950 Apex Coins Costs Around $10 USD

As an avid Apex Legends player and content creator, I often get asked — just how much do 950 Apex coins cost? Well, I‘m here to provide a detailed breakdown. 950 Apex coins will cost you approximately $10 USD in the Apex Legends store. This amounts to nearly enough to unlock the standard Battle Pass for the current season.

Apex Coin Bundles and Pricing

Before getting into what you can buy, let‘s break down the pricing on Apex coin bundles available for purchase:

BundleCoinsBonus CoinsPrice (USD)
  • Bonus coins advertised separately at time of writing

As you can see above, the smallest Apex coin pack available is 1,000 for $9.99 — just barely above the 950 needed for the standard Battle Pass. This is no coincidence, as Respawn Entertainment likely priced bundles to encourage players to spend a bit more.

Based on current pricing, you can expect to pay right around $10 USD for 950 Apex coins. Those looking to maximize value should consider stepping up to the 1,000 coin small bundle for the slight difference of 50 cents.

One tip is to keep an eye out for limited-time store bundles and sales that may include bonus coins or dollar discounts on bundles. This allows savvy players to strategically boost their coin counts.

What To Spend 950 Apex Coins On

Now let‘s discuss what types of in-game items and content 950 Apex coins can buy you:

Battle Pass

The #1 purchase I recommend with 950 Apex coins is the Battle Pass for 950 coins. Each season‘s pass unlocks access to over 100 exclusive cosmetic rewards by playing matches and completing daily/weekly challenges.

Here‘s a comparison of what‘s included with the 950 coin basic pass vs. the 2,800 coin Bundle:

FeatureBasic PassBundle Pass
Battle Pass Tier Unlocks1-1101-25
Epic Legendary SkinsYesYes
Crafting Metals1,2002,400
Weapon Charms512
Music Packs25
Loading Screens410
Apex Packs530
XP/Star Boosts010% Friends Boost + 25% Battle Pass Boost

As you can see, the pricier Bundle instantly advanced 25 tiers while packing higher bonuses. But the base pass still holds solid value.

Player investment backs this up: Over 25 million users completed Season 11 Battle Passes with over 2 billion hours played during the season.

Clearly, passes drive engagement while offering tons of cosmetics for a low one-time purchase cost!

Other Purchases

While I firmly believe the Battle Pass optimizes 950 coin spending, you do have options:

  • Shop skin/cosmetic bundles
  • 5 to 10 Apex Packs (loot boxes)
  • Select character/weapon skins
  • Emotes, intros, and other common tier items

However, these provide less overall content than the Pass, so choose carefully!

Maximizing Your 950 Apex Coin Investment

Hopefully I‘ve given you a detailed look at what 950 coins can buy. Let me leave you with some final tips as an experienced player on getting the most from your 950 coin purchase:

1. Buy the Current Season‘s Battle Pass

Hands down, you should be using 950 coins to unlock that season‘s Battle Pass content. The pass system is a central piece of Apex Legends‘ gameplay and provides long-lasting value not found elsewhere.

2. Complete Daily/Weekly Challenges

Once you have the Pass, make sure to complete challenges tied to it. This will allow you to unlock up to 110 reward tiers by the end of the season.

3. Consider One-Time Bundles

I know the Battle Pass is tempting, but if you see a skin or bundle you love in the rotating shop, 950 coins could be your chance to grab it before it disappears!

4. Save Your Materials

With crafting metals and Apex Packs from the Pass, be smart on what items you use materials to craft. Save them for your main or rare items only.

Let me know down in the comments if this guide on what 950 coins can buy has helped! I‘m here to provide anything else you need to know as a dedicated Apex player. Now get out there, enjoy those skins, and I‘ll see you in the Arena!

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