There are 8 Incredible Zombie Maps in Call of Duty: Black Ops 4

As a passionate Call of Duty Zombies player and content creator, I can definitively state there are 8 playable zombie maps available in Black Ops 4 across 4 on-disc maps and 4 DLC maps. In this guide, I‘ll be breaking down each one in-depth and providing my own insights from countless hours exploring these intricate and terrifying maps!

On-Disc Maps

Voyage of Despair

Set aboard the doomed RMS Titanic, this map is one of my personal favorites with its blend of tight claustrophobic corridors and wide-open spaces. According to the Call of Duty wiki, key areas include:

  • The Grand Staircase
  • Cargo Hold
  • State Rooms
  • Bow & Stern Decks

With rooms like the fancy 1st Class Lounge or tight Crew Quarters, there‘s impressive visual variety as you battle the undead. Highlights include fighting zombies while knee-deep in water as the ship sinks or unleashing special weapons like the Kraken or Chakrams!

Some stats:

EnemiesCatalyst, Blightfather

I‘d rank Voyage of Despair as #3 out of the BO4 maps. The setting is incredible but can be maze-like making it hard to navigate at times.


Transporting you back to Ancient Rome, IX takes place in a colosseum with gladiators, traps, and more surprises. It‘s visually stunning but also quite challenging to survive into the later rounds!

Areas range from the underground Crypts to the Arena where you‘ll face off against enemies like the giant gladiator the Brutus. My favorite area is actually the Starting Room with its cool artifacts and details like flowing lava.

Some key stats on IX:

EnemiesGladiators, Blightfather

IX comes in at #2 in my rankings. It‘s refreshing to have a mythology/ancient setting and the trap and arena features make for tense zombie slaying action!

Blood of the Dead

A fan favorite re-imagined, Blood of the Dead returns to the dark halls of Alcatraz Prison. I still remember first experiencing the terror of the original Mob of the Dead back in Black Ops 2‘s DLC.

Some of the most nerve-wracking areas include the cell blocks, showers, and rooftop – where you have to load up the plane with souls! The spectral warden also returns as an intimidating special enemy.

Here are some stats on this legendary map:

EnemiesBrutus, Warden

I‘m ranking Blood of the Dead as #5 mainly because it feels restrictive compared to more open maps like IX or Ancient Evil. But it still captures the tense, haunting personality of Mob of the Dead.


Classified transports us back to the Pentagon in this remaster of the iconic "Five" map. Attempting round 100 runs here is a rite of passage for any Zombies player in my book!

Fending off the undead in areas like the hidden Panic Room or War Room is just as exciting as ever with BO4‘s enhanced graphics and mechanics. New elemental Wonder Weapons also spice up the classic Five formula.

Some stats on Classified:

EnemiesPentagon Thief

I‘m giving Classified a #6 ranking – the nostalgia factor is high but it doesn‘t quite stand out like an all-new map. The Pentagon makes for an awesome survival experience regardless!

DLC Maps

Dead of the Night

This mansion map is crammed with personality, secrets, and even celebrity cast like Helena Bonham Carter as the map‘s quest guide. Fighting zombies while suited armor comes to life or specters phase through walls always keeps you on edge.

Some key areas include the Gardens, Crypt, Master Bedroom, and Wine Cellar. I‘m particularly fond of the Trophy Room with mounted animal heads that come to life!

Stats for Dead of the Night:

EnemiesWerewolves, Crimson Nosferatu

I rank Dead of the Night at #4. The gothic atmosphere allows for plenty of creepy undead action and the star-studded cast is a lot of fun.

Ancient Evil

Ancient Evil brings us to the legendary city of Delphi set in ancient Greece. The setting is vibrant and lets us battle mythological enemies from minotaurs to flying harpies.

Some of my personal favorite areas include the Apollo Temple, Theater, Bathhouse trap and intense Boss Battle arena. This also has one of the most complex easter eggs to uncover in BO4 Zombies.

Here are some key Ancient Evil stats:

EnemiesMedusa, Pegasus

I‘m ranking Ancient Evil as #1 out of all BO4 maps. The Greek mythology theme complete with magical Pegasus weapon, tough enemies like the Scorpion, and intriguing easter egg make this a must-play.

Alpha Omega

Continuing the Aether story from maps like Blood of the Dead, Alpha Omega brings us once more to a familiar survival spot: Nuketown Island from Black Ops 1. Facing the undead in this neighborhood area with buried CIA secrets is just as tense as before.

Areas range from underground bunkers to the interior of ragged house interiors. And you might just encounter some nuclear explosions adding to the challenge!

Key Alpha Omega stats:

EnemiesAvogadro, Pentagon Thief

I rank Alpha Omega at #7 – while it‘s great to revisit Nuketown Zombies, the map lacks some of the ambitious personality of Ancient Evil or IX. Still, surviving here is a blast for veteran players.

Tag der Toten

Tag der Toten serves as the epic finale to Treyarch‘s long-running Aether storyline bringing together story elements from maps like Blood of the Dead and Alpha Omega.

The setting itself is a mashup of classic areas like Nacht der Untoten or Verruckt but with portals leading to new twisted spaces. Weapons like the Thundergun or Monkey Bombs will bring back plenty of memories for longtime fans!

And here are some Tag stats as the grand finale map:

EnemiesAstronaut Zombie, Pentagon Thief

I‘m ranking Tag der Toten #8 – it‘s greatest strength is tying up loose ends in the Zombies storyline. Gameplay-wise maps like Ancient Evil and IX are just more distinctive.

So Many Zombies, So Little Time

As you can see, Black Ops 4 is clearly the Call of Duty title that goes harder than any other when it comes to Zombies with 8 fully-featured maps to explore at launch and beyond. There‘s terrifying settings from Alcatraz to Delphi and refreshing new enemies like Werewolves or Gladiators to battle each round.

Let me know which BO4 Zombies map is your personal favorite or if you disagree with any of my rankings! Now if you‘ll excuse me, I need to hop back into Ancient Evil to work on beating my highest round…

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