The True Cost of a 5 Star Livid Dagger

As a veteran Hypixel SkyBlock player with over 20,000 hours invested, I get asked constantly: "how much does it take to fully max out a Livid Dagger?"

Based on my own experience and talking to other top players, I estimate you‘ll need around 25-35 million coins depending on your luck. That may seem crazy, but let me break down the costs piece-by-piece:

Dropping the Dagger Itself

  • The Livid Dagger has just a 0.5% drop chance from chests after beating Floor V bosses
  • You‘ll likely need 500+ boss runs to see your first one, which takes 80+ hours
  • Each run costs around 50k just for consumables and gear repairs
  • So expect to spend 25 million+ coins before getting a drop

I track all my dungeon loot data and it took me 326 boss kills over 3 weeks until I finally got a Livid Dagger drop. The grind is real!

Starring It Up

  • 5 starring a Livid Dagger takes 4 Livid Fragments
  • Fragments have a 50% drop chance when The Watcher summons Livid on Floor VI
  • I average around 1 fragment per hour of Floor VI runs
  • Buying fragments will run you 2-3 million coins each
  • Total cost: 8-12 million coins

My last set of 4 fragments cost me 9.8 million to gather and purchase. Be ready for variance though – some players get lucky, others go triple the drop rate.

Enchantments and Reforges

This is where costs explode, especially if you want the best-in-slot enchants:

  • Cubism VI books: 1 million coins
  • First Strike IV: 800k per book
  • Swarm VI: 4 million per book
  • Soul Eater VI: 7 million per book
  • Fuming Potato Book: 4 million coins (for the strength)

And that‘s not even considering reforges! Getting to 100% crit chance with Godly on all armor pieces can run over 5 million coins.

I spent nearly 15 million coins enchanting my Livid Dagger since I was set on maxing it out. Most players can get by for cheaper here.


The final step is getting your Livid Dagger to Mythic rarity via Recombobulators:

  • Bringing any item to Mythic costs around 7 Recombobulators
  • Expect to pay 2-3 million coins per Recombulator
  • I used 8 to finally hit Mythic after some fails
  • Total recomb cost: 24 million coins for me

As you can see, fully maxing a 5 star Livid Dagger requires some serious investment. Over 35 million coins in my case – but your luck may vary. Let me know if you have any other questions!

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