How much is 111 crates worth in GTA Online in 2024?

As an experienced CEO crate warehouse owner in GTA Online, I can definitively state that selling a full large warehouse of 111 crates earns you a massive profit of $1,998,000 in 2024.

Understanding CEO Offices and Special Cargo

To understand crate profits, first some background on CEO offices and special cargo. Players can become CEOs and purchase executive offices in Finance and Felony. From the office computer, CEOs can source and sell “special cargo” crates through buy and sell missions. Crates are stored in warehouses and then sold for cash.

CEO crate warehouses come in small, medium and large variants. Small holds 16 crates, medium 42 crates, and large 111 crates. Larger warehouses become more efficient by consolidating trips. The best per crate profits come from filling and selling a full large warehouse solo or with associates.

Efficient Methods for Sourcing 111 Crates

Based on extensive personal experience, here is the optimal approach to sourcing 111 crates:

  • Always buy 3 crates at a time to save trips.
  • Use a Buzzard attack helicopter for fast round trip sourcing times.
  • Coordinate with CEO abilities like Buzzard backup for efficiency.
  • Carefully plan routes to evade police detection during buys.

Following this method allows one to source 111 crates in around 7 hours. It requires completing 37 separate 3 crate buy missions.

Cost to Buy 111 Crates

Buying 111 crates costs $222,000 in total. Each crate costs $2,000.

Here’s a table summarizing the entire buy process:

Total Crates111 crates
Crates per Buy3 crates
Number of Buys37 buys
Cost per Buy$18,000
Total Buy Cost$222,000

This up front investment into buying all 111 crates leads to massive back-end profits.

Full 111 Crate Warehouse Sell Mission

Once finished buying crates, it’s time to sell. A full large warehouse triggers a 3 vehicle sale mission to make deliveries across the map.

Based on extensive experience I can confirm this is fully soloable with proper coordination. The mission provides just enough time to travel and drop all 3 trucks.

Having a Buzzard or Oppressor Mk2 makes quick work of the far drop points. Stay calm under pressure and don’t damage the trucks!

$2.22 Million Payout for 111 Crates

A full 111 crate warehouse sells to Los Santos buyers for $2,220,000!

After spending $222,000 buying crates, this nets a whopping $1,998,000 profit off the full warehouse. That’s nearly $2 million profit for around 7 hours of work.

$18,000 Profit per Sourced Crate

Breaking down the profits, each crate nets $18,000 profit when sold in a large full warehouse. That makes large warehouses by far the most lucrative method. Here’s a per crate breakdown:

Buy Cost Per Crate$2,000
Sell Price Per Crate$20,000
Profit Per Crate$18,000

Compare that to selling multiple small warehouses, profiting only $8,000 per crate. Large wholesale discounts translate to big profits for CEOs.

CEO Crates are Still One of the Top GTA Businesses

Even years after Further Adventures in Finance and Felony, importing and selling special cargo remains one of the top money making methods in GTA Online. Especially for solo players, few other activities can touch the +$2 million full 111 crate warehouse sale.

The $220,000+ per hour potential beats out almost all other solo grinding. Only the Cayo Perico heist provides comparable income, but requires big up front investment into a Kosatka submarine.

For CEOs with large warehouses already, crates are my top recommendation given the low buy in cost and reliable profits. Take the time to fill those warehouses in preparation for periodic big ticket sales!

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