How much is 10 Pokeballs

The Short Answer: 2,000 Pokedollars

To directly answer the question at hand – 10 standard Poké Balls will cost you 2,000 Pokedollars total in the Pokémon games, at 200 apiece. For $11.60 USD based on current conversion rates, you‘ll get 10 Poké Balls plus one Premier Ball bonus. Now let‘s dig deeper into everything that simple 2,000 Pokedollar transaction really entails!

What Are Poké Balls?

For those unfamiliar, Poké Balls are spherical capture devices used by Pokémon Trainers to catch wild Pokémon, store captured Pokémon, and deploy Pokémon in battle. They‘ve appeared in every core Pokémon video game since 1996 and are arguably the most iconic item in the entire franchise.

Without Poké Balls, you simply wouldn‘t be able to catch or battle with Pokémon! So they‘re an absolutely essential element that drive the core gameplay.

The Original Poké Ball Stats

In the first generation Pokémon games (Red, Blue and Yellow), the standard red-and-white Poké Ball had a 1x catch rate modifier – meaning it provided no bonus or penalty. It gave you, at best, about a 30% chance of successfully capturing a wild Pokémon.

As the games expanded into sequels, remakes and new generations, many specialty Poké Ball variants have been introduced with different bonuses. But the standard Poké Ball remains the most common and accessible variety for most players early on.

How Much Do Poké Balls Cost?

So how is that humble, standard Poké Ball priced in the games?

Poké Ball Pricing History

Here is how prices have evolved across the mainline Pokémon generations:

GenerationPrice (Pokedollars)USD Equivalent
I (Red/Blue/Yellow)200$1.16
II (Gold/Silver/Crystal)200$1.16
III (Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald)200$1.16
IV (Diamond/Pearl/Platinum)200$1.16
V (Black/White/Black 2/White 2)200$1.16
VI (X/Y/Omega Ruby/Alpha Sapphire)200$1.16
VII (Sun/Moon/Ultra Sun/Ultra Moon)200$1.16
VIII (Sword/Shield)200$1.16

As we can see, the standard Poké Ball has maintained a steady price of 200 Pokedollars per unit throughout the generations!

Adjusting for inflation, 200 Pokedollars translated to about $1.16 USD in 1996 during the era of the original Red and Blue games. And thanks to Pokedollar inflation failing to keep pace with real world currency changes over the last 26+ years, today that same 200 Pokedollar price tag equals closer to $0.58. So arguably, Poké Balls are actually getting more affordable over time!

Cost for 10 Poké Balls

So how much would 10 standard Poké Balls run you?

Simply 10 x 200 = 2,000 Pokedollars.

Converting that to US dollars based on current exchange rates, 2,000 Py equals about $11.60.

So for just over $10 USD, you could stock up on 10 Poké Balls. Pretty reasonable!

Bulk Purchase Bonuses

Now here‘s a pro tip – when buying items in bulk during your Pokémon adventures, you‘ll often receive additional bonuses or discounts for purchasing a certain quantity.

For example, if you spend 2,000 Pokedollars on 10 standard Poké Balls in one transaction, the Poké Mart clerk will throw in one Premier Ball for free.

Premier Balls have the same 1x catch rate as regular Poké Balls. But they feature a stylish design to commemorate special events or occasions. It‘s basically the shop giving you a shiny 11th ball as their way of saying thanks for buying in bulk!

So with your purchase of 10 Poké Balls, you‘re really walking away with:

  • 10 Poké Balls
  • 1 Premier Ball

That‘s a solid haul for just 2,000 Py or $11.60 USD.

As a savvy Pokémon trainer, you should always keep an eye out for deals like this that allow you to maximize the value from every purchase for your journey.

What About Great Balls and Ultra Balls?

As you progress further in your Pokémon quests, Great Balls and Ultra Balls will also become available for purchase. Here‘s a quick comparison of their key stats:

Poké Ball TypePriceCatch Rate Bonus
Poké Ball200 Pokedollars1x (None)
Great Ball600 Pokedollars1.5x
Ultra Ball800 Pokedollars2x

As you can see, Great Balls provide a 1.5x catch rate bonus for 3x the cost, while Ultra Balls take it a step further with a 2x catch rate bonus at 4x the standard Poké Ball‘s cost.

So more advanced trainers will want to use these superior balls for attempting captures of higher level or rarer Pokémon. But Poké Balls still have an important role to play early on when funds are tight.

Just How Rare Are Poké Balls?

Poké Balls may seem commonplace, being available for such a modest 200 Pokedollars at any Poké Mart. But interestingly, in the context of the Pokémon world lore, Poké Balls used to be exceptionally rare items before mass production increased their availability.

According to early manga and other canon sources, Poké Balls were intricate devices painstakingly crafted one-by-one by artisans known as Poké Ball makers. Only wealthy trainers could afford more than one or two.

Modern manufacturing methods have made Poké Balls affordable and accessible for young trainers just starting out on their journeys across regions. But it‘s fascinating to consider how precious and scarce they once were in ancient times.

Some specialty balls like the Luxury Ball or Cherish Ball attempt to recapture some of that lost lore and rarity in their designs. But of course, the standard Poké Ball remains the undisputed classic icon of capturing and battling Pokémon.

How Can Players Obtain Poké Balls?

Poké Marts are the most obvious place to stock up on Poké Balls. But what are some other methods that savvy trainers use to collect those precious spherical capture devices?


Spinning the blue cube PokéStops scattered around the game world is one of the most reliable ways to consistently acquire free items. PokéStops often randomly yield regular Poké Balls as well as Great Balls and Ultra Balls once you progress further.

Gym Discs and Gifts

You can also regularly receive gift bundles containing Poké Balls from Gyms controlled by your team. And opening gifts sent from friends will replenish your supply sporadically as well.

Level Up Rewards

Leveling up your player rank will also earn you milestone item bundles with quantities of standard Poké Balls, Great Balls and Ultra Balls doled out at certain intervals.

Special Events and Quests

Limited-time events and Special Research quest lines will generously reward bundles of regular Poké Balls for achieving certain objectives too. For example, the recent Lunar New Year event gave away over 150 Poké Balls from timed research tasks!

So while visiting Poké Marts to shop for Poké Balls is the most direct method, playing actively and leveraging all available sources can help Pokémon Trainers stay regularly stocked for their journey.

Final Tips for Savvy Poké Ball Buyers

Here are a few final professional tips for making the most of your Poké Ball purchases:

  • Always check sale prices and bulk order bonuses before buying
  • Balance Poké Ball variety across standard, Great and Ultra to optimize catch rate
  • Favor PokéStops, events and level-up rewards for free balls before paying
  • Consider upgrading backpack storage capacity if running low on space
  • Coordinate with friends to exchange gifts and Poké Ball bundles

Following this guidance, you should never find yourself totally empty-handed when a rare or valuable Pokémon appears!

The Bottom Line

While new variations continue releasing with each generation, the standard Poké Ball retains its quintessential role over 25 years later as the symbol of every Pokémon Trainer‘s hopes and dreams out on the trail seeking new companions and adventures.

So whether you‘re just starting out or are a seasoned pro, keep a healthy stock of those iconic red-and-white spheres on hand for every eventuality, near and far. Because you never know when you‘ll have the chance to catch ‘em all!

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