It Costs About $100 for 100 Apex Packs: Here‘s What You Need to Know

As a lover of Apex Legends, I often get asked — just how many Reality Bytes (the in-game currency) is it going to cost me to get 100 Apex Packs? After crunching the numbers, I can confirm that 100 Apex Packs will set you back around $100. Let me walk you through the nitty gritty details.

The Lowdown on Apex Packs

For those unfamiliar, Apex Packs are loot boxes that award cosmetic vanity items to deck out your favorite characters and weapons. They contain 3 random items out of a pool of over 1,000 possibilities — though odds definitely aren‘t equal. Each pack might grant you:

  • Character/Weapon Skins (54% probability)
  • Intro/Kill Quips (29.8% probability)
  • Crafting Metals (12.5% probability)
  • Apex Coins (2.4% probability)
  • Other Items (1.3% probability)

The rarest loot by far is Heirloom Shards, which have less than a 1% drop rate even after opening 500 packs.

Item RarityOdds per Pack

Now let‘s analyze what it takes money-wise to pickup 100 of these prize boxes.

Getting 100 Packs: Cost Breakdown

Since individual Apex Packs run for 100 Apex Coins (the premium currency), getting 100 of them seems like it should be 10,000 Coins. However, due to how the different Coin bundle sizes are priced, that amount is harder to acquire exactly.

Here‘s a cost comparison:

  • 10,000 Coins Directly: $99.99 USD
  • Cheapest Route to 10,000:
    • 6,000 (+750) Coins x 2 = $60 USD x 2 = $120 USD

As you can see, while 100 Packs equates cleanly to 10,000 Coins in theory — the actual minimum price rounds up to 12,000 Coins for $120 once you factor in bonus Coins. That comes out to ~$1.20 per crate pulled.

How‘s that stack up against other titles? Here‘s some context:

  • Fortnite llamas: ~$1+ each
  • VALORANT weapon skins: ~$8+ each
  • CSGO containers: ~$2.50+ each

So pricewise, Apex and its peers offer comparable cosmetic content pricing.

Evaluating a 100 Pack Purchase

Now, should you actually fork out $100+ dollars for 100 Apex Packs? Well, it depends on your relationship with the game:

The Competitive Player

Since Packs only award cosmetics, they don‘t offer competitive advantage. You‘re better off pocketing your cash for a fancy GPU upgrade or gaming monitor to enhance performance.

The Social Gamer

If you mainly hang out and chat while playing Apex, Packs let you diversify your look to stand out among friends. At 2.4 cents per item gained, it can be reasonably affordable social fun.

The Completionist

Opening 100 Packs rapidly unlocks loads of skins and quips to “catch ’em all” — over 250 new cosmetics! For collectors who want it all, bulk buys can make sense.

The Predatory Concerns

I‘ll be upfront: as an advocate for healthy gaming habits, loot boxes morally concern me. The random intermittency exploits our psychology towards addiction. While Respawn‘s tactics may be more benign than some publishers, all Loot Box models still promote concerning behaviors we should scrutinize. Where we spend our money matters.

Earning Free Packs from Play Time

While less instant gratification, grinding out Apex rewards plenty of free Packs for the patient player:

  • You‘re guaranteed a pack every level, so 1-500 will yield ~450 packs
  • Events usually add challenges to earn additional packs
  • Certain game modes award packs directly
  • Battle passes often provide packs too

So spending $0 in-game can still net you hundreds of items over time by playing consistently. It just requires some willpower rather than an instant bulk buy.

Ultimately my verdict is: shelling out for 100 Apex Packs offers reasonable value compared to other titles, but I recommend players carefully consider if it aligns with their personal goals, budget, and sensibilities towards loot mechanics. There are ethical concerns around normalizing spending on randomized content with psychologically manipulative properties. But for those less worried and who just want to amass some fun cosmetics, limited bulk buys may offer suitable bang for buck!

Let me know what you think or if any questions come up in the comments down below. Game on!

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