How Many Zombie Maps are in Call of Duty: Black Ops 2?

As a hardcore zombie mode fanatic, I can definitively say there are a whopping 12 playable zombie maps across Black Ops 2 and all its DLC map packs!

The core Black Ops 2 game launched with an innovative new TranZit experience interconnecting 4 Green Run maps:

  • Green Run (TranZit)
  • Bus Depot
  • Farm
  • Town

The DLC seasons then delivered 8 additional maps spanning new locales and classic callbacks:

  • Nuketown Zombies
  • Die Rise
  • Mob of the Dead
  • Buried
  • Borough
  • Cove
  • Detour
  • Rush

In this guide, we‘ll cover everything you need to know about each iconic zombies map – from the revolutionary TranZit to action-packed fan favorites like Mob of the Dead!

TranZit Redefined Zombies with Bold New Ideas

TranZit was Treyarch‘s ambitious attempt to push the Zombies formula into new territory for Black Ops 2. Allowing players to travel across multiple maps in one seamless game was an innovative evolution beyond confined experiences like Kino der Toten.

MapNew Elements
Green RunBuildables, crafting system
TownFirst persistent level with TranZit
FarmNew wall buy weapons
Bus DepotIntroduction of Denizen enemies

TranZit introduced groundbreaking features like buildables – equipment like the Turbine and Trample Steam that players could build from parts scattered across the maps. It brought crafting and strategy to the zombie slaying action.

The bus and other vehicles also made their debut, bringing vehicular warfare into the mix. Fighting hordes while speeding across maps was a rush! Of course Denizens forcing their way onto the bus also ratcheted up the challenge.

According to Treyarch, the TranZit saga across Green Run took over 2 years and a team of over 25 to complete! Their ambitious hard work paid off with an evolutionary leap ahead for zombie mode.

The Long Road Trip Across Green Run

TranZit interconnects the core Black Ops 2 maps Bus Depot, Farm and Town – along with other pit stops like the Diner and Power Plant. It provided one continuous experience across multiple locales, something completely new for Zombies.

The key method of travel is the iconic Green Run Bus, which follows a fixed route with stops at each map. Finding the right timing to hop on and off the bus while fighting zombies everywhere made for chaotic, thrilling games!

Each sub-map also had its own elements that added variety:


  • First ever persistent level evolved from survival maps
  • Tight quarters accentuated zombie threat
  • Counterpart to Farm and Bus Depot


  • Sprawling map with open sight lines
  • Unique wall buy guns like the SVU-AS sniper
  • Higher difficulty with more entry points

Bus Depot

  • Tightest spaces amped up the chaos
  • First appearance of Denizen enemies
  • High risk/reward from traversing fog

Buildables Shook Up the Formula

The buildables system added an extra dimension to your zombie-slaying arsenal across Green Run. Items like the Turbine could power doors or clear fog, while others like the Trample Steam provided defensive or offensive capabilities.

Crafting these added an entirely new element of strategy. Choosing which buildables to assemble first, finding parts across maps, and coordinating their use was integral to high round success.

It also incentivized thorough exploration through areas off the main path to hunt for parts. Getting the right equipment could make tricky challenges like the Bus Depot surviveable when things got hairy on higher rounds!

The buildables of TranZit unambiguously reshaped the future of zombies map design in later Black Ops games. This innovative system would evolve further in maps like Shadows of Evil and Der Eisendrache with their sprawling layouts accomodating complex build quests.

Black Ops 2 DLC Maps – Thrilling New Stories and Classic Returns

Beyond TranZit and Green Run, the Black Ops 2 DLC seasons also delivered 8 iconic zombies maps spanning new territories and classic throwbacks. Mob of the Dead and Origins in particular contributed legendary Easter eggs and wonder weapons that remain fan favorites to this day.

Nuketown ZombiesChaotic, close quarters take on classic map
Die RiseVerticality and randomized control brought new challenge
Mob of the DeadAll-time great map with blend of innovation and nostalgia
BuriedControversial for easy high rounds but introduced great ideas
BoroughInnovative separators and rooftop verticality
CoveBright, colorful aesthetic with tight narrow passages
DetourHighway setting extended TranZit lore
RushCircular design caused claustrophobic feel

Many maps tried out creative concepts that evolved the gameplay:

  • Verticality: Die Rise and Buried had multiple floors and falls bringing height into play
  • Innovative Walls/Doors: Detour with barriers adjusting flow, Borough with rising separators
  • Easter Eggs: Mob of the Dead "Pop Goes the Weasel" quest remains an all-time great

These experiments kept the action feeling fresh and new with each map. At the same time, bringing back the fast-paced mayhem of Nuketown Zombies satisfied the nostalgia many fans felt for the classic competitive map too.

Mob of the Dead – Innovative Mechanics Meet Nostalgia

The Mob of the Dead map embraced innovation while having familiar callbacks to fan favorite map elements. The core setting of Alcatraz prison immediately evoked the tense, uncertain feeling of classic zombies chasing you through dark, creepy halls.

Introducing the Hell‘s Retriever throwable axe and Blundergat wonder weapon brought exciting new tools to slaughter zombies in style. The iconic Afterlife mode shifting between spirit and body forms created mind-bending gameplay dynamics.

Of course battling the raging Brutus mini-boss required lightning reflexes and strategic coordination amongst crews. Unloading clip after clip as his health regenerated induced furious desperation!

Mob of the Dead also featured one of the most beloved and complex Easter eggs ever with "Pop Goes the Weasel." Activating songs, finding plane parts, and recalibrating numbers combined clues from both the Golden Gate Bridge and Alcatraz itself.

The blend of innovation with nostalgic atmosphere solidified Mob of the Dead as not just one of the best Black Ops 2 maps, but one of the finest zombies experiences ever crafted.

Which Black Ops 2 Zombie Map is the Best?

While rankings are certainly subjective, many zombies enthusiasts widely regard Mob of the Dead as the masterpiece of Black Ops 2 based on various community polls and forum discussions.

Its Easter egg quest stands toe-to-toe with the most iconic (like Der Eisendrache), while innovations with spirit/afterlife brought a truly fresh experience. Of course the setting and blend of new mechanics with classic zombies feel made MotD an instant classic.

Maps like Buried and Origins also compete as fan favorites though due to their memorable wonder weapons and intense Easter eggs culminating in explosive finales against the Panzer Soldat or zombie hordes led by Samantha Maxis herself.

At the same time, the massive ambition of TranZit earns recognition as a landmark leap forward for zombie mode – despite some valid criticisms of its fractured sub-maps and frustrating elements like Denizens.

Ultimately with 12 unique maps spanning over 4 DLC packs, Black Ops 2 offered remarkable diversity and experimentation within zombies. Each map provided varied settings, enemies, and gameplay mechanics that kept the experience exciting and unexpected.

Both casual survivalists and the most dedicated Easter egg hunters found endless replay value from the 8 maps beyond Green Run. And TranZit itself stands as a milestone in the mode‘s evolution – setting the foundation for more intricate multi-part maps to thrive in future titles.

For hardcore zombie connoisseurs, Black Ops 2 remains endlessly replayable as we still discover little gameplay quirks or story details on maps both nostalgic and trailblazing to this day. It cemented the game mode‘s popularity and ensured countless hours of late night chaos slashing through zombie hordes alongside friends!

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