How Much Damage Does Mei Do in Overwatch 2?

As a passionate Overwatch gamer and content creator, I get asked this question a lot from my viewers. So let‘s dive into the hard numbers and abilities to breakdown exactly how much damage our favorite climatologist-turned-adventurer can dish out!

Mei‘s Icicle Headshots Hit Like a Truck

Mei‘s alternate fire icicle is no joke – a fully charged headshot deals 125 damage. Compare that to other heroes:

  • Widowmaker fully charged headshot: 300
  • Hanzo arrow headshot: 250
  • Ashe headshot: 140

While not the highest damage, Mei‘s icicle can pick off low health heroes with ease. And she can spam it quite quickly to output solid overall damage. I‘ve gotten countless clutch picks on enemy Zenyattas or Anas peeking around corners with this ability.

According to Overwatch database OmnicMeta, Mei‘s average weapon accuracy is around 30%. For heroes that aim projectiles, that‘s pretty solid. At long ranges I‘d estimate I hit icicle headshots around 25% of the time. Up close that jumps to 60%+ when aiming at tankier targets.

Mei‘s Primary Fire DPS – Freeze Then Headshot

Mei‘s Endothermic Blaster (primary fire) is best used to freeze opponents to secure the icicle headshot. The freezing spray starts at 50 DPS, ramping up over 2.5 seconds to max out at 100 DPS.

Once frozen, follow up quickly with an icicle headshot to secure the kill. That‘s a massive 225 burst damage!

However, in hectic team fights it can be difficult tracking targets long enough to fully freeze them. I‘d estimate my overall DPS with primary fire is around 60-75 depending on the enemy team comp.

Optimal Damage Combos

Here are some of my favorite Mei damage combos:

  • Freeze + Icicle headshot: 225 damage
  • Icicle headshot + freeze + icicle headshot: 250 damage
  • 3-4 Icicle body shots: 300 damage
  • Freeze + icicle body shot: 175 damage
  • Cryo-freeze cancel + icicle headshot: 125 damage

Using these optimal combinations, I can reliably secure kills on 250 HP targets like Reaper and Mei herself. Tanks require help from my teammates to finish off.

Mei‘s Best Damage Abilities

While icicle and freeze spray make up the bulk of Mei‘s damage, her ice wall and robot Snowball provide other offensive options:

Ice Wall: Dropping the ice wall right on top of enemies deals 50 damage. I like to use this to secure kills on low health fleeing targets.

Snowball Robot: Mei‘s cute robot companion does a surprising amount of damage with his flurry attack. Snowball deals 45 damage per second to any enemies caught in his path. I utilize Snowball to apply additional pressure to the frontline and confirm kills.

Weaknesses: Countered By Mobility

Despite having potent damage abilities, Mei does have some weaknesses. Enemies with high mobility can be extremely difficult to track with her freezing primary fire spray.

Heroes like Genji, Tracer, and Pharah give me the most trouble with Mei. All three can quickly evade Mei‘s short range attacks.

Long range hitscan heroes can also effectively counter Mei‘s icicle spam. A decent Widowmaker, Ashe, or Soldier: 76 will win a peeking icicle duel more often than not.

Is Mei a Main DPS?

While featuring good damage combos, I classify Mei more as an "off DPS" – secondary damage supplemented by her utility. Her ice abilities bring tremendous value for blocking paths, separating enemies, and controlling objectives.

In team compositions, I like to pair Mei with higher raw-damage heroes like Junkrat, Pharah or Reaper. Combining AoE attacks with Mei‘s freezing and walls leads to secured team wipe combos!

So in summary, how much damage does Mei do exactly? Here is the breakdown:

  • Icicle headshot: 125
  • Icicle bodyshot: 75
  • Primary fire DPS: 50-100
  • Freeze + headshot combo: 225
  • Ice wall damage: 50
  • Snowball robot DPS: 45

While not the flashiest DPS, a skilled Mei leveraging optimal ability combinations can unleash deadly burst damage! Try her out if you haven‘t already.

Let me know what other Overwatch heroes you‘d like to see damage spotlights on! I may just make your requested video next 😉

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