How many war assets do you need in Mass Effect Legendary Edition?

To get any ending in Mass Effect 3 Legendary Edition, you‘ll need a minimum of 3,100 effective military strength (EMS) in war assets. But for the "Perfect Ending" with Shepard‘s survival, requirements shoot up to around 7,800 EMS at bare minimum.

With maximum EMS just shy of 8,500, clearly you‘ll have to take advantage of every edge possible across the trilogy. This guide covers how to squeeze out all those extra war assets.

Why Maximize War Assets?

While 3,100 total military strength meets the basic threshold for an ending, having 7,800+ majorly increases odds of success against the Reapers. And some endings have variation based on this score. Not to mention bragging rights for maxing it out!

How to Get Maximum War Assets

Getting every possible war asset requires patience and diligence from all 3 titles:

  • Carefully Probe Solar Systems – Uncover hidden caches on random planets worth 75-100 each. Uncharted systems can yield 400-500 assets without setting foot on them!
  • Always Take Side Quests – Even menial tasks award assets. New systems introduce more assignments. Investigate everything!
  • Import ME2 Saves Strategically – Loyalty and survival of squads like Mordin, Tali and Kasumi pay off in ME3 assets.
  • Choose Paragon/Renegade Options – Peace between quarians & geth nets a whopping 300+ war assets alone. Ideal for high score runs.

Below is a data table outlining all known war assets sources and amounts in ME3 Legendary Edition:

SourceWar Assets Amount
Side Quests5-500 each
Solar System Probes75-100 each
Priority Quests100-1,000+ each
ME2 Loyalty/Survival25-150 per squadmate
DLC Content75-800+ each

Follow these tips, and prepare across all 3 titles, and 8,500 maximum EMS awaits! What ending did you achieve? Share in comments!

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