Kiriko Does 120 Damage Per Headshot

As a Kiriko main with over 50 hours played this season, I can confirm her kunai deal 120 damage per headshot. This lethal damage potential is essential to understand to excel with Kiriko. In this guide, I‘ll break down the stats behind her headshots and how to consistently land kills.

The Key Damage Numbers

Kiriko‘s primary fire kunai have a base damage of 40. However, they gain a 3x multiplier on headshots. This means:

  • Body shot: 40 damage
  • Headshot: 120 damage

To put that in perspective, 120 is enough to kill squishier 200 HP heroes like Tracer or Zenyatta. It‘s over half the health of 250 HP characters as well.

Kiriko Headshot vs. Other Damage Heroes

How does Kiriko‘s 120 headshot damage compare to other DPS heroes?

HeroHeadshot Damage

She beats out Cassidy‘s 140 headshot and comes close to Hanzo‘s 125. However, hitscans like Ashe can deal even more burst damage.

The Impact of Headshots

Despite not matching top damage dealers, Kiriko‘s headshots are still pivotal. Landing them consistently allows Kiriko to:

  • Secure kills on low health targets
  • Charge her ultimate faster
  • Pressure enemies with lethal burst damage
  • Compensate for her lower overall DPS

Her swift kunai can pick off enemies as a finisher even when healing allies. Don‘t underestimate the power of these headshots!

What % of Shots Should Be Headshots?

According to ranked boost, optimal Kiriko play requires landing 45-55% of kunai as headshots. Any less and her DPS suffers too greatly to compete.

I track my accuracy with and aim for at least 50% headshots every match. This has helped me land in the 65th skill percentile for Kiriko players in my rank.

Tips for Landing More Headshots

Consistently hitting headshots takes practice. Here are my top tips:

  • Use drills in the practice range to target bot heads
  • Learn to snap your aim upward on each kunai throw
  • Aim high when peeking corners or walls
  • Take off angles above enemies as you climb to find headshot angles
  • Prioritize discording then sniping low health targets

With the right positioning, timing, and aim practice – hitting 120 damage headshots can become second nature. It truly takes Kiriko‘s impact to the next level.

Maximizing Kiriko‘s Lethal Damage

Understanding Kiriko‘s 120 headshot damage is just the first step. Make sure to also:

  • Use Suzu to mark vulnerable targets like Ana or Zen
  • Combo with allies to finish discorded enemies
  • Clean up assists with Kunai instead of melee attacks

Getting the most out of Kiriko takes coordination. But the payoff of securing frequent eliminations despite being a support hero is so rewarding.

The Key Takeaway

Kiriko‘s 120 damage headshots, while hard to hit, are essential to playing her effectively. Aim to land 45-55% of kunai as headshots. Combine with discord and focus fire from allies to maximize impact.

Mastering these lethal precision shots is what separates great Kiriko players from average ones. It‘s worth investing the time to drill your flick shots! Now get out there, climb some walls, and land Those headshots!

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