What Do Gaming YouTubers Earn at 100k Subscribers in 2024/2024?

Gaming creators with 100,000 subscribers are earning an average of $4,500-$15,000 per month currently. Some top gaming personalities easily clear over $200,000 annually once they hit the 100k subscriber milestone.

Why does gaming content generate strong income potential? Games are hugely popular on YouTube. Over 200 million gamers visit YouTube every day. And brands will pay a premium to partner with gaming influencers.

What Impacts a Gaming Channel‘s Earnings

Several key factors determine how much money gaming creators can make at each subscriber level:

View Duration

If viewers watch over 50-60% of your video on average, this positively impacts income. Top gaming creators like PewDiePie and Markiplier have extremely engaged audiences. Over 75% average view duration is common. More watch time = more ad revenue.

Video Types

Longer-form gaming playlists and gameplay commentary videos tend to perform best. These formats allow for multiple ads plus strong viewer retention. Short funny highlight clips tend to have lower monetization rates.

Game Genres

Income can fluctuate based on the specific games covered. For example, videos related to newly released big budget games like Call of Duty or Fortnite attract plenty of lucrative in-stream ads. Covering currently trending indie games can be more hit or miss.

Estimated Gaming Channel Earnings by Subscriber Milestone

Here are the average 2023/2024 income ranges for gaming YouTubers at each major subscriber point:

SubscribersEst. Monthly EarningsEst. Yearly Earnings
1 Million+$50,000-$250,000+$600,000-$3Million+

Gaming channels have massive earnings potential at higher subscriber tiers in particular. Once you have an audience in the millions, lucrative sponsorships, branding deals and even equity stakes with publishers become possible.

Top YouTuber PewDiePie‘s yearly income is estimated around $14 million thanks to his over 110 million subscribers, according to Forbes.

Changes When a Gaming Channel Passes 100k Subs

Reaching 100k subscribers brings some key opportunities:

  • Channel promotion across YouTube‘s global platform
  • Invitations to exclusive events like E3 and pre-launch game demos
  • Increased legitimacy to secure publisher PR contacts and review copies
  • Direct partner manager support from YouTube
  • High priority for creative funding projects like original series
  • Merch store and channel membership perks become available

In essence, hitting 100k subscribers gains a gaming creator significant influence and credibility. At the same time, maintaining steady growth requires adapting to YouTube‘s evolving policies and algorithms.

Maximizing Your Earnings Potential as a Gaming YouTuber

Here are 7 proven tips to optimize your income once you surpass 100k gaming subscribers:

Collaborate With Other Gaming Personalities

Cross-promote and feature guest creator videos to tap into each other‘s audience. This can help bring an influx of new subscribers and views.

Form Relationships With Game Developers

Securing early access to highly anticipated games lets you capitalize on launch search trends. Positive coverage also means more review copies and info down the road.

Balance Trending Games With Evergreens

Cover the hot new releases but also revisit classics like GTA, Minecraft and retro games. This "long tail" evergreen content will keep pulling in views.

Live Stream Regularly

Direct SuperChats and channel memberships are additional revenue streams. Just a few big donation streams per month contributes significantly to earnings.

Upload Consistently

YouTube‘s algorithm favors channels that upload at least 3-4 videos weekly. This gives viewers more content to watch and ads to monetize.

Promote Merchandise and Affiliates

Set up a merch store and highlight affiliated gaming gear in videos once you reach 100k subs. These complementary income sources add up.

Track Your Key Metric Performance

Analyze which video styles, topics and formats perform best in terms of CTR, view duration, retention and revenue generation. Then refine your content strategy accordingly.

I hope this detailed overview gives you tons of transparent insight into exactly how much money gaming creators are earning at each milestone subscriber point in 2024/2024. Let me know if you have any other questions!

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