How Much Cash Do French Foreign Legionnaires Really Take Home?

If you‘ve ever pictured yourself gazing stoically into the desert sunset, bayonet fixed and kepi hat tilted rakishly upon your head, you‘ve probably wondered:

"How much does the French Foreign Legion actually pay?"

It‘s a reasonable question for would-be warriors of fortune tempted by nostalgic pop culture portraits of the Legion. From Beau Geste to March or Die, the Legion seems to promise adventure, brotherhood and slightly better pay than your average Napoleon reenactor.

But what‘s the REAL scoop on Legion salaries in 2023? As a military history fanatic, I‘ve done some digging into the latest stats…

Salary Basics – Combat Pay Bumps Take Home to €2,300+

The average monthly salary payments for a new Legion recruit start around €1,300-€1,500. But that jumps substantially once you factor in combat deployment pay bonuses.

According to updated statistics from the Legion itself, total pay then ranges from:

  • €1,300-1,500 – Recruits & legionnaires on home service
  • €2,000-2,500 – Experienced caporal-chefs (corporal chiefs)
  • €2,300-3,500+ – Deployed on operations at sergeant rank or above

However, during at least your first 5 years of service, uniforms, food, housing etc. are covered separately. Similar to cops or other public services, much of your actual salary is disposable income for personal use.

Rank Breakdown – Career Legionnaires Earn €7,000+

The Legion pay structure is tied directly to your rank and time served. Here‘s a breakdown:

RankTypical Monthly Pay
Caporal (Cpl)€1,500-2,000
Caporal-Chef (Cpl)€2,000-2,500
Adjudant (Warrant Officer)€3,500-5,000

As you can see, it takes many years to reach the upper brackets. But the earning potential over a full 30-year career can be impressive.

Just for comparison, French Army corporals earn around €1,400 – less than the Legion starting pay.

Bonuses & Benefits – Citizenship, Pensions & Va-cay

Beyond the base pay, Legionnaires receive some nice bonuses including:

  • 45 Days Annual Leave
  • Pension after 15-25 years
  • Fast-track French Citizenship
  • Free cigarettes and wine rations on operations!
  • Hazard/deployment allowances

Citizenship in just 3 years is a massive deal compared to the typical 5-year residency requirement. This gives Legion retirees great flexibility to settle down in France long-term.

Adding up all the math, the average Legionnaire‘s take-home isn‘t amazing…but could fund a comfortable lifestyle in cheaper regions of France.

Certain elite paratrooper units probably fare better overall in pay and adventure. But if you just want to disappear from your old life and be reborn with a sexy French passport, the Legion offers a unique second chance!

Let me know if you have any other questions in the comments! À bientôt!

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