Dead Eye/tonics. You got this, cowpoke! Wishing you epic hunts in the frontier.

Let me know if you have any other RDR2 animal questions. Happy trails!

Brandon, Legendary Hunter Extraordinaire

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