How Much Healing Does Zenyatta‘s Orb Provide?

Hey friends! To kick things off, let‘s tackle the core question head on: Zenyatta‘s Orb of Harmony heals allies for 30 health per second. This might not seem like much, but combined with another main healer, it enables some clutch saves!

The Power Behind Zen‘s Restorative Orb

Now, 30 HP/sec might be considered on the lower end for a support ability. But the true power of Zenyatta‘s Orb of Harmony is its versatility and consistency. As a Zen main myself, I routinely use it to:

  • Top up our Rein or Monkey as they initiate fights
  • Enable flankers like Genji to stay healthy behind enemy lines
  • Passively heal chip damage during sieges/poke phases

Unlike burst healing abilities with cooldowns, harmony orb provides permanent uptime. This means I can set-and-forget it on a Pharah raining justice or a Reaper getting up close and personal. They‘ll gracefully waltz through combat regening health without a care in the world!

And when paired with a main healer like Mercy or Moira, we can stack heal for some nutty recovery. For example, harmony orb with Mercy‘s beam results in 85 healing per second on a single target! Your tank will be an unkillable monster (sorry DF mains…).

My Personal Favorite: Enabling Flankers

As an orb-tossing robot, one of my favorite orb targets is hypermobile flankers. Heroes like Genji and Tracer rely on their extreme speed to secure kills. But they often take incidental poke damage zipping through the battlefield. My Orb allows them to passively regenerate health while hunting for picks.

This small boost alleviates the pressure of finding health packs, keeping them in the fight longer. I‘ve seen Genjis secure crucial triple-kills thanks to my harmony orb! One even friended me after a competitive match to thank me for the "next-level heals." So remember, as a flank Zenyatta yourself, prioritize tossing orbs to your allies causing the most disruption.

Quantifying The Healing Output

Alright, enough anecdotes – let‘s crunch some numbers! Assuming consistent LoS, we can calculate Zenyatta‘s potential healing output:

Orb DurationHealing Done
10 seconds300 health
30 seconds900 health
60 seconds1,800 health

So after a full minute, I can restore 1,800 health to an ally by simply targeting them and maintaining vision. This starts rivaling the output of main healers! And again, it‘s all passive, freeing me up to continue dishing damage orbs.

Let me know down below if these insights help explain Zenyatta‘s restorative orb. In my next guide I‘ll break down the power behind his damage amplification orb! Until then, see you on the objective friends 😊🌟

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