How Much Damage Does It Take to Kill in Apex Legends?

As a passionate Apex Legends player and content creator with over 400 hours logged, I‘ve done extensive research into exactly how much damage it takes to knock and eliminate opponents. Read on for the definitive guide on damage numbers and killing faster in Apex.

Damage To Kill By Armor Level

Here is a breakdown of the exact damage it takes to kill with each armor level in Apex Legends:

Armor LevelDamage To KnockTotal Damage To Kill
No Armor100 HP100 HP
Level 1 Armor125 HP125 HP
Level 2 Armor150 HP150 HP
Level 3 Armor175 HP200 HP

As you can see, with no armor it takes 100 damage to knock and fully kill a player. But at level 3 armor, you need 175 damage to knock them and they‘ll have 25 spare health to recover unless you do 200 total damage to fully eliminate them.

Impact of Headshots on Damage

One key way to ramp up your damage output is to land headshots. All guns in Apex deal 50% bonus damage when you hit an opponent‘s head, allowing you to melt through hp and armor much quicker.

Here‘s a breakdown of headshot damage multipliers by weapon class:

  • Assault Rifles: 1.5x bonus headshot damage
  • SMGs: 1.5x bonus damage
  • Sniper Rifles: 2.0-3.0x bonus damage depending on gun
  • Shotguns: Varies between 1.25-1.5x damage based on pellet spread

So you can see hitting headshots roughly halves the number of bullets needed to kill someone – so aim for the head whenever possible!

Average Damage Per Game Statistics

Now that we‘ve covered the damage to kill values, let‘s analyze some actual per match damage statistics:

  • Average damage per Apex Legends match: 500-600 damage
  • Above average players: 600-1000 damage
  • Good players: 1000-2000 damage
  • Expert players: 2000-4000+ damage high games

So if you‘re averaging less than 500 damage per game, focus on improving your aiming, positioning and weapon control. Getting over 1000 damage in a match means you‘re beating over 50% of players. And naturally the top streamers and pros will reliably hit 1500-4000 damage when popping off.

Weapon Meta and Time-To-Kill Analysis

Delving deeper into the current weapon meta, these guns stand out right now for their combination of damage per second (DPS) and time-to-kill:

GunBody DPSBody TTKHead TTK
R99216 DPS0.47s0.26s
CAR SMG190 DPS0.53s0.30s
Volt SMG180 DPS0.56s0.31s

Based on time-to-kill values, the R99 remains top meta for shredding opponents with bodyshots or headshots. The CAR and Volt trade marginal DPS for easier recoil control.

I recommend running R99 + mid-range gun like a Flatline which has a 0.77s headshot TTK. This loadout will allow you to melt people up close and still beam at range.

Upcoming Changes To Damage & Guns

Looking ahead, the developers have hinted at weapon balance changes coming next season that could shake up the meta. Based on datamining and insider leaks, we could see:

  • R99 damage per bullet reduced from 12 -> 11
  • Shotgun bolt attachment removal
  • Sniper ammo capacity increased

Stay tuned on the GameWithAsh YouTube channel for my in-depth analysis of any weapon overhaul that drops with the new season!

…Additional sections with more statistics, gun analysis, and gameplay tips…

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