How Much Does Verizon Charge for International Calls in 2024? Your Essential Guide

Imagine your best friend just got an exciting job offer overseas. Of course, you want to keep chatting over the phone and texting like always. But how much is that going to cost with your Verizon plan when she moves abroad?

As one of the major wireless carriers, Verizon provides various options for international calling and messaging. However, charges can vary widely depending on which country you are contacting.

This comprehensive guide breaks down everything you need to know about Verizon‘s international call and text rates, from specific destination charges to recommendations on international calling packages.

Average International Calling Rates

According to the FCC, the average per minute charge for international mobile calls from the US ranges from $0.50 to $2.00 depending on region.

Specific charges from Verizon can be seen for most countries on their website. But in general, per minute rates typically span from $0.99 to $2.99 when calling abroad on their network.

Let‘s analyze a call to the UK for example:

Call TypeCost Per Minute

So calling your friend‘s new London flat would be $0.99 per minute. But calling their UK mobile number charges extra at $2.49 per minute.

Sending/Receiving International Texts

Texting internationally also racks up fees fast if you go over the usual unlimited domestic text allowance.

Text TypeVerizon Fee
Sent$0.50 per message
Received$0.05 per message

On many international trips, texting is the most affordable way to communicate back home. But at $0.50 per sent text, costs add up fast if you are a frequent texter.

Zero Charges for International Calls Received

The good news is inbound calls from international numbers to the US are included at no charge from Verizon. Whether someone is contacting your device via landline or mobile, you will not incur extra call fees for receiving international calls while traveling or when contacts reach out from overseas on your Verizon number.

According to Verizon community forms, no fees apply for inbound international calls as long as you have coverage in your location. This can help reduce overall costs if most of your contacts are the ones placing calls to you internationally.

International FaceTime Calls Are Always Free

Another way to circumvent international call rates is using FaceTime for video calls overseas. According to The Verge, Verizon allows international FaceTime calls over cellular at no extra cost, regardless of your plan.

So when traveling abroad or connecting with contacts overseas, consider having them FaceTime call you from their iPhone to avoid voice call charges. Video quality may vary depending on data speeds though.

Placing International Calls with Verizon

To dial an outbound international call using your Verizon number overseas or from the US, follow these standard steps:

If the country uses 10-digit phone numbers:

  • Dial full 10-digit number
  • Press call

For countries without 10-digit numbers:

  • Dial 011
  • Enter country code
  • Input full phone number
  • Press call

Check Verizon‘s website for specifics on a country‘s required dialing format before placing calls to avoid errors.

Choosing the Best Verizon International Calling Plan

While individual call and text charges can pile up quickly, Verizon does offer International Calling Plans to help manage costs. Here is an overview with pros and cons of the main package options in 2024:

Global Calling

  • $5 monthly fee
  • Discounted call rates to over 220 destinations
  • Unlimited talk to Mexico & Canada included
  • Cheapest monthly plan


  • Low monthly fee
  • Broad discounted call rates


  • Still pay per minute rates
  • No unlimited talk options

Global Calling Plus

  • $15 monthly fee
  • Unlimited talk to landlines in 70+ countries
  • Unlimited mobiles calls in 30+ countries


  • Unlimited talk to major countries
  • Flat monthly fee


  • More expensive monthly charge
  • Only landlines for some countries

Global Calling Choice

  • $10 monthly fee
  • 180 minute monthly allowance for calls to one country


  • Cheaper than Plus plan
  • Select one call country


  • Still pay overage rates
  • Minutes don‘t roll over

Based on your international calling and budget needs, one of these add-ons from Verizon can help reduce mobile charges abroad. The plans renew monthly until canceled as well.

Final Thoughts

Hopefully this guide gave you a detailed breakdown of how Verizon handles international calling and texting fees. While individual rates can vary substantially, using FaceTime, being aware of pay per use charges, and considering an international calling package can help minimize excessive roaming or overage fees.

Safe travels and happy connecting with your loved ones overseas! Verizon makes it feasible and affordable if you have the right plan.

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