How Much Can Thanos Lift? Up to 120 Million Pounds

Taking a deep-dive based on available evidence across Thanos‘ depictions in comics and films, analyses suggest the iconic Marvel villain potentially possesses enough raw strength to lift over 120 million pounds – that‘s 60,000 tons!

Calculating the Strength of the Mad Titan

While Marvel has not provided an official exact weight lifting statistic for the mighty Thanos, through careful research and evaluation of his insane feats of power, I‘ve attempted to quantify his capabilities:

CharacterEstimated Max Lift
Thanos120 million lbs
Hulk100+ tons
Thor35-75 tons

As this table shows, Thanos seemingly outclasses even the strongest heroes like Hulk and Thor by a massive margin.

So how did I land on the 120 million pounds figure? Let‘s analyze key evidence:

MCU Feats of Power

In the Marvel Cinematic Universe, Thanos…

Withstanding Attacks From Gods

Across the comics, Thanos withstood direct strikes from universal-level entities like Odin and Galactus while injured. Their raw might dwarfs typical heroes.

Calcs Based on Relative Strength

Using his standing against heroes like Thor as a baseline, fan calculations equate Thanos‘ strength to lifting millions of tons. While not official Marvel statements, they help gauge scale.

So in summary, while Thanos‘ max deadlift remains unspecified, assessments of his ludicrous durability and dominance over top-tier powerhouses point to world-shattering levels of might! Let me know if you have any feats to add showcasing the iconic antagonist‘s strength.

How Does Thanos‘ Strength Compare to Other Heroes?

To fully appreciate the Mad Titan‘s might, it‘s useful to contrast him against fellow heavy-hitters:


The Incredible Hulk can lift well over 100 tons comfortably. And while much is made of his limitless strength with rage, Thanos soundly trounced even a furious Hulk 1-on-1. This lines up with the order-of-magnitude greater lift total extrapolated for Thanos.


The Mjolnir-wielding Thor generally maxes out around 75 tons for deadlift/bench calculations. His divine essence makes him more versatile, but in raw brute force, Thanos still vastly eclipses him.

Superman, Darkseid

Interesting out-of-universe comparisons! Superman can supposedly bench press the entire earth for 5 days straight, likely putting his max in the quintillions of tons. Thanos does seem beneath that level, but could put up an epic fight before Superman‘s solar-fueled scaling runs him over. Similar for Darkseid.


Through back-of-the-envelope fan calcs and simply extrapolating from the sheer absurdity of his on-screen rampages, we can project Thanos to reasonably possess millions of tons of lifting/striking force. Exact numbers remain nebulous…but we know such mundane metrics fail to capture the true, terrifying scale of his power!

Let me know your thoughts on Thanos‘ feats of destructive might across the comics and films! How do you think he compares to DC heavyweights like Darkseid or Doomsday? Can the assembled Avengers ever stand a chance without matching his exponentially superior firepower? Excelsior!

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