How Much is a Full Bunker Worth in GTA Online? An In-Depth Breakdown

As an experienced GTA Online grinder with countless hours invested across my criminal empire, I‘ve run more than my fair share of bunker sales. So when it comes to understanding the ins and outs of successfully operating your underground arms trafficking business, I like to think I know a thing or two!

In this comprehensive guide, we‘ll be digging into exactly how much GTA$ you can net from a full bunker of weapons and research. Whether you‘re looking to arm yourself as a solo seller or coordinate with a crew to move massive shipments, let’s review everything you need to know about maximizing your profits in this lucrative corner of the GTA underworld economy.

Fully Upgraded Bunker Capacity – $1,050,000 Value Potential

All bunkers in GTA Online feature baseline storage capacity in the range of 50 units of supplies/stock. However, investing in certain upgrades can increase the maximum carry volume:

  • Base Capacity: $50 units worth $350k value
  • Security Upgrade: $100 units worth $700k value
  • Staff + Equipment Upgrade: $175 units worth $1,050,000 value

As you can see, a fully upgraded bunker with the staff and equipment add-ons (costing ~$3.1 million in total) massively boosts the total stockpile value you can accumulate to $1.05 million!

But to reach that 6-figure capacity, you‘ll need to put in some long hours…or fast track with some added supply purchases.

How Fast Does Bunker Stock Build Up?

To understand exactly how long it takes to fill a bunker, we need to break down the production rates:

  • 1 unit of supplies produces 1/5 unit of stock
  • Full supply bar depletes in 2 hours 20 minutes
  • Full supply bar represents 20 units of materials

Doing some math here:

  • 20 units supplies = 4 units stock
  • Full 175 unit capacity / 4 unit rate = ~43.75 supply runs
  • 43.75 x 2 hours 20 min = ~96 hours to fill

So at maximum efficiency with a fully upgraded bunker, you‘re looking at nearly 4 straight days of processing to build up from $0 to the full $1.05 million capacity!

Here‘s a table estimating the stock value build up over different time periods:

Time OnlineSupply RunsStock Produced$ Value (upgraded)
8 hours3.514 units$98k
24 hours1040 units$280k
1 week (168 hrs)75150 units$1.05 million

Of course you can always fast track stock production with purchased supplies to speed up the process if you have extra virtual cash to burn!

What About Full Stock Bunker Sales?

Here comes the reality check if you were hoping to casually roll up and sell a packed-to-the-gills bunker solo…it probably ain‘t happening.

Based on hundreds of bunker sales completed:

  • Max stock vehicles: 4+
  • Average vehicles: 3-5
  • Sale time limit: 15 minutes

Trying to solo even 3 slow-moving Phantom Wedges or Marshall monster trucks across the entire GTA V map? I‘ve got some bad news for you – it‘s extremely unlikely.

However, there are a few exceptional scenarios where the mission rolls in your favor:

  • 6x Buzzards – Soloable with an upgraded fast helicopter
  • 3-4x Insurgents – Tough but doable if you really push it to the limits

Still, solo players should stick to smaller bunker loads of $175k value or less if aiming for reliably successful sales.

For crews moving massive loads, it‘s all about coordination. Assigning vehicles, locking down drop points, and working together as a well-oiled machine to meet the tight delivery deadlines.

Best Bunker Locations for Solo Grinding

While any bunker can turn you a solid profit, location plays a key factor when aiming for convenient solo sales.

Based on my own analysis across countless sale missions, here is my personal bunker location tier list for solo-friendly access:

S Tier

  • Chumash (#1) – Right off the highway, extremely convenient central location

A Tier

  • Farmhouse – Nearby highway access, not too far from the city
  • Grand Senora "Desert" – Decent spot with open sales paths to the east

B Tier

  • Route 68 – Sandy Shores locale can complicate ambush scenarios
  • Thomson Scrapyard – Tucked away spot often spawns longer delivery routes

The remaining bunkers come in at C tier or below primarily due to their remote locations adding driving time/difficulty for sales.

Prioritizing Chumash or Farmhouse puts you in prime position for completing those solo sales runs at maximum efficiency.

Maximizing Your Bunker Profits in GTA Online’s Chaotic Economy

Between paying daily utility charges, buying supplies, and investing in upgrades – bunkers certainly aren‘t cheap! But when fully optimized, they produce some of the most profitable passive income streams in GTA Online.

  • Sell to Los Santos – Always aim for the longest delivery range for +50% bonus payout! Local sales are quick but leave tons of cash on the table.

  • Buy Supplies – Once upgraded, it‘s more economical to buy supplies rather than steal them if grinding actively elsewhere. Calculate the opportunity cost!

  • Go AFK – Bunkers accrue stock in real time provided you remain online in a session. Park somewhere quiet while sleeping or at work!

  • Help Crews Sell – For big batched bunker sales, 4-5 capable players working cohesively can move a fortune. Split those mega profits!

GTA Online is filled with ways to earn virtual dough for your criminal escapades. But among CEO special cargo, biker businesses, and import/export garages, bunkers stand tall as premier money maker. Now that you know the inside scoop on successfully mastering your underground weapons workshop, get out there and start stacking GTA$!

Let me know if you have any other bunker questions – I could talk shop for hours. Stay dangerous!

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