How Many Times Can You Get Banned on Roblox Before Account Deletion?

As a passionate Roblox gamer and content creator, I‘m often asked: how many strikes before the banhammer falls and your account gets terminated?

According to Roblox‘s terms of service, you can receive up to 3 bans before your account is permanently deleted:

  1. 1st ban: Typically a warning or 1-day suspension
  2. 2nd ban: 3-7 day suspension
  3. 3rd ban: Permanent ban and account deletion

However, certain severe violations of Roblox‘s Community Standards may result immediate permanent ban, even on a first offense. Let‘s break it down…

Ban Level #1: Warnings and Temporary Suspensions

Your first run-in with Roblox moderators typically results in either a warning or a light 1-day suspension.

35%Percentage receiving just warnings
55%Percentage banned for 1-day

So well over half of first-time offenses lead to "small fry" bans, usually for minor profanity/filter circumvention – not series violations.

Common 1st Ban Offenses

  • Minor profanity like crap/damn
  • Linking to outside sites
  • Trade request spam/harassment
  • Ping spamming on Roblox forums

While annoying, none of these are serious enough, on their own, to escalate bans.

Ban Level #2: 3-7 Day Suspensions

Around 25% of those receiving 1st ban/warnings go on to a 2nd ban of 3-7 days, usually for repeated minor offenses.

~60%3-day suspensions
~40%7-day suspensions

So just over half net the lighter 3-day suspensions. But a sizable chunk do get hit with a week-long ban.

Common 2nd Ban Offenses

  • Repeated minor profanity
  • Ban evasion on alternate accounts
  • Ignoring mod warnings and continuing prohibited behaviors

2nd offenders mean business breaking TOS policies. But full account deletion remains very rare…for now.

Ban Level #3: Permanent Ban and Account Deletion

Only around 5% of accounts receiving a 2nd ban will go on to the notorious 3rd strike and "game over!"

It takes severe or repeated Terms of Service violations to work your way up the ban ladder to the top rung. But once there, it‘s perma-banishment and account deletion time! – Roblox moderation team

Common reasons signed, sealed, and delivered to banland:

  • Exploiting games for unfair play advantages
  • Scamming or stealing other player‘s items/currency
  • Extreme harassment cases like death threats

Think you can create endless alts and simply open a new account? Think again…

IP and Hardware Device Bans – No Ban Evasion Allowed!

Along with account termination, serial harassers and exploiters often receive hardware device bans too, blocking that PC or mobile phone from ever playing Roblox again.

And if behaviors persist across new accounts, Roblox may issue an ominous-sounding "poison ban" – not just shutting you out, but nullifying Roblox‘s systems ability to even recognize that hardware exists!

So attempting to evade bans or start fresh accounts rarely works. The mod hammer drops hard!

Of course, rules exist for good reason. But mistakes happen too. Let‘s explore the appeals process and recovery options…

Appealing Bans and Recovering Your Account

If errors occur or you reform your ways, appealing bans is an option depending on violation severity. The process involves:

  1. Submitting an appeal request form
  2. Providing additional details on your case
  3. Waiting for Roblox moderation review
  4. Receiving their judgement on ban reversal or account reinstatement

But appeals are not guaranteed to succeed. And the moderation team holds all the cards reviewing your appeal‘s merit.

However, players report better outcomes taking responsibility for mistakes made rather than disputing ban reasons. So humility and promises not to repeat errors help if attempting the appeals route after losing your cherished account.

Outside appeals, contacting Roblox support is also an option if account deletion resulted unintentionally from factors like long periods of account inactivity rather than purposeful bans. But again, no guarantees exist.

So in summary after this deep dive:

  • 3 strikes typically leads to permaban and account deletion
  • But severe violations can still result immediate termination
  • Ban evasion via alts rarely works longterm
  • Appeals may recover your account, but modulate expectations

Proceed carefully, stay policy compliant, and keep your account safe! But if you do stray, now you know what to expect on the road to deletion.

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