The RPG-30 – An Anti-Tank Superstar With a $3000+ Price Tag

As expected from modern Russian military hardware, the RPG-30 anti-tank grenade launcher packs a vicious punch against armored threats. But how much does this shoulder-fired tank destroyer actually cost? Let‘s break it down.

The Base Price – $3000 And Rising

As standard when first issued, an RPG-30 launcher costs around $3,000 depending on the source. One military export guide from 2007 listed them at $2,800 [1]. Ukraine‘s Defence Express states the current figure is over $3,000 [2].

And these base prices continue to rise over time…

But Grenades Cost Extra!

That starter price is just for the reusable launcher/disposable sight module combo itself. Each PG-30V 105mm anti-tank round will run another $500 in today‘s market [3].

So a full combat loadout with 10 grenades means $8,000 total for maximum armor destruction!

And if we look over the last 18 months:

ItemMarch 2022 PriceCurrent Price
RPG launcher$900$2,000
RPG grenade$100$500

No wonder RPG fans are feeling the pinch! Some regret not stocking up during the old pricing days.

…As Do Maintenance and Operation

Once you‘ve handled the upfront purchase, running costs continue:

  • $300+ to fire a single RPG shot at the range [4]
  • Over $1000 for a launcher reload (3 rounds) in gaming [5]

And that‘s not factoring occasional cleaning, repairs, sight recalibration and crew training.

So while the RPG-30 itself seems "cheap" next to a $100,000+ US Javelin missile, the long-term expense is still substantial for less wealthy forces.

Big Booms Come At Big Costs

Now you might ask – why so pricey? Well, the RPG-30 does bring some spectacular capabilities to the table:

  • 105mm tandem warhead to defeat explosive reactive armor (ERA)
  • Can penetrate over 650mm of steel armor [2]
    • Upgraded RPG-29 manages around 600mm
    • RPG-7 sits between 300-500mm
  • Effective against all armored vehicles plus fortifications and infrastructure
    • 2 meters of brickwork
    • 1.5 meters reinforced concrete
    • 3.7 meters earth
  • Enhanced accuracy and standoff range
    • Integrated telescopic sight
    • Pre-set lead calculation
  • Lethal up to 500m firing range (900m max) [6]

Very impressive stats from a simple shoulder-mounted piece! Those obese warheads and rocket motors don‘t come cheap.

Legal Landmines – Purchase, Ownership and Use

Unlike video game launchers with unlimited ammo, several regulations apply:

  • Functioning RPGs require federal permits/registration in the US as NFA firearms [7]
  • Fully-automatic weapons are outlawed for American civilians
  • Decommissioned RPGs can be owned without explosives/propellant
  • Most buyers look overseas on the grey market
  • If imported, expect hefty permits, checks and fees

So legal ownership is extremely rare. Of course, militaries and non-state actors overseas wield RPGs freely.

And the Ukrainian military continues capturing RPG-30 units employed by Russian forces. Soon they may outgun the Russians with their own weapons!

The Ferocious RPG-7 Still Dominates Battlefields

Interestingly, the older RPG-7 still sees around 10-15 times more active use despite the RPG-30‘s fearsome stats [8].

Why so?

Well the RPG-7 entered service back in 1961, allowing 60+ years of continuous production and proliferation. With over 9 million units manufactured, it arms countless guerilla and militia groups worldwide [9].

And while less sophisticated, the RPG-7‘s legendary ruggedness, simplicity and adequate performance keep it competitive even against modern beasts like the Abrams. Upgrades like the PG-7VR tandem round also help counter explosive reactive armor (ERA).

So while the RPG-30 represents the pinnacle of shoulder-fired RPG tech, it simply cannot match the RPG-7‘s widespread availability and compatibility. We expect the venerable RPG-7 to never truly fade from frontline use, whereas the RPG-30 will likely see limited deployments in Russian and Central Asian armies only.

Advanced Tech Still Falls Short…For Now

Newer kit like the RPG-30 theoretically enables great power parity against modern mechanized forces. I certainly dread hearing its distinct launch blast if ambushed in my hypothetical Abrams!

However, several factors curb the RPG-30‘s real combat impact:

  • Western tanks like the M1 Abrams and Leopard 2 now sport impenetrable front turret and hull armor to RPGs
  • Advanced explosive reactive armor (ERA) defeats most warheads
  • Smoke launchers and active protection systems can decoy incoming projectiles
  • Laser warning systems automatically detect optical/IR targeting
  • And long-range HEAT and tandem HEAT rounds from larger cannon or missiles generally destroy armor more reliably

So while devastating against older, more lightly protected armor, the RPG struggles versus late generation tanks and IFVs. This drives the expansion of more advanced missile-based anti-tank weapons like Russia‘s Kornet among leading militaries.

We‘ll have to see if the next generation RPG-32 enters service soon mounting heavier 152mm thermobaric warheads…

The Jury‘s Out – 2 Different Schools of Thought

Expert opinion remains split on the RPG-30‘s longer term impact:

The pessimistic viewpoint sees it as "just another incremental RPG upgrade, doomed to low deployment by expensive missiles".

However, optimists counter it provides vastly enhanced capabilities to baseline guerilla forces for relatively little cost. The reusable launcher and simple sights mean fighters no longer need disposable launchers and constant resupply.

Its tandem warhead also buys useful time against modern tanks until even heavier missiles proliferate down to militia level.

Only time will tell who‘s right! But for now, the RPG-30 occupies a curious middle ground between mass adoption and obsolescence…

So in closing, while devastating against armor, maintaining and feeding an RPG-30 still runs around $8,000+…with prices inflating daily! But it packs capabilities far beyond older weapons against upgraded threats, carving out an interesting modern niche at low deployment so far.


[1] Yefimov, Nikolai. "RPG-30 light anti-tank grenade launcher (LAW)" Military Export Guide, 2007
[2] Defence Express."How Effective Against Tanks is the "Newest" Russian RPG-30", 2022
[3] Csmonitor. "RPG prices double in Ukraine’s arms bazaars as war rolls on", 2022
[4] Traveldudes. “Shooting Guns in Cambodia”, 2014
[5] Criminality Fandom “RPG”, 2022
[6] Military. “Army RPG: Powerful Weapon", 2003
[7] NPR. “Strict Gun Laws in Chicago Can‘t Stem Fatal Shots", 2012
[8] Wired."RPG-29", 2016
[9] Encyclopedia Britannica."Rocket-propelled grenade", 1998

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