How Many Times Can You Respec in Dark Souls 3?

As an avid Dark Souls 3 player with over 100 hours across multiple journeys, I‘ve learned how to optimize my builds using the limited respec options. And let me tell you my friend – having flexibility to rearrange your stats opens up amazing potential. But you only get 5 respecs per playthrough, so using them wisely is key.

Let‘s dig into everything you need to know about respecing your DS3 character…

How Many Times Can You Respec in DS3?

First, the answer to our key question:

You can respec your build up to 5 times per NG cycle.

So whether you just started a new game, or are journeying into your 5th new game plus, you have 5 opportunities to reallocate stats and change up your build.

I still remember my first ever respec after I realized my starting Herald wasn‘t optimized for my favored greatsword wielding crusader vision. Respeccing let me course correct my strength and dexterity stats to double down on pure melee damage. It was an eye-opening moment on the flexibility available!

How Respeccing Actually Works

To respec your stats in DS3 and transform your build, you need to:

– Defeat Renalla, Queen of the Full Moon Boss

She rules over Raya Lucaria Academy and guards the power of rebirth that enables respecing. Once you topple Renalla, respecing unlocks.

– Talk to Renalla at Raya Lucaria Grand Library Site of Grace

After defeating Renalla, she becomes passive at this location. Interact with her to open up stat and appearance changes.

– Trade 1 Larval Tear for Each Respec

Larval Tears are rare crafting materials needed to activate a respec. Based on community evidence, there are up to 18 Larval Tears obtainable across one full playthrough cycle. So finding enough for 5 respecs is very achievable.

And now comes the fun part – optimizing your build with strategic respecs as you journey through Lands Between!

Respec Often to Optimize Your Build

With up to 5 opportunities per playthrough, respecing lets you fine tune your character for current content and gear. Here are popular ways the DS3 community utilizes respecs:

• Fixing Early Game Stat Errors

We‘ve all been there – you spread stats thinly trying new weapons, or pile points into a dead stat. Maybe you want to respec out of luck after farming gear is complete. Respec to the rescue!

• Tailoring Builds to New Gear

Found an awesome new greatshield but don‘t meet strength requirements? Respec time! Dex builds open up powerful options with elite katana and bow drops later on. Respect to focus stats to newly acquired gear for power spikes.

• Re-optimize for PVP Meta Level

The community PVP meta caps at 125-150. If you leveled too far past this while tackling end game content, respec down to compete online with specialized dueling builds using gear you unlocked.

• Change Core Build Focus

Made a mage but want to respec completely into strength weapons? Go for it! Swapping from dex to strength (or vice versa) enables you to experience wholly different combat styles with end game options.

As you can see, respecing delivers tons of options to experience everything DS3 has to offer. Now let‘s cover what you need to know about restrictions.

Respec Restrictions – It‘s Limited!

While respecing empowers you to recalibrate builds to a profound degree, there are strict usage limits:

– Only 5 Respecs per NG Cycle

I hope by now the core restriction is clear – 5 is the absolute max number of respec instances per playthrough. Plan them wisely as you won‘t get more until starting a new journey.

– Need 1 Larval Tear for Each Respec

Larval Tears drive the process, with one needed to activate every respec. With ~18 available per cycle, finding enough isn‘t too bad. But don‘t waste them!

Out of personal mistakes, I wasted a respec early on before really understanding stat soft caps and final gear. I encourage you to plan out major build pivots carefully within the 5 total limit.

Parting Words of Advice from a DS3 Veteran

Hopefully this deep dive gives you confidence to utilize respecs strategically on your own DS3 journey. They let you erase stat mistakes, re-focus builds, and enable radically different playstyles over a single epic adventure.

Just be thoughtful in timing key respec instances, and savor the 5 magnificent opportunities you have each cycle to re-mold your Tarnished into an ever more powerful version to stand against the game‘s mighty demigods.

Good luck out there my friend! May your respecs carry you to glorious victories.

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