How Much Can Thor Lift?

As an Asgardian god and one of Marvel‘s most powerful heroes, Thor possesses legendary strength that is nearly incalculable at times. He has demonstrated the capacity to lift well beyond 100 tons and battle cosmic beings like Thanos and Celestials.

Thor‘s Best Strength Feats

Through his comics and movie appearances, Thor has shown off his godly might via breathtaking displays like:

  • Shattering entire planets and moons with his blows
  • Matching the Hulk in multiple tests of raw strength
  • Lifting the Midgard Serpent, a creature with a weight greater than Earth itself
  • Pushing the massive World Engine machine during a battle
  • Briefly overpowering Thanos during their fight in Avengers: Infinity War
  • Battling fellow skyfathers like Odin and Zeus in contests and combat

These incredible feats put Thor‘s strength into a legendary context among both mortal heroes and his fellow gods.

How Thor Compares to Other Marvel Heroes

When it comes to lifting capacity, Thor stands tall even among powerful Marvel heroes:

HeroEst. Max Lift
Thor100+ tons
Hulk100+ tons
Captain Marvel100+ tons
Iron Man100+ tons
Spider-Man10 tons
Captain America800 pounds

So while the likes of Hulk and Captain Marvel can match Thor‘s might at times, few can exceed the God of Thunder‘s raw strength by the numbers.

The Boundless Nature of Thor‘s Godly Might

As an Asgardian god, putting a true cap on Thor‘s power is nearly impossible. His legendary strength has been shown to flux, grow with his rage, and even evolve over time. So any exact weight limit placed on Thor is likely a dramatic underestimate.

Using his best showings as a guideline, I estimate Thor‘s base lifting capacity to be somewhere around the planetary range, if not higher. In other words, Thor possesses the innate strength to lift mountains and shatter entire worlds when sufficiently angered. No object may be beyond his godly grasp.

What Makes Thor‘s Strength so Special

But what truly sets Thor‘s power apart is its magical divine origins. As an Asgardian god, Thor‘s incredible might is innate and deeply connected to his magical body and origins. He does not rely solely on external sources like serums, armor, mutations, or machines for his strength.

In short – Thor was simply born to be strong as part of his godly nature. While others like Hulk and Captain Marvel can temporarily match his power by enhancing themselves, they cannot come close to matching Thor‘s inborn divine stamina. That magical edge is what firmly cements Thor as one of the strongest beings in the Marvel pantheon when it comes to lifting might.

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