How Much Does An Epic Mount Cost in WotLK Classic?

As an avid WoW player and gaming industry expert, I‘m often asked — just how much gold does it take to ride in style on an epic mount in Wrath of the Lich King Classic? In this detailed guide, I‘ll break down ALL the costs so you know exactly what to save up as you quest for one of these must-have max-level upgrades.

Total Epic Mount Cost in WotLK Classic

Let‘s start with the bottom line — how much will you need for an epic mount?

Buckle up those coin purses, folks. The total cost rings in at a hefty 300-350 gold depending on your faction and specific mount choice.

Here‘s a cost breakdown:

  • Expert Riding Skill Training: 250 gold
  • Epic Mount Purchase Itself: 50-100 gold
  • Total for Epic Mount: 300-350 gold

It‘s no small sum, especially with no daily quests to help you farm. But one ride on an epic mount makes it all worthwhile!

Detailed Epic Mount Cost Analysis

Now, let‘s dig deeper…

Expert Riding Skill Prerequisites

The first thing you need for any level 60+ epic mount is the Expert Riding training. This will set your coin pouch back 250 gold at a Riding Trainer in any major city.

Expert riding allows mounts to reach an epic 100% speed increase (more on mount speeds later). You absolutely cannot skip this step!

Epic Mount Purchase

Next comes choosing your noble steed and paying its epic price!

Epic mount costs vary slightly based on whether you play Alliance or Horde:

Alliance Epic Mount Costs

  • Swift White Steed: 50 gold
  • Swift Palomino: 100 gold
  • Swift Brown Steed: 100 gold

Horde Epic Mount Costs

  • Horn of the Swift Brown Wolf: 75 gold
  • Horn of the Swift Timber Wolf: 100 gold
  • Horn of the Swift Gray Wolf: 100 gold

As you can see, epic mounts range from 50-100 gold depending on type and faction. Combined with the Expert Riding skill, you‘re looking at 300-350 gold all told.

Let‘s compare that to lower level mounts…

Epic Mount vs Other Mount Cost Comparison

Epic mounts represent the highest mount tier in WotLK Classic, but lower tiers have their own costs:

Mount TierLevel/Riding RequirementsTotal Cost
Apprentice (60% speed)Level 20+ / Apprentice Riding90 gold
Journeyman (100% speed)Level 40+ / Journeyman Riding60 gold
Expert (epic 100% speed)Level 60+ / Expert Riding300-350 gold

As you can see, epic mounts demand a premium price for their best-in-game speed. But they leave all other mounts in the dust!

Why Upgrade to an Epic Mount?

Now that you see the costs, you may ask — why bother with these expensive epic mounts?

I‘m here to tell you, my friends, the price is oh so worth it! Here are just a few epic perks:

1. Crucial End-Game Speed

Epic mounts don‘t just go "a bit faster." Their 100% speed increase (compared to 60% at lower tiers) is practically a whole new level of movement!

You‘ll blaze through questing zones, escape deadly threats, and generally get places twice as fast. That mobility is crucial at max level when enemies hit harder and the stakes get higher.

Every second counts, and epic mounts deliver the speed you need.

2. Far More Efficient Farming

Speaking of speed, it also means you‘ll plow through farming and grinding spots faster.

Whether it‘s collecting herbs and ore or killing mobs for cloth and gold, an epic mount boosts per hour yields enormously. That efficiency generates far more gold and crafting materials over time — which can help pay back the steep costs!

3. Flex Those End-Game Muscles in Style

Lastly, epic mounts confer serious bragging rights!

Cruising around Azeroth on a Swift Palomino or blazing Horn of the Timber Wolf shows everyone you‘ve hit level 60 and upgraded your riding in serious style.

Once you‘ve conquered the earliest raids like Naxxramas, what better way to flex that prowess than astride a gorgeous epic mount?

Tips For Affording Your Epic Mount

Now that I‘ve convinced you of the epic necessity — how do you rack up 300-350 gold for this dreamy achievement?

Fear not! I‘ve gathered some handy tips from my decade riding with the WoW community:

  • Quest, quest, quest! Quest rewards and mob drops net solid gold from levels 20-60. Complete every zone if you can!
  • Flip items on the Auction House. Even common items can sell for high profits to lazy buyers.
  • Mine and herb while killing mobs. Multitasking builds wealth!
  • Prioritize gear with +Int or +Spirit. The stats boost mana regeneration for less drinking downtime.
  • Don‘t buy skills early. Wait until you can afford everything, then train new ranks.

Follow those tips while leveling, and you‘ll amass gold faster than a Kobold counting candles!

Faction and Reputation Discounts

Did you know you can also save gold on epic mounts through in-game discounts?

By gaining reputation with certain WoW factions, you can reduce epic mount costs by up to 20%!

Here are some notable discounts available:

FactionRequired Reputation RanksDiscount Percentage
Honor Hold/ThrallmarExalted10%
League of Arathor/The DefilersRevered20%

As you can see, hitting Exalted with Honor Hold, Thrallmar, Stormwind, or Orgrimmar saves you 10% off training and mounts.

But the best bargain comes from the PvP factions! At Revered with League of Arathor or The Defilers, enjoy a sweet 20% price slash.

So while the total gold for an epic mount isn‘t small, every little bit of savings helps. Grind those discounts and be 10-20% closer to your new epic mount!

Conclusion: Epic Mounts Deliver Epic Speed

After breaking down all the costs, I hope you now see the incredible value these level 60+ epic mounts offer.

Sure, 300-350 gold is no mere pittance. But once you train Expert Riding and purchase your dazzling epic mount, blazing through Azeroth at 100% bonus speed makes it all worthwhile!

Whether it‘s supercharged questing, ultra-efficient farming, or simply showing off your stuff, epic mounts will transform your gameplay.

Now get out there and start (epically) building that gold stash for your new ride! This WoW expert believes in you — happy questing and future mount-earning!

What tips do YOU have for affording epic mounts? Let me know in the comments!

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