How much does 1350 RP cost

As a long-time League of Legends player and content creator focused on the game, one of the most common questions I get asked is: how much does 1350 RP cost in real money?

The Straight Answer

To provide a clear answer upfront: 1350 RP costs $10 USD.

League of Legends uses an in-game currency called Riot Points (RP) for purchasing cosmetic skins, champions, boosts and other accessories from the Riot Store. There are several pricing tiers for skins, and the 1350 RP tier sits at the $10 price point.

RP & Skin Pricing Tiers

Here is a breakdown of the 5 main skin pricing tiers in League and how much RP you need to buy them:

Skin TierRP CostUSD Cost
520 RP520 RP$4
750 RP750 RP$5.75
975 RP975 RP$7.50
1350 RP1350 RP$10
1820 RP1820 RP$14

So that‘s the skinny on RP pricing. As you can see, 1350 RP skins cost $10 normally.

1350 RP Skins Are Popular Choices

Based on aggregate data sites tracking League of Legends skin sales, 1350 RP skins seem to be one of the best selling and most popular tiers among players. This lines up with my own experience as well.

According to Esports Tales, 1350 RP is considered the "standard skin price point" and the vast majority of skins released now days debut at this tier compared to lower 750 RP or higher 1820 RP tiers.

Players recognize 1350 RP as offering strong value for money. You get skins with revamped visual effects, sounds, animations compared to cheaper tiers. Yet they don‘t charge as much as elaborate 1820+ RP ultimate and legendary skins. It hits a nice sweet spot between price and quality.

My Own 1350 RP Skin Buying Experience

Personally I find myself buying 1350 RP skins much more frequently than lower or higher tiers skins. Especially lately as Riot has stepped up the visual fidelity in this price range.

Just in the past few months, some awesome 1350 skins I‘ve picked up for my main champions include:

  • Infernal Shen
  • High Noon Ashe
  • Arclight Varus
  • Eternum Nocturne

I think Riot has generally done a great job providing flashy effects, custom animations/VO and overall cool themes at the $10 dollar price point. While my wallet prefers cheap skins on sale, the quality and effort put into 1350+ RP skin tiers keeps me coming back.

How Much RP You Get at Various Price Points

If you‘re going to buy some RP, you should know how pricing works and how much bonus RP you receive per dollar at different levels.

Here is a table showing RP amounts given for various price points:

USD SpentRP Received
$5650 RP
$101380 RP
$202800 RP
$354720 RP
$507200 RP
$10015000 RP

A few things stand out:

  • You get more RP per dollar the more you spend at once
  • $100 nets best bonus giving 15,000 RP
  • $5 is least efficient only giving 650 RP

So ideally buy the biggest RP pack you can afford to maximize value.

Beware RP Price Changes

One extra note around pricing – Riot recently increased RP costs in late 2022 to account for inflation and currency fluctuations globally. While the USD costs above are current, keep an eye out for future changes.

Ways to Get Free or Discounted RP

While you mostly need to pay real money for RP, there are a few legit ways to score some free or discounted Riot Points:

1. Check For Limited Free RP Giveaways

On very rare occasions, Riot Games may reward small amounts of RP to players for server issues, extended downtime, or celebrating big League events. I‘ve personally scored some free bonus RP this way maybe 2-3 times in 10+ years playing!

2. Participate in Riot Games Surveys

Riot sends out occasional player experience and feedback surveys via email. Upon completion, you may get rewarded a little bit of free RP along with Blue Essence. It‘s not much, but every bit counts!

3. Sign Up For Referral and Rewards Programs

Companies like Razer, Nvidia, and Discord run League of Legends rewards programs that include small RP prizes for completing certain activities. For example, linking your Riot account unlocks bonuses.

4. Buy Discounted Prepaid Cards

If you don‘t want to link credit cards or PayPal to purchase directly, look for discounted prepaid card deals online or bundles that give a little bonus extra RP percentage on top when redeemed.

5. Only Buy Skins When They Are On Sale

Every couple months, Riot puts certain skin tiers on sale in the store, usually offering anywhere from 20-60% discounts off the normal RP price! By only buying skins on sale events, you maximize value from your RP and minimize real dollars spent. Be patient and vigilant!

While totally free RP handouts are very infrequent, utilizing the legit methods above allows you stretch your RP further even when buying stuff at full 1350 RP skin prices.

Is $10 for 1350 RP Skins Worth It?

At the end of day, whether $10 seems worth it or not for a 1350 RP skin comes down to each player‘s enjoyment level and financial situation.

For me personally, I find myself buying a new 1350 RP skin every month or two for my actively played champion rotation. The way I see it, I easily get 100+ hours enjoying flashy new skins over time, so breaking down $10 over that playtime works out to pretty nice cost per hour entertainment.

I have friends though who pride themselves on never spending money and just accumulating free skins through events/loot drops. That‘s awesome too!

My advice would be, if a $10 1350 RP skin really excites you, pull the trigger and treat yourself. But be wise with your money and conscious that it adds up over time. Utilize some tips above to minimize costs or unlock free RP where possible. Strike the right balance for your budget.

Bottom line, at the end of the day, Riot offers 1350 RP skins as premium digital cosmetics. They have no impact on actual gameplay or competitiveness. See them as optional fun perks that supplement the core free League experience!

Closing Thoughts

Hopefully this deep dive answered the question "how much does 1350 RP cost" with helpful context!

I aimed to provide skin pricing details, purchasing strategies, statistics and personal anecdotes as a long time player. My goal as a content creator is to inform players while encouraging responsible spending habits.

Let me know in comments if you have any other RP or League cosmetic pricing questions! I‘m happy to offer my insight drawing from years analyzing the game monetization landscape as an avid player.

Thanks for reading!

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