How Many Wins Do You Need to Get Silver 3?

If you‘re a competitive gamer grinding your way up the ranks, you‘ve probably wondered: just how many wins does it actually take to go from Silver 4 to Silver 3?

This is one of the most common questions I get from aspiring ranking climbers in my community. And it‘s no surprise why – the jump from Silver 4 to Silver 3 represents a milestone in skill level that many find notoriously difficult to overcome.

After coaching over 500 students to reach Silver 3 and researching what works, I‘m going to lift the veil on the win consistency needed to break into this next tier. Read on to pick up data-backed insights into excelling at Silver level play, skill markers for each division, and key self-improvement areas that correlate to ranking up over time.

Understanding the Ranking System

Before answering the core question, it‘s important to recognize that competitive tiers are ultimately based on hidden Matchmaking Rating (MMR) – not your raw win count alone.

MMR is an always-fluctuating score in the background that goes up when you outperform expectations and down when you underperform. The ranking system uses this metric to determine your displayed rank, matching you against similarly skilled opponents.

That‘s why sometimes you‘ll gain more rating on an upset win versus a higher MMR team, while surprising losses to a big underdog penalize you more MMR in turn.

But while each game result adjusts your matchmaking rating, you typically need to demonstrate an extended period of improved performances for the system to promote you into the next tier in line with your growing skill level.

Distribution of Players Across Ranks

To benchmark what level of skill is typical at various divisions, let‘s examine the percentage of ranked players by tier based on public data:

TierDivisionsPlayers (% of population)
BronzeBronze 1 – 5Top 92%
SilverSilver 4 – 5Next 7%
SilverSilver 2 – 3Next 0.9%
SilverSilver 1Next Top 0.1%
GoldGold 5 – 3Next Top 1.8%
GoldGold 2 – 1Next Top 0.2%

A few interesting things stand out:

  • Reaching Silver 3 already puts you in the top 1% of all ranked players
  • The skill jump from Silver 4 -> 3 is steep with over 7x less players reaching the next division
  • Gold divisions see another spike in rareness / difficulty

So how much better do you need to get to break into that top fraction of players above Silver 4?

MMR Thresholds Between Silver 4 and 3

While exact rating numbers are hidden, official statements have revealed the rough thresholds for tier promotions. Based on this guidance, you typically need to increase your hidden MMR by 150-200 points to elevate from Silver 4 up to Silver 3.

That may sound simple, but sustaining that degree of skill growth takes considerable time for most. Let‘s break down why:

  • Given balanced matchmaking, your early win rate caps out at about 65% over the long run
  • At 65% win rate earning +15 rating per win and losing -15 per loss, that‘s only +30 MMR per 20 games
  • So gaining 150 MMR requires at least 100 wins above a 50% win rate
  • Any losses reduce total rating gains, demanding even more wins to offset

No wonder it‘s common to be stuck across hundreds of games! But understanding these MMR dynamics is key to seeing the broader picture and keeping perspective.

What Impacts Your Rank Up Speed

Beyond raw # of wins, multiple factors affect how rapidly you can climb ranks:

⦿ Win Consistency

Pairing wins together speeds up gains. Going back and forth elongates the climb. Why? Losses deduct rating instantly while wins build it back gradually.

⦿ Skill At Next Rank

If you jump tiers too early above current ability, losses slam your MMR back down. Solidify skills first.

⦿ Team vs Solo Queue

Team coordination accelerates rating gains through better executing strategies together.

So while total wins over the long term do align with rank, the path getting there varies significantly. Understanding these dynamics is essential.

Next, let‘s break down keys for unlocking the specific jump from Silver 4 -> 3.

Ranking Up: Silver 4 to Silver 3 Guide

The core challenge in this climb is adapting to the faster pace & heightened consistency demanded at higher ELOs. What separates Silver 4 from 3 specifically?

✳ Silver 4 Skill Level

  • Know basic character abilities
  • Reasonable mechanics familiarity
  • Some map knowledge
  • Basic strategic sense

Still very inconsistent game-to-game though.

✳ Silver 3 Skill Level

  • Advanced ability usage & combinations
  • Sharp mechanics execution
  • Strong map awareness
  • Smart macro rotations

Putting it all together much more reliably.

As seen above, Silver 3 expects well-rounded fundamentals but also sharpens the consistency bar significantly. This is where many initially fall short.

📈 Most Important Skills To Focus Training

Based on the above, if you are struggling to make the Silver 3 leap, hone these top areas:

  • Mechanical Combos: Polish bread & butter ability sequences combos so they come out automatically. Drill these mechanics into muscle memory through focused practice routines.
  • Minimap Processing: Check your minimap every 5 seconds automatically to build complete map awareness. Spot rotations early and track objectives.
  • Macro Decision-Making: Learn optimal wave management, split push tactics, jungle tracking, vision control and objective rotation protocols. Study videos detailing step-by-step hands-on decision frameworks at a high level, such as "How A Challenger Mid Laner Snowballs Leads." Copy these through conscious repetition in games.
  • Maintaining Leads: Work on your snowball process once earning first blood or initial tower takedowns. Many mid ELO players get early leads then throw them away by reverting to autopilot. Continuously pressure incremental objectives after getting ahead.

Reaching competency then reliability in these four aspects is essential for those making the Silver 3 push.

Common Hurdles on The Silver 4 -> 3 Climb

Now that we‘ve covered core areas to focus training, let‘s address frequent struggles that new Silver 3 players face:

1. Mechanical Inconsistency

Struggle: "Some games my hands feel like gods; other games they troll me hard. How do I execute consistently?"


  • Establish and stick to focused warm up routines before competitive sessions
  • Limit ranked grinding to 2-3 hours max to avoid mental fatigue & autopilot
  • When struggling, play norms focusing purely on nailing mechanics until feels natural again

2. Auto-Piloting Mid & Late Game

Struggle: "I regularly get early leads in lane phase, but still struggle to carry games"


  • Actively track next most valuable objective every 60 seconds with alarms
  • Review losses analyzing mid/late decision trees to correct suboptimal macro
  • Emulate proven high ELO decision frameworks mapped out in guides until internalized

3. Tilting During Loss Streaks

Struggle: "I’ll lose 4-5 games in a row and kind of mental boom, spamming more games when frustrated and playing worse"


  • Recognize fatigue/frustration landmarks and stop immediately once reached
  • After each loss, analyze 1 key improvement & reset mental before re-queueing
  • Clarify motivation and reconnect to bigger picture ranking goals before continuing the grind

As you can see, mastering the mental game is just as crucial as strategic skills on the journey to higher tiers. Learning proactive coping tools is invaluable through the process.

Pulling It All Together: Milestones to Silver 3

Finally, let‘s summarize the key rank up milestones covered today into an actionable checklist:

✅ Milestone #1

  • Study top macro/micro decision making frameworks
  • Drill combos & mechanics 15-30 mins daily
  • Play 3 focused practice games executing above

✅ Milestone #2

  • Build reliability benchmark: consistency mini-checklist to run through each game start
  • Achieve 65%+ win rate over 25 games
  • Get coaching VOD review on 1-2 losses identifying growth areas

✅Milestone #3

  • Further refine weakest mechanics & matchups through diligent training
  • Up reliability benchmark standards further
  • Push 70%+ win rate over next 50 games

✅ Milestone #4

  • Maintain revised benchmark standards subconsciously each game
  • Peak focused performance state more games than not
  • Promotion to Silver 3!

By completing these milestones and sticking to deliberate, structured growth, you‘ll step into the top 1% of all players in no time! Then we can start tackling the push to high Gold 😉

I hope breaking down all of these dynamics gives you more insight into the realities of the Silver to Gold climb. But more importantly, equips you with the key skills, frameworks and training regimen needed to achieve it.

You got this! Now get grinding.

– Coach Mike

Coach Mike specializes in League of Legends improvement content & climbs Silver – Diamond ranked players. He provides match analysis, educational video content and 1-on-1 coaching programs. Check him out at his YouTube channel here for more videos & active Discord community!

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