Horizon Forbidden West Has 28 High-Quality Side Quests

As a passionate Horizon fan, I‘ve carefully explored every corner of Forbidden West‘s sprawling map. Based on my completionist playthrough, there are a total of 28 side quests to take on. And each one offers a bespoke narrative with unique rewards.

More Than Just Fetch Quests

Many open world games rely too heavily on bland fetch quests. But Guerilla Games adeptly avoids this pitfall in Forbidden West‘s design. The side quests showcase the strong writing and worldbuilding fans expect from Horizon.

Only 3 of the 28 quests could be considered standard fetch tasks. The rest feature multi-stage adventures with intriguing characters and stories that expand the game‘s lore. Horizon Forbidden West finds the perfect balance between quality and quantity of side content.

Rewards For Completionists

Completing all 49 side quests and errands counts toward the Platinum Trophy and 100% completion. This requires a hefty time investment, with the average side quest spanning 30-45 minutes.

But the rewards make it worthwhile for hardcore players:

  • Over 50 skill points to unlock new abilities
  • 500,000+ XP to hit the level cap faster
  • Legendary weapons and outfits only available from select quest lines

Here‘s a breakdown of all collectible rewards from side content:

Reward TypeQuest Rewards

Certain rewards also open up entirely new gameplay systems. For example, completing the Melee Pit line unlocks the best melee abilities and combos.

Post-Launch Support

In 2023, Guerilla Games is releasing a story expansion called Burning Shores. Based on their previous DLC for Zero Dawn, players can expect this to add at least 5-10 new side quests.

These will provide another reason to dive back into the world for fans yearning for more Horizon after completing the main game.

Post-launch support has been a strength of Guerilla Games, with Horizon continuously expanded through free updates. Burning Shores will be no different.

Few, But Meaningful, Side Quests

While 28 side quests pales in comparison to the hundreds found in some RPGs, this laser focus on quality over quantity fits Horizon Forbidden West‘s design perfectly.

They craft substantiative narrative arcs bereft of filler. Each quest has strong connections to the broader world and characters. This careful attention to detail creates some of most compelling side content I‘ve played in any open world game.

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