How Much is 1 Stage in Pokémon?

First and foremost – when a Pokémon‘s stat is boosted by 1 stage in battle, that stat gets a 50% (1.5x) increase. So a Mightyena with 120 base Attack would jump to 180 Attack after just one stage increase. This can make a dramatic difference in damage and battling capabilities.

As an avid Pokémon gamer, I want to fully break down stat stages – along with evolution stages in the trading card game (TCG)…

Defining Stat Stages in Pokémon Battles

Stat stages are integral to competitive play and influencing match outcomes in video game battles. Here are the key characteristics as outlined extensively by Serebii and Smogon:

  • The default stat stage is 0, with potential ranges from -6 to +6
  • Each +1 increment leads to a 50% increase in that stat
  • Every -1 drop causes a 33% decrease to the stat
  • The maximum boost (+6) quadruples a stat value (4x)

To demonstrate, let‘s take a Groudon with 150 base Attack:

Attack StageStat MultiplierNew Attack Stat
0 (Base)1x150

As the table shows, a few stat boosts takes Groudon from formidable to an absolute powerhouse attacker. And stat drops severely limit damage potential.

Maximizing and Minimizing Stats

Even at level 100, competitive players utilize stat stages to fine tune Pokémon. The established rules according to Smogon U:

  • The maximum EV (base stat) value is 65,535 in each category
  • Vitamins add 2,560 EVs to a stat
  • But Vitamins cannot boost a stat above 25,600 EVs
  • So stages maximize or minimize base stats dramatically

In essence – even flawless IVs and EVs benefit from potentially quadrupling a key stat like Speed or Attack. Or, players can neuter opposing threats by tanking their offenses.

Evolution Card Stages in Pokémon TCG

The Pokémon TCG utilizes evolution stages heavily in play. Let‘s clarify some key differences from video games:

  • Basic – Playable immediately, does not evolve from others
  • Stage 1 – Requires evolution from Basic card
  • Stage 2 – Highest evolution, requires Stage 1 prerequisite

So Pikachu as a stand-alone is Basic. Raichu as evolution of Pikachu becomes Stage 1. And only Stage 1 Raichu allows playing the hypothetical Stage 2 Raichu card.

Without enough lower stages, higher evolutions risk being stuck in the deck. As expert Wes McKinney recommends on Pojo:

Use a 4/3 line for evolution families. That means 4 Basics and 3 of its Stage 1.

So in a deck with Octillery, run 4 Remoraid and 3 Octillery cards. This ensures Octillery has enough Remoraid to advance from while minimizing unusable excess.

Stage 1 cards also translate to immediate power spikes similar to video game evolution stages. A Stage 2 card can be considerably stronger due to prerequisite play steps.

For casual players, sticking to Basic cards avoids evolution hassles. Competitive decks almost always run optimized stage-based families for gaining advantages.

In summary, stat boosting stages and evolution stages share the goal of unlocking Pokémon potential. Mastering both game and TCG systems provides a major edge against opponents!

Any questions on finer details? As a Pokémon gaming specialist, I‘m happy to offer my insights!

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