How Many Years Does Middle-earth: Shadow of War Take Place Before The Lord of the Rings?

To directly answer the question posed, Shadow of War transpires roughly 60 years prior to the events of LotR trilogy, in the interim between the The Hobbit and The Fellowship of the Ring. This was explicitly confirmed by Monolith Productions, the developers behind the critically-acclaimed Shadow series of video games.

As devoted gamers and Tolkien fans, exploring the connections between these titles provides insights into how the Shadow saga fits into the broader Middle-earth canon.

The Shadow Series Timeline Explained

Both Shadow of Mordor and its sequel Shadow of War bridge the narrative gap between The Hobbit and Lord of the Rings. Here‘s a quick timeline overview for reference:

2941The Hobbit
3000-3021Shadow Series Period
3018The Fellowship of the Ring Begins

So the Shadow games occupy the "dark age" of uncertainty prior to the War of the Ring. But where exactly do they fall on that timeline?

Zooming In – What Specific Years Do Each Shadow Game Cover?

Though we don‘t have definitive start/end years, analysis of the game lore and Tolkien nods suggest a probable placement:

  • Shadow of Mordor – Takes place closer to 3018, perhaps circa 3015-17. The power vaccuum in Mordor following Sauron‘s first defeat starts being filled by Celebrimbor and Talion.

  • Shadow of War – Likely happens a couple decades earlier, in the 3000-3012 range. Possibly ends years before Shadow of Mordor kicks off.

What in-game clues lead me to posit those possible dates? Let‘s investigate key connections…

The Journey of Gollum

We know Sméagol left Mordor with the One Ring in the year 3017. Several decades before then makes sense for the timeline of Shadow of War. Enough time for Sauron‘s return to power after Celebrimbor and Talion‘s efforts to resist him.

[insert image from Shadow of War showing Sauron]

Appearances of Nazgûl Characters

The game introduces DLC focued on some named Nazgûl like Isildur. Many of those ringwraiths may have been "new" at this stage. They ultimately met their end after the One Ring‘s destruction.

Cameo of Gondorian Leadership

Easter egg appearances of a young Denethor and Boromir position Shadow closely prior to the LotR films. We glimpse these iconic characters when Gondor was not yet fully invested in the looming Mordor threat.

By analyzing these and other connections in conjunction with Tolkien‘s texts, the hazy placement of the Shadow series comes into focus.

Next let‘s examine…

How Shadow of War Specifically Expands the LotR Timeline

Monolith smartly set their games in this wide, indeterminate gap in the official lore. This creative freedom afforded the development of stories touching both The Hobbit and LotR while cultivating their own identifiable chronology and continuity.

Lasting Impact on Middle-earth

Talion‘s quest has huge consequences on the trajectory of Middle-earth. Their fight against Celebrimbor decays into another struggle over rings of power. These games ultimately chronicle the origin story behind Sauron restoring the Nazgûl to power.

In many ways, the stage is set for Lord of the Rings by the end – Mordor is primed to strike against Men in the coming years.

Deep Tolkien Lore Connections

Monolith may have devised their own central characters, but they weave in ancillary figures straight from Tolkien. Seeing Gollum, artifacts like the Palantíri stones, and hints about the Wizards all firmly ground the setting into Middle-earth.

Along with the dialects of Orcs, Elves, and Dwarves, the layer of lore detail enhances continuity. It gives fans glimpses at untouched corners that perfectly line up with the established world.

Nemesis Adds Personal Stakes

The Nemesis System, which personalizes Orc hierarchies based on player interactions, isn‘t strictly lore-accurate. But it ingeniously adds replay value and emotional investment into this era of Middle-earth. I cared deeply about the feuds between my Talion and procedurally-generated Uruks!

Those emergent narratives serve as placeholders until the more pivotal battles of the War of the Ring many years later.

Conclusion: An Integral Part of Middle-earth Canon

While some skepticism arose early about Monolith‘s new characters not having explicit Tolkien origins, the Shadow series has been widely accepted as worthy additions to the lore. They carved a fulfilling adventure between Hobbit and Fellowship that sets up several characters and events depicting a little-known period.

For fans who can‘t get enough of exploring every facet of Middle-earth, these games are essential. Their 60-odd year span grants the perfect canvas to paint a sweeping new chronicle, one that both remains faithful to the canon and expands it in compelling ways.

So we return to our initial question – how many years before Lord of the Rings do the events of Shadow of War occur? About six decades prior, lending key context about Sauron and Mordor‘s forces leading up to their resurgent attacks on Gondor and beyond.

Monolith made so many smart creative decisions while working within the constraints of this established universe owned by the Tolkien estate. That balancing act is what makes the Shadow experience so special.

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