Game reviewers can make between $31K and $118K per year

The average annual salary for a game reviewer ranges from $31,000 on the low end up to a top tier of $118,500, according to 2023 data from ZipRecruiter. Most full-time reviewer incomes likely fall somewhere between $48,000 and $80,000.

As a diehard gamer, I‘ve always wondered if I could realistically turn my passion into a career. For as long as I can remember, I‘ve been obsessed with gaming trends, releases, culture, and news. Reviewing the latest titles for a living sounds like a dream job.

But could I actually make a decent living as a professional game reviewer? What does the career outlook and earning potential look like in this field? After lots of research, here‘s what I discovered…

An inside look at real-world game reviewer salaries

Gaming publications, websites, magazines, and other media outlets hire reviewers to critique the flood of new video game releases each year. Without reviewers, how would gamers know whether all the hype around the latest first-person shooter or RPG is warranted?

These passionate experts play through games, evaluating graphics, gameplay, storyline, audio, controls, replay value, and overall fun factor. Their written or video reviews inform purchasing decisions and influence public perception.

But most gamers probably don‘t realize reviewing is actual full-time job for many people. And according to the numbers, it can pay surprisingly well:

Game Reviewer PercentileSalary Range
25th Percentile$31,000
Median Salary$48,000 – $80,000
75th Percentile$80,000
90th Percentile Top Earners$118,500

As you can see, the median midpoint income for reviewers lands between $48,000 and $80,000. But top reviewers at leading publications likely earn over $100K.

By comparison, the average gamer spends $229 each year on game purchases according to Nielsen. So experienced reviewers who play through 30+ new titles annually are providing insight that guides millions in consumer spending. Their expertise commands substantial salaries in line with specialized reviewers in fields like film or food.

What impacts game reviewer earning potential?

Salaries for any job can vary based on employer, location, credentials, demand, and experience. Several factors account for the wide $31K to $118K range amongst gaming review professionals:


A lead reviewer position at IGN or GameSpot pays much higher than freelance work. Top outlets generate millions in advertising revenue thanks to reader traffic. With more resources to invest into talent, prominent publications offer up to $70-80K for senor reviewers. Lesser known sites may only budget $30-40K.

Of course freelancers can earn excellent income with volume across multiple clients. But staff positions tend to provide more stability.


Gaming hubs like Los Angeles and San Francisco have far higher costs of living compared to say, St. Louis. So base compensation levels align with local economic factors. Postings from ZipRecruiter show geographic ranges like:

  • California – $54K average
  • New York – $63K average
  • Florida – $47K average
  • Illinois – $44K average
  • Washington – $56K average

International game reviewer wages vary too. Those in Canada and England tend to earn just over $50K while Australian salaries approach $63K on average.

Experience Level

A junior reviewer with minimal experience may only receive $30-35K to start. But after building expertise and an audience over 3-5 years, income commonly jumps up to $60-75K.

Tenured professionals at the pinnacle of gaming review fame can make $100-120K between salaries and affiliate revenue shares. Proving yourself as an authority worth following pays off literally.

Credentials & Education

While not always mandatory, over half of reviewers hold four-year college degrees according to Zippa. And 20% have completed associate programs in relevant areas like journalism, communications, digital media, or game design.

Specialized education signals passion plus transferrable skills in research, writing, and analysis. Those credentials tend to boost income potential by commanding higher initial offers. Coursework also builds connections for post-graduation openings.

How to become a professional game reviewer

If the potential for good pay blending your hobby with a real career has you hooked, here is what it takes to break into games reviewing:

Gain broad gaming literacy

To assess new titles, reviewers need deep knowledge spanning console, PC, and mobile games. Play through triple-A blockbusters, indie releases, VR experiments…everything. Understanding gameplay mechanics, storytelling tropes, graphics capabilities, and innovations establishes essential context.

Start a blog

Build an audience and published samples. Share concise reviews plus gaming news commentary. Monetize through affiliate links over time. Top blogs drive six figures in annual income through sheer reader volume.

Network & seek mentors

Connect with those already working for leading outlets. Join gaming journalism groups on Facebook. Reach out to editors with thoughtful feedback and article ideas. Successful reviewers are deeply embedded within inner industry circles.

Consider specialized education

Degrees focusing on the gaming biz, journalism fundamentals, reviewing frameworks, and content creation techniques prepare you for day-one success. But self-study works too with the right motivation.

Apply for junior reviewer roles

Don‘t expect to land your dream job right away. Build confidence through smaller sites first. As you establish credibility after 6-12 months, bigger opportunities come knocking!

Game reviewing holds exciting income upside tied directly to your expertise. Those passionate about spreading gaming joy can absolutely earn a great living through reviews. Just know amazing writing skills must combine with strategic networking plus business development.

What other gaming careers have you considered? I‘d be happy to research expected salaries and opportunities within eSports, development, streaming, speedrunning or any niche!

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