How Much Dragon Bone to Make Armor in Skyrim and Minecraft

To craft a complete dragon armor set in Skyrim, you‘ll need 6 dragon bones and 12 dragon scales. For the top-tier Dragonplate set, 5 bones and 12 scales are required. In Minecraft, collecting 240 Strong Dragon Fragments from mob drops allows assembling a full set of Strong Dragon Armor.

But there‘s much more to discuss regarding dragon bone crafting requirements, the differences between armor sets, and how to collect those precious materials. As a passionate gamer, I‘ll cover all the key details in this extensive guide!

Dragon Armor Sets in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

Skyrim features several tiers of dragon armor craftable once you unlock the appropriate Smithing perks. Here‘s a comparison:

Dragonscale Light Armor

  • Crafting materials: 1 dragon scale per piece
  • Total for set: 12 scales
  • Smithing level required: 100
  • Armor rating: 138
  • Weights just 20 points

Dragonplate Heavy Armor

  • Crafting materials: 5 dragon bones + 12 dragon scales
  • Smithing level required: 100
  • Armor rating: 136
  • Weights 79 points

Daedric Heavy Armor

  • Crafting materials: Daedra hearts, ebony ingots, leather strips
  • Smithing level required: 90
  • Armor rating: 144
  • Weights 96 points

I‘d argue Dragonplate is the best dragon armor in Skyrim due to its extremely high armor rating relative to its lighter weight compared to Daedric suits. And it looks badass!

Both Dragonplate and Daedric do require maxing out Smithing though. So prioritize those Smithing skill tree perks.

Where To Get Dragon Bones & Scales

Loot them off the corpses of slain dragons! But some tips:

  • Ancient and revered dragons more likely to drop bones/scales
  • Use Dragonrend shout to force flying dragons to land
  • After initial loot, wait 3 in-game days for corpse to reset
  • Labyrinthian location has high dragon spawns

You can also buy dragon materials from general goods merchants. Save first so you can reload if stocks are limited.

Improving Dragon Armors in Skyrim

Using a grindstone, dragonscale and dragonplate armors can be enhanced even further through smithing:

  • Requires 1 extra dragon bone/scale per improved piece
  • Can improve twice per item with extra materials
  • Also boost armor by smithing level when improving

So temper your crafted dragon armor sets to boost their ratings!

Dragon Armor in Minecraft & Hypixel Skyblock

Now let‘s examine the dragon armor crafting requirements in Minecraft. Specifcally, we‘ll detail the procedurally-generated RPG experience called Hypixel Skyblock:

Strong Dragon Armor

  • Crafting materials: 240 Strong Dragon Fragments
  • Requires Combat Skill Level 18
  • Defense: +218
  • Strength: +225
  • Full set bonus: +15❤️ Health

Superior Dragon Armor

  • Crafting materials: 480 Strong Dragon Fragments
  • Requires Combat Skill Level 24
  • Defense: +302
  • Strength: +100
  • Full set bonus: +10❤️ Health, immunity to Wither effect

As you can see, Superior has vastly better base stats compared to Strong. The substantial investment required pays dividends in the late game.

Acquiring Dragon Fragments in Minecraft

Dragon Fragments must be collected as drops from dragons defeated in The End dimension.

Some tips:

  • Target Ender Dragons first, best fragment sources
  • Build efficient mob farms in The End for faster farming
  • Fragments can also be purchased from the Bazaar

If buying all fragments instead of grinding for drops, a full set of Strong Dragon will cost about 3.2 million coins. Quite an investment!

Superior Dragon is approximately 7 times more expensive, ringing in around 22 million coins bought outright.

Is Superior Dragon Armor Worth It?

The highest base stats and incredibly useful Wither immunity make Superior Dragon absolutely worth the steep prices in late game scenarios.

But Strong Dragon is still a solid mid-tier armor that may suit more casual players better.

I recommend upgrading to Superior once you have extensive mob drop farms set up for a steady dragon fragment income. Because the combat level requirements would take ages to grind out otherwise!

Conclusion – Crafting Your Dragonbone Armors

And there you have it – everything you need to know about acquiring and crafting dragon bone armor sets in Skyrim and Hypixel Skyblock Minecraft!

To recap the core dragon bone crafting requirements:

  • Skyrim: 6 dragon bones + 12 scales for a full set
  • Minecraft: 240 Strong Dragon Fragments

Hope this guide serves you well on your quests to deck yourself out with the might of dragon-forged armors. Let me know if you have any other crafting-related questions!

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