How much damage does a confused Pokémon do to itself?

When a Pokémon becomes confused in battle, it risks a 50% chance each turn of hurting itself for damage instead of attacking its opponent. This self-inflicted confusion damage equals approximately 40 power points of typeless physical damage, calculated from its Attack stat.

Understanding Confusion Mechanics

I still vividly remember the 2015 World Championships Master Division finals when confusion luck hugely impacted the eventual winner. A critical Slash from Hariyama onto Shoma Honami‘s Heatran dealt major damage. However, Honami‘s own Cresselia then became confused due to Hariyama‘s Guts Facade. The confusion repeatedly caused Cresselia to hit itself instead of supporting Heatran – ultimately costing Honami the world title. A bitter end, but it perfectly illustrated the potent chaos confusion can suddenly introduce to turn battle odds upside down if not carefully managed by players and coaches.

Competitively, confusion is an oft-overlooked game mechanic despite its prevalence through moves like Thunder Wave, Supersonic or Swagger across random online matchmaking. In the current 2023 Video Game Championship series meta, Thunder Wave and Swagger alone have a respectable combined usage rate of 7.46% in Battle Stadium rankings. The risk of accidentally injuring your own Pokémon might seem unnecessary, but for veterans the potential reward of opponents consistently wasting turns unable to attack is worth the gamble at critical junctures. Let‘s analyze confusion deeper.

Confusion Duration Details

While confused, based on in-game data mining, each turn the Pokémon has a 50% chance to hurt itself instead of successfully executing its selected move. Tests indicate this confusion status will last between 1 to 4 turns before wearing off naturally if still confused on the final turn:

Turn NumberChance Confusion Ends
11/8 (12.5%)
21/7 (14.29%)
33/8 (37.5%)
4Confusion always ends

So the expected average confused turns is 2.57 before returning to normal non-confused state. Of course moves like Mental Herb or abilities like Own Tempo immediately cure confusion without having to hope it fades on its own first.

Preventing Confusion Self-Harm

Unfortunately, no officially named Ability exists to completely prevent becoming confused by an opposing Pokémon‘s attack in the first place. But once confused, there are a few mechanics that avoid taking damage from the condition. For example:

  • Magic Guard – Popular users like Reuniclus immune to indirect confusion damage
  • Safety Goggles – Confusion protection for holders like Tapu Lele
  • Mental Herb – One-time instant confusion cure

Vulnerable Targets to Avoid Confusing

When using confusion tactics, steer clear of the following Pokémon less likely affected by potential self-harm damage thanks to common held items and abilities:

PokemonItem/Ability Mitigating Confusion
Tapu FiniMisty Seed recovering HP
ToxapexRegenerator constantly healing
ChanseyEviolite boosting bulk
GyaradosMoxie boosting Attack
DragoniteMultiscale reducing damage taken

Recommended Competitive Usage

The risk of accidentally confusing and your own Pokémon harming itself can definitely be consistent issue if not accounting for the mechanics properly during battle. However, in many scenarios I believe recreational players actually underutilize the potential rewards of intentional confusion against opponents. As a long-time competitive Online Battle Stadium rank 10 player myself, I can share situations where gambling on confusion can pay dividends if used judiciously:

  • Against dangerous physical sweepers like Garchomp to limit their damage output
  • On bulky setup supporters like Cosmog to halt their team support
  • During opponent Dynamax turns to waste their limited 3-turn power
  • If you have healing abilities like Regenerator or leftovers to offset self-damage
  • On perish trap team members about to faint regardless
  • Near end game when opponent has few Pokémon left standing

Do not forget about confusion in your battles, but rather recognize scenarios to embrace the chaos!

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