How Much is the Cayo Perico Heist Payout in GTA Online?

The maximum possible solo payout is $2,345,039 on hard mode with the rare Panther statue primary target and full bags of gold secondary loot. But more typical payout ranges between $1.3 – $1.8 million for competent solo players. With a good crew, you can reliably clear $2.5 million+ per person.

As an avid GTA Online gamer with over 50 Cayo Perico completions, I‘ve tested numerous approaches to deconstruct the major factors influencing this highly profitable heist‘s payout potential.

Primary Loot Value

The primary loot value is determined randomly when you scope out the island and ranges from $950k to $2.09 million upon completion:

LootNormal Mode ValueHard Mode Value
Bearer Bonds$1.1 million$1.21 million
Ruby Necklace$1.2 million$1.32 million
Pink Diamond$1.3 million$1.43 million
Panther Statue$1.9 million$2.09 million

As you can see, the rare Panther statue nets significantly more value than other options. It has approximately a 10% random chance to appear once when gathering intel. After you grab it the first time, the odds drop drastically for subsequent heist attempts.

Secondary Loot Value

You can explore the compound during your scope-out to uncover various secondary loot stashes with potential take:

LootBag ValueBags NeededTotal Possible Value

As you can see, gold secondary loot nets almost 3 times the value of paintings when filling all bag slots. Prioritize grabbing gold first during the heist.

Note: Secondary loot values are the same on both normal and hard modes.

Difficulty Payout Bonuses

Enabling hard mode increases your overall potential take upon completion:

DifficultyPayout Bonus
NormalBase value
Hard10% more

Hard mode also adds stronger armor to enemies, increases detection rates, and reduces damage dealt to enemies – increasing the challenge.

Maximizing Your Take

Follow this checklist to optimize your per-run Cayo Perico payout:

  • Scope primary & secondary targets
  • Select hard difficulty
  • Take an optimal infiltration approach
  • Stealth kill enemies to avoid detection
  • Grab gold first then paintings
  • Complete elite challenges
  • Reset heist after completion

Elite Challenge Bonuses

Completing the elite challenges on hard difficulty nets you the maximum possible payout. They add an extra 50% bonus plus chip unlocks.

Elite ChallengeBonusRequirements
Time$250kFinish in <15 minutes
Disruption$250kKill Juggernauts
Weapon Loadout$100kSpecify Loadout
Approach Vehicle$100kOwned Kosatka Sub
Total$700kComplete All 4

With some dedicated practice, you can reliably clear $2 million+ per solo Cayo Perico finale. Now get out there and start grinding GTA Online‘s most profitable heist!

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