How Much Does It Cost to Replace the Screen on a Nintendo Switch? A Repair Guide for Gamers

As gamers, few things sting more than dropping your precious Switch, only to discover hairline cracks spider-webbing across the screen. Or booting up your faithful hybrid companion after months tucked away in storage, only to be greeted by splotchy black pixels clouding your display.

Trust me – I‘ve been there after accidentally knocking my Switch Lite off the arm of the couch. But don‘t despair yet! Chances are good that new screen installation can restore your Nintendo console to its former glory.

You just have to be ready and willing to shell out some coin…screen replacement for Nintendo Switch models with parts and labor averages around $100-150 depending on where you go.

Yes, you could buy a whole new Nintendo Switch for only around $50-100 more. But keep in mind that would mean:

  • Buying games all over again to get your library back
  • Losing hundreds of hours of gameplay save files
  • Having to scrape together higher upfront costs

Read on for a complete breakdown of what to expect cost-wise getting your Nintendo Switch screen repaired or replaced. I‘ll also demystify the process itself so you know what you‘re getting into – whether utilizing the Nintendo manufacturer warranty, going to an authorized third-party repair shop like UBreakIFix, or even attempting do-it-yourself fixes.

Let‘s dive in!

Nintendo Switch Sales Reach 114 Million as Malfunction Reports Climb

Before tackling Switch screen repair specifics, it helps to contextualize a few key statistics:

Launch DateLifetime SalesMalfunction/Damage Rate
Mar 2017114+ million*~5%+ per year**

* As of Dec 2022 per Nintendo‘s public reporting

** As per SquareTrade‘s electronics protection plan data and various Reddit threads

So out of over 114 million Switch consoles sold thus far, upwards of 5 million per year likely need some sort of repair service – including screen replacements!

No wonder wait times at Nintendo‘s repair centers stretch 6+ weeks these days and why buying the OEM replacement parts remains challenging. Demand vastly outpaces supply chain stock.

Just know that you‘re far from alone if your Switch‘s screen cracks or pixelates beyond playability. But what exactly causes these all-too-common display failures?

Top 5 Reasons Nintendo Switch Screens Need Replacement

Though the Nintendo Switch line utilizes sturdy plastic displays instead of delicate glass casing, their screens still remain vulnerable in key ways, including:

1. Accidental Drops – Drop a phone, and likely only the glass shatters. But with the Switch‘s plastic display layer tightly fused to internal components, major falls can crack the entire screen badly.

2. Docking Mishaps – Repeated careless placement in and out of TV docks risks bending or gradually damaging the display ribbon cable inside.

3. Manufacturer Defects – Unfortunately even brand new systems right out of the box occasionally arrive DOA with dead pixels or backlight issues.

4. Joy-Con Rail Damage – The same rails that joy-cons slide and lock onto border the display. Excess wrist strap pressure gradually wears out these rails and display housing.

5. Daily Material Strain – Being a hybrid console, the Switch‘s very design subjects screens to consistent minor strain unfolding, tilting, touching, docking etc. This takes a toll over time resulting in display fracture or degradation despite no acute damage. It‘s also why Nintendo only provides a 1-year warranty.

While disappointment stems from having to replace your Switch screen, in most cases it constitutes normal wear and tear rather than product defect. Especially as the vast majority near the 5+ year mark after launch, pushing the graphical performance harder than Nintendo ever dreamed!

Cost Comparison: Do-It-Yourself vs. First-Party Nintendo Repair

Now onto the actual options for restoring visual clarity by way of screen repair/replacement! This includes analyzing comparative costs between DIY fixes versus utilizing Nintendo‘s own manufacturer repair process.

Repair ApproachPart CostTools/MiscShippingLaborTimelineRiskTotal Price*
DIY$50-100$25-50n/aDIY< 1 weekHigh$100-200
First-Party Nintendon/an/a$0-15$03-6 weeksLow$100-150**

* Estimate for Switch/Switch OLED models – Switch Lite ~$25-50 less for most categories

** When still under 1 year factory warranty – $235+ out of warranty

Delving into the defining pros and cons influencing total price:

DIY Nintendo Switch Screen Replacement


  • Faster turnaround without multi-week mail-in wait
  • Part savings sourcing third-party components
  • Pride fixing device yourself!


  • Technical expertise + special tools required
  • High likelihood of ribbon cable tear or frame damage
  • Forfeit warranty protecion on device
  • No quality or labor guarantee

First-Party Nintendo Repair


  • Seamless mail-in logistics and support
  • Qualified technicians perform all work
  • 1 year warranty on repair work
  • Salvage data off device pre-service


  • Long 3-6+ week total turnaround
  • ~$150 even WITH valid warranty
  • Returns wiped to factory settings

While Nintendo‘s repair process takes patience given the long lead times, utilizing their authorized technicians proves safest to prevent new damage during disassembly. Only pursue DIY if you know what you‘re doing!

I made that mistake…and just ended up needing to pay EVEN MORE for added parts after botching my first display swap in my Switch Lite. Not an experience I care to repeat!

Signs You Should Send Your Nintendo Switch In for Professional Screen Repair

If you‘ve made it this far, likely some form of display degradation has already surfaced prompting you to research Switch screen replacements.

But how do you know for SURE when sending to a repair tech becomes necessary?

Monitor for these telltale indicators:

Physical Screen Damage

  • Visible cracks along display and touch digitizer
  • Dead pixels expanding beyond 1-2 spots
  • Backlight bleed getting worse, not just during blacks
  • Ribbon cables visibly loose or frayed at edges

Functional Impairment

  • Graphics failing to update fully when scrolling
  • Touch input losing accuracy or not registering
  • Freezing, glitches or artifacts mid-gameplay
  • Sudden onset dead pixel clusters

Exterior Damage Signs

  • Joy-con rail cracks near display housing
  • Major dents along front bezel framing
  • Inability to properly seat Switch when docking

While I always encourage gamers to go the extra mile DIY fixing their devices when possible, screen replacements ALWAYS necessitate precision work best left to seasoned pros.

Review the above failure indicators – once one or more is clearly present, waste no time creating your free Nintendo repair ticket to kick off the official servicing process.

How Nintendo Switch Screen Repair Pricing Breaks Down

We‘ve now covered WHEN to replace your Switch display…but what exactly makes up the ~$100-150 repair charge itself?

Here‘s how quoted pricing shapes up:

  • $30-60 – OEM Display Panel Part Cost
  • $20-50 – Labor + Technician Time
  • $15-25 – Diagnostic Testing Fees
  • $10-30 – Shipping/Insurance to Repair Facility
  • $15-25 – Miscellaneous Shop Fees

As you can see, over 50% goes directly towards procuring a new screen before work even begins. And that‘s assuming only the display itself needs replacing!

If you‘ve damaged other components like cables, motherboard, or casing in the same drop/incident expect costs rising another $25-100+ potentially.

Unfortunately no legitimate shop can safely handle screen repair for much less than $75 on the low end given minimum fees assessed. Beware quotes well under this amount using generic parts and lacking warranty.

Best Practices to Avoid Needing Another Nintendo Switch Screen Replacement!

We all hate parting with our hard-earned money to mend cracked screens and dead pixels!

So how do we avoid repeat visits to the repair shop after getting replacement Switch displays?

Follow these key screen longevity practices:

Use Protective Accessories

  • Carry case for storage and transport
  • Plastic screen protector layer
  • Travel pouch for cords, games cartridges

Handle with Care

  • Drop onto hard flooring
  • Toss loose into bags
  • Leave docked longterm


  • Support both sides when moving
  • Allow proper ventilation
  • Use proper cartridge removal

Store Properly

  • On flat, stable surfaces
  • Clean, dry locations
  • Bring fully to room temp before firing up

Stay On Top of Issues

  • At first sign screen wear, document thoroughly with photos
  • Backup game saves regularly in case repairs wipe system
  • Initiate Nintendo ticket early once confident must replace

No accessory or precaution eliminates failure risk entirely – but combining comprehensive preventative steps makes a remarkable difference curtailing damage…and money drained replacing Nintendo Switch screens!

Should You Buy a New Switch or Replace the Screen?

After exploring associated costs and hassles around screen repair, you may be wondering:

At what point should I just put funds towards buying a NEW Switch console instead?

If your system suffers catastrophic failure well past warranty expiration needing multiple component repairs exceeding $200+ in total, replacement indeed proves smarter financially in most cases.

Especially if other signs of excessive wear manifest like:

  • Failing to hold battery charge under 3 hours
  • Significant processor slowdowns or memory errors
  • Physical damage beyond cosmetic nicks and scratches

Or if your usage patterns and library now better suit upgrading to a flagship Nintendo Switch OLED anyway for the:

  • 70% more vivid 7-inch OLED display
  • 2X internal storage standard
  • Enhanced stereo audio while handheld

Just remember any new system still carries a ~5% yearly failure rate itself…so invest in sufficient protection for your shiny upgraded Switch as well!

On the flip side, putting funds towards screen repair makes more sense if:

  • Issue stemmed from a one-off accident like a drop or spill
  • Other components and battery still test fine
  • You primarily play docked on TV anyways

In your specific situation, avoid reactionary decisions either way in the days immediately following failure diagnosis.

Carefully weigh personal usage needs, repair quotes in hand, warranty status and value already invested including hundreds of hours gameplay as variables in the repair vs replace decision. Consider reselling semi-broken devices to subsidize replacement purchases as well.

Bottom Line – Nintendo Switch Screen Replacements Worth the Price

Hopefully this complete guide better equips you to handle the dreaded cracked display debacle!

To recap key learnings:

  • Screen repair costs average $100-150+ with Switch Lite the most affordable
  • First-party Nintendo servicing safest despite slower turnaround
  • DIY risks device damage if technician skill lacking
  • Preventative protection hugely reduces failure rates
  • Consider new $299 OLED model if out of warranty and cost exceeds $200

While shelling out over a hundred bucks stings after already paying $199-349 for the console itself, price rarely factors when your Switch no longer displays gameplay properly, making the device unusable offline or when traveling.

Functionally then, new screen installation constitutes a "mandatory subscription fee" for continuing your Nintendo enjoyment longterm. So set repair budget expectations accordingly rather than viewing the unavoidable cost as some cruel injustice!

Now quit dragging your feet scheduling service for your cracked Switch screen! Your save files and unlockable rewards anxiously await restored, gorgeous graphical display capabilities once again 🙂

Let the gaming recommence!

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