Demystifying Accuracy in Path of Exile

As an avid PoE gamer myself, I know accuracy can be one of the more confusing stats for new exiles trying to scale damage. In this guide, I‘ll cover everything you need to know about accuracy, how it works, and how much you need to reliably land hits against enemies of all difficulties.

What Accuracy Rating is Needed For 100% Hit Chance?

To have a 100% chance to hit an enemy in Path of Exile, your accuracy rating needs to equal or beat that enemy‘s evasion rating.

For example:

  • A monster with 2000 evasion requires 2000+ accuracy to guarantee hits
  • An endgame map boss with 5000 evasion needs 5000+ accuracy for 100% hit chance

Missing accuracy thresholds causes some percentage of attacks to miss or be evaded. So stacking accuracy counters enemies‘ ability to dodge your hits via evasion.

Accuracy Needed For Comfortable Hitting

Realistically you don‘t need to fully match enemy evasion, as long as you reach certain accuracy thresholds:

Enemy DifficultyAccuracy Needed
Level 83 Monsters3000
Map Bosses4000
Endgame Bosses5000+

With around 3000 accuracy, you‘ll reliably hit most regular monsters. But higher evasive bosses require further accuracy stacking up to 5000+ to comfortably land most attacks.

Sources of Increased Accuracy Rating

There are several solid ways to scale increased accuracy:

  • Accuracy Support Gems: Add flat accuracy to attacks
  • Equipment: Up to 300+ accuracy on gloves, rings, amulets
  • Passive Tree: Accuracy clusters grant high accuracy
  • Auras: Precision grants accuracy based on aura effect
  • Dexterity: Every 2 dexterity gives 1 accuracy

When building for accuracy, prioritize stacking multiple different sources. Relying purely on Precision can be risky if you ever lose your aura. Mixing gear, tree, gems provides consistency in keeping high accuracy.

Comparing Accuracy Needs Across Builds

Accuracy requirements can vary greatly depending on your main skill. Here are comparisons:

Spells – Very high hit chance already. Usually don‘t need accuracy investment.

Projectile Attacks – Need good accuracy to counter evasion. 3-4k accuracy recommended.

Melee Attacks – Struggle with accuracy. Prioritize stacking increased accuracy.

So attack builds have much higher accuracy needs compared to spell casters. And within attacks, melee builds have the hardest time landing hits reliably.

Interaction Between Accuracy and Evasion

Accuracy in PoE works using an entropy system that determines whether each attack hits or misses. It calculates a entropy counter based on the difference between your accuracy and enemy evasion ratings.

Higher accuracy compared to enemy evasion increases odds of landing a hit. If accuracy is lower than evasion, entropy works against you leading to more misses.

So stacking accuracy flips entropy in your favor overcoming enemy evasion to guarantee landing attacks.

Popular Accuracy Stacking Builds

Some builds that heavily prioritize accuracy stacking are:

  • Accuracy Stacking Juggernauts – Stack accuracy on gear and dexterity to also increase critical strike chance
  • Champion Impale Bow Builds – Take advantage of Champion‘s increased accuracy to land impales
  • Ascendant Aura Stackers – Invest heavily into the Precision aura for accuracy
  • Raider Attack Builds – Utilize Raider‘s increased accuracy scaling to counter evasion

Final Thoughts

As a general rule of thumb, between 3000-5000 accuracy rating will comfortably land most attacks through endgame. Heavily evasive enemies may still dodge some hits, but reaching these accuracy thresholds prevents feeling like attacks "always miss".

Prioritize stacking multiple sources – equipment, passives, gems – to balance hitting accuracy caps. Let me know if you have any other questions about scaling accuracy or chance to hit in PoE!

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