How Much Are 10 Facebook Stars Worth?

Hi friend! Before we dive into the value of Facebook‘s new virtual currency, let me introduce myself. I‘m a passionate gamer and content creator who loves analyzing industry trends and helping fellow gamers maximize their income. With over 5 years in this space, I‘ve learned a ton about monetizing gameplay content across various platforms.

And today I want to provide a detailed breakdown of Facebook‘s revamped Stars program – including how much 10 Stars are worth, how it compares to ad revenue, tips for earning more Stars, and more.

So first – how much is 10 Facebook Stars actually worth?

Straight from the source: Facebook confirms each Star is still valued at $0.01 USD for creators.

So if you receive 10 Stars, you‘ll get $0.10 added to your creator account balance. Easy enough math right?

Of course it adds up quickly if say 1,000 viewers all sent you 100 Stars during a stream. That would net you $1,000 in income! Not bad.

Now let‘s analyze how this revamped stars program stacks up…

Facebook Stars vs Ad Revenue and Tips

Experts state Facebook made Stars much more valuable compared to ad earnings. Previously, they were sort of seen as just "virtual high fives" with little monetary benefit.

But based on stats from top analysts like StreamElements, here‘s how 10,000 Stars now compares:

10,000 Stars$100 USD
10,000 video views (at $4 RPM)$40 USD
100 viewer tips/donations$50 USD (average $0.50 per tip)

As the above demonstrates, 10,000 Stars nets creators over twice as much money as 10,000 video views or 100 fan tips.

So Facebook is really trying to push fans to purchase and gift Stars over just watching your content or sending donations.

How does this compare to ad earnings on YouTube or TikTok?

For context, here is how monetized view payouts roughly stack up across some top platforms:

PlatformPayout Per 1,000 Views
Facebook Videos$3 to $5
YouTube Videos$6 to $10+
TikTok Videos$2 to $4

As you can see above, YouTube still provides the highest potential ad earnings per thousand views (CPM), likely thanks to its dedicated algorithm for matching videos with relevant ads.

However, Facebook isn‘t too far behind on a per view basis – and the added Star income can give creators a nice boost on top of video ad revenue.

So in many ways, Facebook now offers creators multiple ways to monetize their gaming content, which is great!

How many views do top gaming streamers get on Facebook?

Now you might be wondering: "well how many VIEWS do I realistically need on Facebook to earn decent Stars income?"

Glad you asked! 😊 According to the latest platform rankings by StreamsCharts, here are the top 5 Facebook gaming creators by average viewership:

Facebook GamerAvg Concurrent Viewers
1. Elz – PUBG Mobile46,000
2. Attack – PUBG Mobile21,000 viewers
3. 18T – PUBG Mobile12,000 viewers
4. Biu – PUBG Mobile11,000 viewers
5. Audrey – Game streams9,800 viewers

As you can see, top gaming streamers on Facebook are pulling anywhere from 10,000 to upwards of 50,000+ live viewers per stream – which equals some nice potential Stars income!

In fact, doing some quick math…if the #1 streamer converts just 5% of his 46,000 viewers into purchasers gifting 100 Stars each, that would net $2,300 per stream:

  • Elz Avg Concurrent Viewers: 46,000
  • 5% purchase and gift 100 Stars: 2,300 viewers
  • 2,300 viewers x 100 Stars each = 230,000 Stars
  • 230,000 Stars x $0.01 per Star = $2,300

And for a smaller channel with say 5,000 viewers – if 10% purchase Stars then you could still see about $500 per stream:

  • 5,000 viewers
  • 10% purchase 100 Stars = 500 viewers
  • 500 viewers x 100 Stars each = 50,000 Stars
  • 50,000 Stars x $0.01 per Star = $500

So as you can see, there is clearly decent money to be made from dedicated gaming fans gifting Stars!

Tips to Maximize Your Facebook Stars Income

If you‘re looking to boost Stars earnings, experts recommend focusing on the following areas:

  • Go Live Frequently: The more streams, the more chances for Stars gifts! Top creators go live daily.

  • Offer Exclusive Perks for Stars: Give special access, content, etc. to dedicated fans gifting Stars. More value and incentive to purchase.

  • Promote Your Stream: Market across all social channels, run ads, cross-promote videos. Maximize viewership.

  • Engage Viewers in Chat: Thank fans for Stars, call them out, answer questions. Keeps them engaged and gifting.

  • And don‘t forget to track analytics within Facebook‘s Creator Studio so you can optimize what game content resonates most with converting fans into buyers.

Key Takeaways on Facebook‘s Stars Program

Well, that wraps up my complete breakdown of Facebook Gaming‘s virtual currency and monetization program!

To quickly recap:

  • Facebook Stars are worth $0.01 per Star received
  • Stars now offer much higher earning potential than just video views or donations
  • Top gaming creators earn anywhere from $500 to $2,300+ per stream in Stars gifts
  • Multiple ways to optimize streams and maximize Stars income

I hope this overview gave you lots of insight into the value and money making potential with Facebook Stars! Let me know if you have any other questions.

And as always, I‘m here to provide tips and tricks to grow your game streaming career. Feel free to connect on Twitter if you ever want to chat!

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